Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 803: The master of the sword swing, the demon is unbeatable

All of a sudden, the situation turned around. The arrogant Wang Lingguan was waiting for a group of celestial generals. At this moment, the funny scene of kneeling down at Ye Chen's feet, you can see that the two brothers Jingxuan Jingzhen are like hell. Dare to reconsider Ye Chen.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas also looked at each other for several times. Then, every dragon king showed unstoppable confusion in his eyes, and then quickly changed into a panic expression.

They came here and wanted to conspire with Ye Chen. To Heavenly Court, it was simply an unforgivable crime, and they must not be leaked.

But now, watching the Lord of the Three Realms, Jade Emperor, the most favored celestial official Wang Lingguan, surrendered at the feet of Ye Chen, who was holding the Queen Mother's order.

This kind of disputes, no matter who it is, can hardly fail to have a different kind of suspicion about Ye Chen's true identity.

Together with this suspicion, the faces of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have become volatile, and they look like they are seriously ill, very uncomfortable, as if they had eaten a bubble.

Their dragons can no longer withstand any unfavorable twists and turns, this is a fact.

And now, Ye Chen's identity has changed so drastically, he is very likely to be a close person to the Queen Mother of Heavenly Court.

And the Queen Mother is the co-master of the Three Realms, how could her people conspire with their Dragon Clan to conspire with Heaven.

"Damn, we were all deceived."

At this moment, all the dragon king's hearts all coincided with this thought.

But more, in addition to being deceived, the Dragon Kings are thinking about how to get out of this almost mortal situation.

If the Heavenly Court strikes against them, all the plans in the millions of years between turning over their hands, it is estimated that all the plans will be destroyed in one day, but they will not be frightened.

At the scene, there was only Monkey King, floating calmly in the air, quietly watching Ye Chen proudly at the Wang Lingguan who had stopped him from entering the High Heaven Palace, without any guesses.

Before Caixia Xiangyun, Ye Chen, who quietly took back the jade card of the Yaochi, couldn't help but looked at Mo Ming's very aggrieved Wang Lingguan, and touched his chin.

"The Excalibur in your hand is a bit strange, giving people a strong sense of oppression. Can Master Lingguan tell Yu Wu who is this sword? Why did it appear in your hands? Could it be that you stole the Great Divine Sword? ?"

Three questions came out. Wang Lingguan heard a weird expression on the spot, and kept saying in his heart: Didn't this ask knowingly, how could the celebrity around the Queen Mother have no vision and the world doesn't know the origin of this sword.

But even if he knew it well, he still bowed his head honestly.

"You Daoyou Ye must not betray the old slave. How can I, Wang Lingguan, He De, be worthy of You Daoyou's voice.

The name of this sword is "The Lord of the Sword of Swordsman", which was the personal sword used by the Great Emperor Zhenwu to slash the 30,000 monsters across the six realms.

Because it has killed too many demons, it is tainted with extremely powerful evil spirits, and possesses the attributes of Tianke demons.

Nowadays, the rising posture of monsters in the Three Realms is gradually flattening out, so His Majesty the Jade Emperor, the wise and martial emperor, specially sought out from the hands of Emperor Zhenwu to protect heaven and comfort.

As long as there is any monster who wants to break into the High Heaven Palace, this Sword Sword Master will have a strange appearance. As long as he waves and displays it, no matter where he is, the Taiyi monster will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

Even if it is a strong monster at the peak level of Daluo Jinxian, the old slave holds the demon sword master, and can cut it outside the hall without disturbing the slightest purity of the Jade Emperor.

It is our thirty-six heavenly court, the strongest guardian sword, and now His Majesty the Jade Emperor specially let the old slaves take control.

This time the Lower Realm was investigating who had plundered the vitality of the world, and it was also for the sake of safety, so he came with the sword master.

But I don't know that Daoyou Ye is also there, and the flood water rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family didn't know the family anymore. "

Wang Lingguan continued to talk in cumbersome words, crackling, and finally got in touch with Ye Chen.

After that, he also raised his body slowly after that, straightened his legs and wanted to stand up.

But just now when he remembered, Ye Chen snorted out of his mouth and made Wang Lingguan, who wanted to stand up, to kneel high above the sky again, and he didn't dare to move indiscriminately.

"Master Lingguan, you are still young. Although the master of the Demon Swordsman is good, it is not something you can grasp now.

Well, how about this, you first entrust the Great Emperor Divine Sword to Ye Mou for safekeeping, and also go to kill some mortal realm big monsters to protect one of the imperial people.

When I return to the Heavenly Court, it would be nice to return it to you. "

Ye Chen unswervingly probed out his hand, and grabbed the Demon Swinging Sword Master in Wang Lingguan's hand.

And Wang Lingguan, who had lost the sword master, knelt on the ground and shouted loudly as if he had lost his soul.

"No, no, friend Daoist Ye.

The power of the Sword Sword Master is too great, even if you are not a demon, as long as you draw your sword, you will definitely be hurt by it.

In the whole world, those who can master the sword must not be above Da Luo Jing.

Ordinary golden immortals, fearing that if they resuscitated, they would perish. Fellow Daoist Ye must not do this. This sword belongs to His Majesty the Jade Emperor.

Even if you are the person next to the Queen Mother, it won't work. "

This time, Ye Chen was indeed a little overbearing. Wang Lingguan couldn't hold back for a while. Outside his body, a majestic and mighty power of the Daluo exploded. Between the heavens and the earth, there was also a sudden rush of wind and trees. shake.

However, facing the Wang Lingguan who seemed to have only been forcibly promoted to the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, only Ye Chen, who was in the pinnacle of Golden Immortal, was not affected by the powerful immortal power of Da Luo, and he just pulled out the Sword Master of Swinging Demon. , Smiled and admired it.

At the same time, the Jingjia brothers floating in the air also appeared beside Ye Chen in an instant, looking at Wang Lingguan with disdain on their immature faces.

"Go back to the heavens and tell the Jade Emperor that our eldest brother wants this Swinging Demon Sword.

If the Jade Emperor refuses, we can go to the Yaochi Palace to find the Queen Mother. Our brothers would like to see if the Jade Emperor is on the court that day, or the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother can also be the master. What good things are all **** like you. Luo holds, it is simply a violent move of heaven. "

Jingxuan Jingzhen finished speaking, immediately facing Wang Lingguan was a **** sacrifice, and immediately, the two forces of Luo that instantly crushed the Wang Lingguan, instantly tilted on the opponent like a mountain and overwhelming, and instantly the original foundation was vain. Wang Lingguan was pressed against the auspicious clouds in the sky, unable to move.

Both of them are the great Luo Jinxian powerhouses, the Jing Family Brothers did not have much chance of winning against the Sun Wukong. It was only slightly revealed at the moment, but Wang Lingguan had completely lost his ability to move. The gap was really big.

And I don't know what kind of method the old Jade Emperor used to elevate the cultivation base of the Lingguan Tiannu to the realm of Da Luo, which is really curious.

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