Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 765: Lao Jun’s Gift: Chaos Fuyu

  Chapter 765 Lao Jun’s Gift: Chaos Fuyu

   However, for Lao Jun, Ye Chen still admires him from the bottom of his heart.

  After all, the other party can be said to be the originator of Taoism, and his identity is extremely respected. As for the strength, it is nothing to say.

  However, his attitude towards himself is like a friend. He has never threatened Ye Chen, but it is extraordinary.

  Compared with the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother, who is often the lord of the Three Realms, the Taishang Laojun treats people and things, but he doesn't know how wise.

   However, it may be someone’s reasons that forced the Queen Mother to mess up her body.

   "Ye Xiaolang'er, how do you treat you well."

   Suddenly, Lao Jun Taishang uttered another word, and Ye Chen suddenly heard a smile from the corner of his mouth.

   "Well, it's okay, it's interesting.

  You are the most generous among the saints I know. "

  Speaking of the saint, Ye Chen couldn't help but think of the experience of worshipping the ancestor Bodhi at the foot of Fangcun Mountain.

  Compared to those years when he couldn't wait, Taishang Laojun really didn't say anything to him.

  The elixir of the palace was absorbed and refined by him, and the old gentleman was only angry for a while, but he did not really compete.

  And Bodhi Patriarch, alas, it doesn’t matter if you don’t mention it.

  If there is no chance, it is no part. The ancestor did not owe him anything. Ye Chen had already let go of everything when he left Fangcunshan at this moment.

  As the saying goes, there is a place for the Lord to stay here. Even if Ye Chen relies on her own, she is confident to reach the top of the six realms, become a saint, and even an even more unpredictable supreme realm.

   While Ye Chen was thinking, there was also a touch of comfort on the old face of Taishang Laojun, and he walked to his side and patted him on the shoulder and said.

   "Since this is the case, the old man thought, let's treat each other sincerely in the future.

  Oh, by the way, you didn’t even say before, you have to tell the old Tao how to conceive this common lotus seed, I don’t know."


  Lao Jun's words changed immediately, and Ye Chen couldn't help but start twitching for a while.

  He just now forced the Hunyuan Golden Lotus to completely release the lotus seed's growth permit.

  According to the truth, the old man has taken a big advantage.

  But right now, what does Taishang Laojun mean? I pushed my nose to my face.

  Ginger is worthy of being old and spicy. Ye Chen really couldn't find any reason to refuse him for a moment. After all, the words in his mouth were from Ye Chen's mouth, and it was hard to get rid of it.


   couldn't help coughing several times, Ye Chen's eyes turned slightly, and his thoughts soared, and within a short while, he had already got along with a countermeasure plan.

   "Well, what, old man.

  In fact, the secret to the growth of lotus seeds is"

  In the middle of the conversation, Ye Chen suddenly played a mute, pretending to chant deeply, but didn't tell the key point.

  Lao Jun, Taishang, his face was very flat at first.

  But the more he is like this, the deeper Ye Chen’s mouth grows longer, as if it is endless, unfailing from the past to the present.

  Seeing this scene, Rao started to ask questions because of Laojun’s calm and sea-like disposition.

  "Stop buying Guanzi, Ye Xiaolang'er, there is something that can't be said directly, between you and me, do you want to cover it up like this again?

  What is this all about! "

  While speaking, he was as clever as an old gentleman, and he understood in an instant that Ye Chen's purpose was silent.

  After that, the white Hu at the corner of Taishang Laojun’s mouth immediately flew up automatically without wind, and it was drifting, which made people feel that it was very wrong.

   Then, there was a distressed color in his eye sockets, then he changed his hands and took a few digs from his arms.

   Soon, a long, long and elegant white whisker suddenly appeared in the hands of the old gentleman, and then he was handed it to Ye Chen with embarrassment.

  "Since we will get along sincerely in the future, then this good relationship is mutual.

   Take it, this is the magic weapon of the old Dao when he was young: Chaos Fuyu!

  It’s useless to me now, it's just right for you kid. "

   "Old gentleman, I didn't mean that.

  I just suddenly forgot something, and I am trying to remember it.

  I really don’t mean to ask for magic weapons like you. A misunderstanding is really a misunderstanding. "

  Ye Chen lightly smiled and waved his hand. He hasn't told the secret of the growth of common lotus seeds, but he was bargaining with the Hunyuan Golden Lotus at his dantian.

   Before the thorough growth of lotus seeds was opened, Hunyuan Golden Lotus was already very upset. Even the 20 golden lotus leaves showed a dejected look and did not want to deal with Ye Chen.

  For this reason, he was only halfway through the conversation just now, and he was deadlocked in place.

But fortunately, after Ye Chen said that he promised Hunyuan Golden Lotus, and later brought a huge amount of sage power to conceive and grow, this arrogant little Golden Lotus finally let go and swayed slightly. Accepted it.

  It’s just that, as for Ye Chen’s statement, the Taishang Laojun on the side was full of unbelief.

  It seems that he has already figured out Ye Chen's general nature, so he immediately used force, very persistently, and pushed the chaos into Ye Chen's hand.

   "Huh, since the old way has decided to give it to you, Ye Xiaolang'er don't shy away.

  Don’t hold on anymore, don’t you look down on this saint and want to slap the old-fashioned face? "

   made threats, as if Ye Chen had to accept it if he didn't accept it.

   Laojun Taishang also took the risk, and he was so generous that Ye Chen was a little embarrassed. After all, he really didn't mean that.

  He was not good enough to refuse any more. Under the repeated obstruction of the old gentleman, the seemingly ordinary "Chaotic Fuyu" finally fell into Ye Chen's hands.

And the moment when I got the long and narrow white hair, I felt a huge heaviness that passed through the sky, as if I didn't know how many tens of thousands of kilograms, it directly suppressed Ye Chen's stature, and he was about to be completely crushed to the ground by that Fuyu. .

After    sensed this strange weight, Ye Chen didn't hold it for a long time, and directly accepted Hunyuan Fuyu into the system space.

   But even for a short Ye Chen’s forehead and even his back are already sweating frantically, and the whole body feels drenched.

   "Old gentleman, then Fuyu, was you really a magic weapon when you were young?

  Why, it will be so heavy, I can't move it even if it is given to me.

   is really too heavy, so how many catties Fuyu has, and I hope the old man will tell him that the kid can barely use it when his cultivation base reaches geometry? "

Wiping the hot sweat on his forehead, Ye Chen looked humble and slumped, asking for advice. Only then did he see the dull face of the old man, and the old face casually showed a smile, I am afraid that it is not in my heart to say: good Ye Chen, You also have this time today!

   "Yes, that Fuyu is indeed a magic weapon used by the old Dao hundreds of millions of years ago.

   Ye Xiaolang'er, if you want to really stimulate Chaos Fuyu, you can't simply rely on the realm of cultivation.

  This saint’s Fuyu must be a top leader recognized by the will of the six worlds in order to be qualified to use Chaos Fuyu"

   Thank you; 妩仸大師’s rewarding support(`)Compare



  (End of this chapter)

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