Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 770: The calculations of the dragon princes

  Chapter 770 The calculations of the dragon princes

   "Who is the one who can escape Dragon Guard's inspection without knowing it, how did you do it?"

  In front of the gate of the Dragon Palace in Xihai, a team of burly Yaksha guards looked at the humans who suddenly appeared in front of them like an enemy.

  The almost perfect handsome appearance is enough to constitute a natural threat to men.

  At the moment, all the Yasha guards are admiring the ‘beauty’ of the humans in front of them in their hearts, and they are sighing at the sacredness of the other side, and they are able to make a big impact on the dragon palace.

  You must know that even in the outer waters of the Dragon Palace, there are countless shrimp soldiers and crabs patrolling and guarding, and the closer you are to the Dragon Palace, there are countless sea guards patrolling.

   Not to mention that it is exhaustive, but not everyone can directly enter the gate of the Dragon Palace.

  But right now, a man who seems to have no spiritual fluctuations suddenly appeared here, and he was still so beautiful and beautiful, as if the eternal **** had descended in the West Sea.

   "I'm looking for Dragon King Xihai, please let me know."

   "Bold, our Majesty Xihailong King, can anyone actually see it casually?

  Not long ago, there was a dragon boy who came here. Today, even the humans are here to join in the fun.

  Do you think I can enter the Xihai Dragon Palace casually?

  Boy, this general advises you not to enter the Dragon Palace without hearing one or two rumors. This is not the place where you humans should come. Go back wherever you come from. "

The burly general Yasha headed by   , uttered persuasions, and seemed to treat each other politely.

  But the other Yasha guards behind him looked at Ye Chen with cross-brows and cold eyes, as if they would be shattered by them as long as he took a step forward.

   However, Ye Chen was not in a good mood, but he did not have so much patience to explain in detail.

  At the moment, he didn't say much, and just one step forward, his person had already appeared inside the tall arch.

  In an instant, Ye Chen strode into the Dragon Palace.

  At the same time, the Yasha guards who had just reacted and watched the sudden disappearance of the people outside the door suddenly looked around one by one as if they had seen a ghost, looking around for the traces of Ye Chen.

However, when they discovered that Ye Chen had entered the Dragon Palace, the Yasha guards, looking at Ye Chen's slowly strolling figure, went farther and farther at an incredible speed, almost faster than flying by. How many times.

   "Be bold, don't stop quickly, **** it."

   Watching Ye Chen's figure flickering in a daunting manner, after a while, he had completely lost his trace.

  The entire number of Yasha guards, no less than thirteen, was also shocked and sweaty.

  In their cognition, even Taiyi Golden Immortal can't run so fast at all.

  Because within their Dragon Palace, there is a strong presence of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But even so, Ye Chen’s terrifying power showed that the Yasha guards felt that the human being they were facing was not Taiyi at all, but the Daluo Jinxian who could dominate the world, an invincible powerhouse. .

  Quick, quick, quickly notify His Royal Highness that someone has broken into the Dragon Palace. "

   After all, a Yasha guard behind General Yasha immediately took out a head-sized conch from his waist and directly raised it high and blew it with all his strength.

   Soon, a long and huge sound suddenly turned into a wave of waves like countless ocean waves, which instantly rippled across the inside and outside of the dragon palace.

  At the same time, several young dragons living in the deep palace of the Dragon Palace frowned.

   "Where is the guy who doesn't know the height of the earth, dare to trespass into the Dragon Palace."

   "Hmph, why should I be nervous, brother, wait for us to see, and we can solve it easily."

   "That's right, that group of Yasha guards are really good. They are useless at all. They can break into our Xihai Dragon Palace if they are humans or insects."

  "Isn't it? A certain bug was taken by the father and the king to be a son of a son. It is disgusting and disgusting to take our brothers and sisters in every possible way."

   "Huh, it's just a little white worm. I will take advantage of the confusion and solve it later.

  Could it be that the father would still embarrass us natural dragon heirs for a wild dragon? "

  A large group of giant dragons whispered to each other, and laughed at each other. Then, no matter how noisy the outside world was, they did not do anything.

  Even, the corners of each giant dragon’s mouth were filled with a smile that didn’t make things loud enough, and he listened triumphantly to the already noisy situation outside the deep hall.

  But after a while, the intensified noise from the outside world suddenly stopped inexplicably, as if it had never happened.

  Such a weird sight, the few dragon princes who are the dragon king's sons, at this moment can not help but show deep and doubts.

   "Huh? Is this done?

  No, it’s impossible for the group of trash Yasha guards to get rid of those who can break into the Dragon Palace.

  Is it the father who did it himself? "

  A huge, golden dragon prince, at this moment, among the huge dragon eyes, is full of doubts.

But in his cognition, his father never made a move easily. The father, who has always been scheming, would not suddenly punish a little thief who could be caught so easily. There must be a problem in this. .

  "Brother, it is better to just go out and see the situation here.

  If you find a stranger, just kill them together.

  When the time comes, the brothers will move together, fight hard, try to see the battle as long as possible.

   Then, look for opportunities from it, and in the chaos, give the wild dragon to"

   " Good idea, just do it."

   "Yes, this method is wonderful."

   "Well, I can get rid of that wild dragon without knowing it. It's great."

  All of a sudden, the other dragon princes echoed in unison. At the moment, they no longer stopped, and after turning into adults, they killed in the direction of the Dragon Palace Hall.

  There is the last place where the noisy sound disappeared. The dragon princes who had been staring at the outside world also went straight without hesitation.

  But when a group of dragon princes was planning an assassination strategy, a strange and harmonious picture appeared in the dragon palace hall at this moment.

  The strange thing is that a human man with a peerless appearance is sitting on the head of the dragon above the hall, majestic and solemn, as if he is not easy to get along with.

  Below, there stood the Yasha guards who were chasing humans aggressively just now, but their heads were drooping, not daring to look up at the superior.

  The harmonious thing is that even though the atmosphere has been cold to the extreme, there is no more battle.

  (End of this chapter)

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