The aunt reluctantly handed the money to Jia Zhangshi, and the donation meeting officially ended.

The neighbors walked home while discussing today's events.

The noisy discussions were like steel needles, constantly piercing Yi Zhonghai's head, making him almost vomit blood and die on the spot!

Zhou Jianjun didn't pay a penny in this meeting, and successfully made several "enemies" bleed.

The only one who benefited was the Jia family!

Unfortunately, it was useless!

When Jia Dongxu died, the broken wheelchair could be sold for a few dollars, but Qin Huairu had been "kidnapped" by Zhou Jianjun!

The loss of the Jia family was far less than the benefits they got.

According to the development of the original plot, the Jia family, who lost Qin Huairu, had almost no ability to survive.

Jia Zhangshi, this old hag, is making a lot of noise now, and she will definitely make a list in the future!

After the meeting, Zhou Jianjun rode his bike and left the courtyard under Qin Huairu's reluctant gaze.

He was going to find Lou Zi tonight!

Lou Bancheng had sent the news a few days ago.

Their family's property had completed the donation procedures and was ready to leave for the south at any time.

Lou Bancheng wanted to discuss with him again about whether Lou Zi would stay or go.

After rushing to Lou's house, Zhou Jianjun and Lou Bancheng went into the study.

The two talked in secret for more than an hour before they walked out of the study with a smile on their faces.

Zhou Jianjun smiled because he had already determined that Lou Zi would stay. As for those troublesome things, Lou Bancheng would arrange them before he left. Moreover, Lou Bancheng left him a batch of antiques, calligraphy and paintings as Lou Zi's dowry.

Why did Lou Bancheng smile?

How could he not smile!

Zhou Jianjun gave him a detailed plan and list of the current development of the south, the projects he should focus on after he goes there, and the people he needs to make friends with.

Combined with the information Lou Bancheng got himself, Zhou Jianjun's plan is very feasible! Moreover, Zhou Jianjun promised to let Lou Zi choose whose surname the child will take in the future, which is the main reason for his happiness.

Zhou Jianjun thought carefully about the surname of the children. Except for Wen Li's children, the rest will be decided by their mother.

Since they can't be given a name, let them feel more at ease!

Of course, giving birth to one is a treasure, and giving birth to two is also a treasure!

But give birth to dozens of children! It's annoying!

Since there is no throne to inherit in the family, give others extra respect.

Zhou Jianjun left!

He was driven away with Lou Zi.

Late at night, when Zhou Jianjun was experiencing happiness, Jia Dongxu suffered from insomnia.

After lying on the kang, Jia Dongxu had been imagining certain scenes in his mind.

It was not until late at night that he gently pushed Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up by him and asked with a pair of hazy eyes: "Dongxu, do you want to go to the toilet?"

"Shh, I'm not going to the toilet!" Jia Dongxu said cautiously.

"Then what are you doing..."

"I want to ask you something!"

"What is it? Ask it!"

"Is Zhou Jianjun powerful?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Huairu's eyes were full of confusion.

"Is he powerful?" Jia Dongxu blinked and asked softly.


"No other meaning, just asking."

"I don't know..."

"Why don't you know? Don't be afraid, just tell the truth!" The desire revealed in Jia Dongxu's eyes was almost condensed into substance.

Qin Huairu was silent for a moment, silently gestured "one" with her hands, then turned her head and covered her head with the quilt.

Jia Dongxu's pupils were dilated with shock, and a shocking thought suddenly popped up in his mind, "One? Ten minutes? One hour? One night?"

Qin Huairu lay on the bed, listening to his mumbling, and a strange feeling rose in her heart, "Is Jia Dongxu crazy?"

Qin Huairu was shy for a while, and then she couldn't resist the strong sleepiness and fell asleep.

Jia Dongxu, on the other hand, stayed up all night, and kept imagining certain scenes in his mind.

The next morning, just after breakfast, Jia Dongxu couldn't wait to say to Qin Huairu: "Take the money and go to Zhou Jianjun to ask him to buy a wheelchair for me."

Before Qin Huairu could speak, Jia Zhangshi quit.

"Dongxu, why do you want Zhou Jianjun to buy it? It's the same if mom buys it!"

Jia Zhangshi received the two hundred yuan yesterday, and she was not willing to spit it out easily.

She thought very clearly that Jia Dongxu would not live long anyway, so she should save the money if she could!

She just wanted to save the money for her retirement. As for Jia Dongxu's wheelchair, that was it.

She had been thinking about this matter since last night, and she even had an excuse.

Whenever Jia Dongxu asked, she would just say: I haven't met him.Suitable.

She planned to keep dragging it out until Jia Dongxu died.

How could Jia Dongxu not understand what Jia Zhang was thinking? He said without hesitation: "Mom, if you don't buy a wheelchair, then you have to pay it back."

"Why should I pay it back? They gave it to me voluntarily. If you want to pay it back, you have to pay it back. I won't pay it back!"

"If you don't pay it back, use it to buy me a wheelchair. Otherwise, I will go out and yell that you abused me!" Jia Dongxu said coldly.

He has now completely fallen into "madness"! In order to see the imaginary scenes in his mind with his own eyes, he has no regard for it!

"Dongxu, how can you talk to mom like this? Mom raised you up anyway, you can't..."

Before Jia Zhang finished speaking, Jia Dongxu interrupted: "Take it or not!?"

Jia Zhang looked at him aggrievedly and walked into the kitchen trembling. After closing the door curtain, she glanced out worriedly, and then carefully took out twenty big black tens from where she hid the money.

Looking at the big black ten in her hand, Jia Zhang wanted to cry but had no tears. After struggling for a long time, she came out of the kitchen.

"Here!" Jia Zhang put the money on the table and said unhappily.

Jia Dongxu motioned Qin Huairu to take it, and when she got it, Jia Dongxu stared at her and said, "Go find Zhou Jianjun and buy the wheelchair back!"

"But I don't know where he is!"

"Then keep looking for him. When the wheelchair is bought back, you can come back!"

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