After Zhou Jianjun "ate his fill", he sent Qin Huairu back to the hospital.

After giving a few instructions, Zhou Jianjun hurriedly rode his bike to Liu Lan.

In terms of time management, Zhou Jianjun has obviously reached the master level.

Qin Huairu returned to the door of the ward, smeared some saliva on her face to pretend to have tears, then pretended to be depressed, pushed the door open and walked in.

Jia Dongxu heard the voice and immediately turned his head to look.

Seeing Qin Huairu's lost look, he had guessed the answer, but he still asked: "Zhou Jianjun still didn't agree?"

Qin Huairu pretended to wipe two tears from her face, and then said: "He said... He said..."

"What did he say?"

Feeling that things seemed to have taken a turn for the better, Jia Dongxu immediately became excited.

"He said that if you can survive for three months, he will consider this issue."

"Three months later?" Jia Dongxu whispered softly, then stared at Qin Huairu and asked, "Did he say why?"

Qin Huairu shook her head and said frustratedly, "I have already knelt down for him, and he didn't explain why you have to survive for three months."

He really knelt down!

"Three months, three months..."

Jia Dongxu kept repeating this sentence, thinking about the hidden meaning in Zhou Jianjun's words.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

"Hehe, Zhou Jianjun is a kind person!" Jia Dongxu laughed strangely.

Hearing Jia Dongxu's strange laugh, Qin Huairu immediately felt a sense of absurdity in her heart, "Honest? How do you know?"

"Dongxu, what should we do next?" Qin Huairu asked cautiously.

With hope in his heart, Jia Dongxu felt much better. He lay on the bed very relaxedly, and said comfortably: "Ask the doctor tomorrow when I can be discharged. As long as the discharge requirements are met, we will go home immediately."

"Ah?" Qin Huairu exclaimed, and seeing Jia Dongxu looking at her with ill intentions, she nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, I will ask the doctor tomorrow."

Jia Dongxu then lay in the hospital for another three days, and then he insisted on going home despite the doctor's dissuasion.

Jia Zhang knew that the medical expenses were paid by the steel rolling mill, so she was very reluctant for him to be discharged from the hospital.

The two argued for a long time, and Jia Zhang finally failed to twist Jia Dongxu.

She hired a cart angrily and took Jia Dongxu home.

During these three days, in the eyes of outsiders, Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu seemed to have agreed that someone would come to deliver food every night.

In fact, the two had indeed discussed privately that one person would come to deliver food every day.

Sha Zhu was purely to see Qin Huairu more and build a relationship with Qin Huairu in advance. Yi Zhonghai was even more outrageous. The excuse he told Sha Zhu was that he was here to help Sha Zhu with matchmaking. Once Jia Dongxu died, Qin Huairu would marry Sha Zhu.

Sha Zhu was very happy to hear him say that. So, he made all the dinners for the past three days by himself.

Coincidentally, every time they came, they didn't run into Qin Huairu, which made them very disappointed.

Is it really a coincidence?


Jia Dongxu knew what they were thinking, so as soon as it was time to get off work, he sent Qin Huairu away and didn't allow her to come back until midnight.

This made Zhou Jianjun suffer.

For three days, he went back and forth between the two places and was almost kicked out.

Jia Dongxu was pulled back to the courtyard by a cart. Because it was a working day, Qin Huairu had to call a few young boys in the courtyard to help, and everyone worked together to carry him back to Jia's house.

Jia Dongxu was lying on the kang, looking at Banggeng who was looking at him curiously, and said, "Banggeng, Dad has arranged everything for you, don't worry!"

Banggeng was still young and would only go to primary school in the second half of the year, so he didn't understand what Jia Dongxu meant.

Instead, Jia Zhang heard his words outside the curtain, ran into the house in a hurry, and asked him what he meant by that.

Jia Dongxu stretched his head to look, and saw that Qin Huairu had gone to the yard to wash clothes.

He drove Banggeng to play in the yard, and then whispered, "Mom, I have arranged your retirement and Banggeng's future."

"Dongxu, what do you mean by that?" Jia Zhang asked with a frown.

She was very confused. How could her son, who was already like this, arrange those problems?

"Mom, can't you see? I won't live much longer."

Jia Dongxu sighed, then grabbed Jia Zhang's hand and said solemnly: "Mom, I beg you to help me survive for three months. Only if I survive for three months can I get those guarantees for you!"

Hearing him say this, Jia Zhang suddenly became nervous and asked hurriedly: "Dongxu, what exactly is going on?"What happened? Tell me quickly. "

Jia Dongxu shook his head, loosened his hand holding Jia Zhang's, and lay on the kang, muttering to himself: "Three months, I just need to survive three months."

"These three months are enough for me to do a lot of things."

"Silly Zhu! Yi Zhonghai! You wait!"

Jia Zhang looked at him talking to himself with a serious expression, as if she understood something in her heart.

"Son! Don't worry, mom won't let those two beasts have an easy time. Even if you are gone, they will never succeed in their calculations. "

Seeing Jia Dongxu close his eyes and stop talking, Jia Zhang wiped her tears and turned to leave the room.

After she left, Jia Dongxu suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling and swore in his heart: I will take at least one of the two away. Zhou Jianjun, you should be satisfied with this!

Thinking of Zhou Jianjun, Jia Dongxu couldn't help but think of Qin Huairu.

The day Qin Huairu went out to chase Zhou Jianjun, he found something wrong.

Qin Huairu chased for more than an hour, which was obviously very abnormal.

When Qin Huairu came back, her clothes became wrinkled, which aroused his suspicion even more.

However, he really hoped that his suspicion was true.

During these three days, he deliberately drove Qin Huairu out and asked her not to come back before midnight.

The development of things was exactly as he expected.

Every time Qin Huairu came back, her clothes became wrinkled. Not only that, he could also see some clues from Qin Huairu's face.

"Sure enough, men are lustful. "Jia Dongxu thought silently in his heart.

What Jia Dongxu didn't expect was that everything he discovered was deliberately made by Zhou Jianjun and Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu now obeys Zhou Jianjun's orders. As long as Zhou Jianjun tells her to do it, she will do it without asking why.

The reason why Zhou Jianjun did this was to make Jia Dongxu completely "crazy" in his last days.

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