Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 767: Ye Chen: Who is it?

After thinking about it, Ye Chen still felt a little unreliable.

He likes women, especially beautiful women like Queen Mother and Chang'e.

But, the queen mother's temper, she always loses her temper and hurts people, no one can bear it.

After all, she is not an ordinary woman, but she is a powerful person with the pinnacle quasi-sage level, who can destroy the world with a single blow.

Although Sage Daoji had a good understanding, Ye Chen felt that his life was more precious.

Who knows one day, this queen mother will lose her temper again, and if she is genuine, then even if he is Wangye Ma, Ye Chen will have three lives, I am afraid she will not be able to hold it.

In the previous few shots, Ye Chen managed to survive by chance. The other party didn't expect that he could far exceed the level of the immortal.

But next time, if both parties are prepared, Ye Chen can't guarantee that he can withstand another blow from the Queen Mother.

"Ahem. What, Queen Mother, have we all been too arbitrary about this matter?

Discuss again? After all, this matter is not a trivial matter, it is related to the future life pattern of the two of us, and should not be sloppy. "

"Oh? According to you, I'm afraid that this queen mother will rely on you after it's done?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the queen mother's beautiful eyes suddenly condensed, and her tone became cold again.

Who is she, she is the co-master of the heavens, the ruler of the three realms, and the queen mother of the heavens.

She is extremely beautiful and graceful, even if she is not as beautiful as the overly glamorous Chang'e Fairy.

But looking at the Three Realms, there are really not many women who can be found more beautiful than her Queen Mother.

Whether it's birth status or beauty, what's the difference between her queen mother?

Right now, was so humiliated by a mortal?

It's hard to figure out, to give the other party a chance to perform, so that it is no longer so annoying.

Even if she was happy, she might be able to directly seal the other party's high official position as a Heavenly Court Great Immortal. Since then, she has cultivated Zhengguo and no longer sits in the idle fairy.

But just like that, Ye Chen was actually unwilling.

Is it really that difficult to pursue her Queen Mother?

Regarding this view, the Queen Mother felt uncertain.

She thinks she has a cold temper and is not fond of dislikes.

However, Ye Chen, who is also someone who deceived the Fairy White Crane who was sitting under him and bewitched him to do such indecent and vulgar things in the holy heavenly palace.

Now, even Fairy Chang'e, the first beauty of the Three Realms, who has never looked at any man with a straight eye, seems to feel different to Ye Chen, and is developing in the direction of Fairy Baihe. .

Would it be difficult for such a guy to pursue her?

No, the Queen Mother instantly denied her question, feeling that Ye Chen was looking at her with tinted glasses, and she never gave up.

For example, at the beginning, I asked her to come to the Yaochi Palace to serve her all the time.

However, Ye Chen's servant, within two days, ran to the Palace of Dousie to take refuge in the Taishang Laojun.

This was the case last time, and this time again.

It seems that if you don't use some extraordinary means, the other party will not succumb.

It's okay not to think about it, but when I think about it, the Queen Mother's temper inevitably rises up again.

An icy chill came out of his body again, and he did not know that he had cultivated the ruthless way for a long time, completely suppressing the emotional thoughts and completely overwhelming, which caused his temper to be cloudy and sunny.

Still speaking, its own character is born like this.

After Ye Chen felt something wrong, he immediately grinned and continued to speak.

"Haha, Queen Mother, don't be angry, because getting angry is not good for your health, and it will cause your aunt to be out of balance, all kinds of problems.

Yemou didn't mean to refuse, but the key point. I think we have to discuss it in detail.

Make it clear about the purpose of this request and to what extent it has been implemented.

After all, if it is too shallow or too much, it is not good for you and me. "

The old saying goes well, stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiley person. As soon as Ye Chen said this, the Queen Mother's face was gradually calmed down.

But he still didn't have any good expressions, and then only heard a dull echo of the reply, faintly spreading to Ye Chen's ears.

"Nothing to discuss, do you think you really like you?

Ha ha, idiot heaven dream!

Let you pursue this queen mother just for the new breakthrough in my cultivation.

The old gentleman has said that if this seat wants to break through the quasi-sage, following the original path, I am afraid that it will be difficult, plus you have devoured my best flat peach, and there is not one left..."

"Ahem, Queen Mother, we won't mention flat peaches anymore.

I also paid the price for this. The common lotus seeds are still hidden in the arms of the old man. "

"Hmph, you know it, anyway, that lotus seed is not in my hands."

The queen's mouth smiled slightly, and then she looked at Ye Chen, who was deflated at the mention of flat peaches, and continued with a weird light in her eyes.

"You can pursue it with confidence, if something happens, or you have any abnormal evil thoughts.

This queen mother will use the strongest means to prevent all accidents from happening.

As long as you can help me increase my cultivation base or advance to the next stage, in the future, in the heavenly court, or in the three courts and six realms, this seat will support you.

You Ye Chen, since then, have been my people, you must keep this in mind! "

"Ahem, how come the gods speak so directly? Why am I just like you?"

Seeing the Queen Mother's face on the opposite side wanting to try, Ye Chen scratched his head helplessly, thinking quite a bit in his heart.

However, since the Queen Mother has a measure in her heart, what is he afraid of, Ye Chen, a big man.

"Okay, don't you, Queen Mother, Yemou promised you."

Confirming what was in his mind, Ye Chen immediately responded with a voice transmission.

In the next second, he stretched out his hand towards the opposite side.

Then, the Queen Mother was also secretly happy, and she also stretched out her jade arm immediately, peeked forward, and then tightly covered Ye Chen's big hand.

Suddenly, the two of them acted inexplicably, and could not help seeing the other two fairies present at a loss.

Obviously, it was still incompatible with fire and water just now, and I was about to fight hard.

Chang'e and Yutu have said all the good things But the queen mother's face is still very unhappy.

But now, what's going on, it's strangely reconciled? It's quite sudden.

But unlike the two moon palace fairies, the old gentleman Ling beside him had a slightly wrinkled face not only without any surprise, but also with a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the queen mother who was standing firmly holding hands.

It seemed that everything that the other party thought in his heart, or that he didn't even understand, was seen through by him.

"Well, since the monster in Huaguo Mountain is divided, let's go quickly.

Speaking of it, the old way has not come from the lower realm for a long time, and I don't know what the world has developed into. "

After gently waving the dust, Taishang Laojun muttered a few words, and then flew slowly away from the mountain.

Even if he had declared himself all cultivation bases, the power of a saint was not something ordinary people could measure suspicion.

I'm afraid it's sealed or unsealed, it's the same!

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