Auntie looked at Yi Zhonghai who was sitting there talking nonsense, sighed helplessly and turned away.

"It's all my fault that I couldn't give birth to a child for Old Yi, so Old Yi had to worry about his retirement." Auntie regretted silently in her heart.

What Yi Zhonghai and his wife didn't know was that the one who couldn't have children was actually Yi Zhonghai.

It just happened that Auntie suffered from gynecological diseases for many years, which made the two mistakenly think that the problem was with Auntie.

When Zhou Jianjun rushed to Wenli's house, the neighbors gathered near Wenli's house to watch the fun.

Seeing this, Zhou Jianjun took out a hundred yuan betrothal gift in front of everyone, which immediately aroused everyone's envy.

Faced with this "sky-high" betrothal gift, Wenli's family seemed very surprised, but Wenli felt that she had gained enough face in front of everyone.

In this era, girls usually get married at around 20 years old, and 24 years old is already an "old" youth.

Wenli is 24 years old this year. She had never had a partner before, and the neighbors didn't say anything on the surface, but they couldn't help but complain in secret.

Wenli has her own pursuits. Facing the gossip outside, she always pretends to be indifferent. But secretly, she often feels embarrassed.

Now, after years of hard waiting, she finally got a favorite "Prince Charming". Although this "prince" has many shortcomings, Wenli is still quite satisfied in general.

Especially Zhou Jianjun's behavior of taking out the betrothal gift in public, which greatly satisfied her vanity.

Wenli's parents pushed for a while, but they couldn't resist Zhou Jianjun's "sincerity" in the end.

After receiving the betrothal gift, Wenli's family happily welcomed the new son-in-law into the house.

Everyone sat in Wenli's house for a while, Wenli and Zhou Jianjun looked at each other, and then went to register together.

The "young couple" got the marriage certificate and went straight to the department store.

Zhou Jianjun had told Wenli that he wanted to buy a radio so that she wouldn't feel bored when she was alone at home.

Wenli agreed with this proposal. After all, Zhou Jianjun was a buyer and had to go out to buy things frequently. After marrying Zhou Jianjun, she was really afraid that she would be lonely when she was alone at home.

The two bought a radio and a large bag of candies and snacks, and then walked towards the courtyard with their things.

As soon as they entered the gate of the courtyard, they met Yan Fugui's family who were dressed neatly.

Seeing this, Zhou Jianjun teased Yan Fugui: "Uncle, it's not time for dinner yet, are you going to the restaurant to reserve a seat in advance?"

Hearing Zhou Jianjun's teasing, Yan Fugui blushed and waved his hands repeatedly, saying: "Jianjun, look at what you said! Isn't Uncle Three waiting for you here on purpose?"

"Wait for me?" Zhou Jianjun looked curious, "Uncle, what are you waiting for me for?"

"Jianjun, listen to me..."

As Yan Fugui said this, he pulled Zhou Jianjun in front of him and told Zhou Jianjun in a low voice what happened in the courtyard just now.

Zhou Jianjun frowned and muttered in his heart: "Yi Zhonghai, this old cabbage gang, is he going to make things difficult for me today?"

After Yan Fugui finished speaking, he saw that Zhou Jianjun looked unhappy, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Jianjun, if you really can't save face, why don't you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Jianjun, "Uncle, you are used to these bad habits. I responded to the call of the country, and no matter what, no one can do anything to me!"

"Let's go!"

After the voice fell, Zhou Jianjun led Wen Li to his home.

When passing by the middle courtyard, Zhou Jianjun saw Jia Dongxu sitting in a wheelchair outside in the sun.

Before Zhou Jianjun could speak, Jia Dongxu took the lead to congratulate: "Congratulations, Jianjun, from today on, you are also a family man."

At this time, the stone in Jia Dongxu's heart was completely put to the ground. Zhou Jianjun got married, and Qin Huairu could only secretly be his mistress for the rest of her life.

In this way, Qin Huairu will not leave the Jia family. The raising of Banggeng and the retirement of Jia Zhangshi are guaranteed.

"Hey, Dongxu, is the wheelchair comfortable to sit in?"

Jia Dongxu patted the armrest of the wheelchair and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for buying me such a comfortable thing!"

"It's good to be comfortable. Then you take a rest first. I'm going back."

While the two were talking, Qin Huairu had been lying behind the window secretly looking at Zhou Jianjun. When she saw Wen Li in new clothes, her face was obviously startled, "If it's me who marries Jianjun, how great it would be!"

Just when Qin Huairu was looking at it with envy, Jia Zhangshi suddenly said: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and ask Zhou Jianjun when to set up the wine in the yard!"



After a crisp sound, Jia Zhangshi roared: "Go and ask."Jia Dongxu heard the noise in the house and turned his head to shout into the house: "Mom, just let Huairu stay at home. Didn't the first uncle say that he would ask Jianjun to treat us? Huairu is a woman, can her words be more effective than the first uncle?"

Jia Zhang glanced outside angrily and muttered: "A broken wheelchair cost so much money, she really doesn't know how to live."

Zhou Jianjun and Wenli returned home, put down their things, and started to deliver wedding candy from door to door in the courtyard with candy bags.

Although the banquet was not set up, wedding candy still had to be given. It was just the right opportunity to introduce Wenli to the neighbors in the courtyard.

Although Zhou Jianjun didn't want to have any intersection with these neighbors, he didn't want to move out yet. Living in this courtyard, he had to deal with these people.

"Old lady, we are here to deliver wedding candy to you!"

The first place Zhou Jianjun went to was the home of the deaf old lady who lived in the backyard. After the last incident, the old lady has been much more obedient.

Since she doesn't make trouble, Zhou Jianjun doesn't need these two pieces of candy.

The deaf old lady took the wedding candy and muttered to herself, "This girl is so pretty, no wonder that stinky boy Sha Zhu would break up with Zhou Jianjun for her."

Although she was complaining in her heart, the deaf old lady still gave Zhou Jianjun and Wen Li enough face and said kindly: "Jianjun, I have also watched you grow up. Now that you have a family and a career, you must live a good life with the girl in the future. You must also learn to restrain your temper and don't fight like last time."

Wen Li also witnessed Zhou Jianjun's fight in the yard last time, and she didn't think Zhou Jianjun was wrong. Therefore, she didn't wait for Zhou Jianjun to speak, and she explained: "Old lady, those two people deserved to be beaten last time! It has nothing to do with Jianjun!"

"Ah? Girl, what did you say? I can't hear you!" The deaf old lady began to act crazy and stupid, "This person, once he gets old, will be deaf and blind, and can't hear what others say at any time. Don't mind it."

The deaf old lady originally had some thoughts in her mind to provoke the relationship between Zhou Jianjun and his wife, and take the opportunity to pry Wen Li to Sha Zhu. Now seeing Wen Li so "fierce", this idea suddenly disappeared in her mind.

"Such a fierce woman, if she really marries Sha Zhu, will I have a good harvest in the future!"

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