Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 758: Queen Mother's Sao Operation


"Who speaks badly about me behind my back is really wicked. I have the ability to face it."

Ye Chen sucked his nose vigorously. After eating breakfast, Ye Chen reluctantly looked at the resentful Taishang Laojun without belching his wine.

The old sage had been pestering him before, asking him to explain the unchanging difference of the Hunyuan lotus seed.

Ye Chen, too, was very careful and detailed and framed a lot of logical and reasonable nonsense, and he was perfunctory.

By the way, I also used the incarnation of God's consciousness to go to the Dantian world to reason with the Twenty Ye Hunyuan Golden Lotus.

To put it bluntly, I convinced Hunyuan Jinlian not to be too landlord, and allocated a little power of a saint to support Hunyuan Jinlian seeds.

But, in terms of stinginess, Ye Chen dared to say that Hunyuan Jinlian was the second, and no one among the six realms would dare to call it one.

Because it is the lotus seed in the hands of the Supreme Master, and the energy provided by the saint to support, it is simply stingy.

It was just a few minutes of supply, and it stopped immediately, leaving Ye Chen to discuss with him again.

Hunyuan Jinlian is like a greedy child, resolutely going in or out.

And this also made the old gentleman who has been paying attention to Lotus Seed Taishang, his face has just improved, and he immediately became incomprehensible on the spot.

Even at the end, he turned the spear to Ye Chen again, and he stared straight at Ye Chen with a pair of old eyes that had gone through endless sangcang.

"Ye Xiaolang'er!"

"The old man here, what else do you have to say."

On the side, Lao Jun Taishang looked at Ye Chen with a sad face, and began to care about it again.

"You said, is there something wrong with this lotus seed? Why is it still growing just now, and a rhizome has grown.

But why, it was quickly retracted back, only a little insignificant appeared?

Could it be said that there is a problem with the cultivation method of the old Daoer?

Or, this lotus seed only listens to your kid, and only you can cultivate it smoothly?

Otherwise, it won't be in your hands for a short while to make this change.

You know, when it comes to cultivating this common lotus seed, the old way has started the independent time flow, and it has been fully warmed for more than a hundred years.

But there is still no response, you say, what is going on. "

The more Taishang Laojun said, his face became more and more gloomy, looking at Ye Chen's resentful eyes, as if saying that he was making a ghost.

But for this matter, Ye Chen was really wronged.

"Ahem, old gentleman, don't look at me like that.

Ye Mou was also dumbfounded and didn't know at all.

But, since you said the lotus seed is listening to you, old gentleman, or else, return the lotus seed to the kid and let me..."


You little boy, your face is really thick.

Back to you? It's not absolutely impossible, but the veteran Tussell Palace, don't you have to restore this saint to the original state?

Regardless of taking my elixir, but also getting all the old-fashioned alchemy tools out of nowhere.

You withdrew the lotus seed, what can the old way do? This sage is now, but even the elixir can't be made, huh! "

Taishang Laojun said a lot, and his eyes were full of distrust and precautions against Ye Chen.

For Laojun, common lotus seeds are of great importance, and they are of great use to him to understand the origin and causality of the new world.

Now that I got it, how can I easily send it back again.

Not to mention Ye Chen, even the queen mother who had an agreement with him wants to see the lotus seed, the old gentleman is always staring at her room.

For fear that the breath of the lotus seed will leak out of the world, which will trigger the chaos of the Six Realms in advance.

After all, such strange things as the common lotus seed, all saints in the world do not want to take it for themselves. Once it is leaked, it is afraid that the battle of the saints may happen.

By then, the victims will be common people in the six realms.

Taishang Laojun thought in his heart, and felt that he was also thinking about the common people, so he had to be very cautious with lotus seeds.

And hearing the old gentleman's refusal words, Ye Chen immediately said in a bored manner: "Then such a thing, there is no way I can do it, I can only watch the changes."

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, there was another question in the eyes of Taishang Laojun, and he wanted to say it.

But before he had time to speak, a speech with a louder volume instantly resounded in the tavern where the customers had run out.

"Ye Chen, come upstairs for this seat."

Hearing this, Ye Chen, who was also thinking about getting rid of Lao Jun's entanglement, immediately responded with an "hey", and walked slowly towards the Tian-style room on the second floor.

Just when she came to the door of the Queen Mother's house, the closed door suddenly opened.

Immediately, a strong barrier that also encompassed Ye Chen, directly wrapped it and pushed it back into the room.

Then, Ye Chen, who was out of control, was directly pushed by the enchantment force in front of the cold-faced Queen Mother.

Looking at the frosty Linglong Qiao, Ye Chen, who didn't know what he had committed again, suddenly asked helplessly.

"What's wrong, my dear Queen Mother?"

Hearing this, the queen mother's face became more and more cold in an instant, and she immediately looked at Ye Chen with her beautiful eyes.

"What do you think?

Talking, all the same as farting each other? "

The Queen Mother's words of inexplicableness made Ye Chen a little bit clouded and misty.

"Ha? Yemou, what's wrong with me, why did the Queen Mother say this?"

Really a little confused, Ye Chen, who was not in the state, asked rhetorically.

It was just that the queen mother who heard this, at this moment, on her pretty face, and not only the coldness of the frost, but also the anger that seemed to be uncontrollable, it seemed that it might be burning at any time, and appeared enthusiastically.

After that, the Queen Mother didn't say a long time, and her beautiful **** fluctuated deeply for a long time before she started talking again.

" Chen, your promise is false and cold?

Yesterday, I only agreed to the request of this seat. Why, how long has it been since you have done nothing?

This queen mother can tell you that I practice the ruthless way, and the degree of difficulty is infinite.

If you don't seize the time to take action, do you have to wait for thousands of years for this queen to be successful?

Hmph, you can afford to wait. This queen mother is unwilling to get up, and she doesn't like spending too much time on this kind of thing.

You understand? "

The Queen Mother spoke clearly and clearly, and the anger on her face became even more unpredictable as the number of years that were out of reach for mortals.

But her words also made Ye Chen heard clearly, and immediately couldn't help but give a bitter smile in his heart.

"Queen mother, queen mother, how impatient you are to rush Lao Tzu to soak you!"

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