In the evening, the neighbors in the courtyard came back from the police station one after another, and only the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were missing.

As soon as everyone returned to the courtyard, they heard the news of Jia Dongxu's death.


Wen Li pulled Zhou Jianjun's arm with an ugly look.

Encountering such a thing on the second day of marriage, anyone would feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Wen Li was disgusted with these "bad people and bad things" in the courtyard.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with us, we just need to live our own lives." Zhou Jianjun gently patted Wen Li's hand and comforted her in a gentle voice.

Seeing that Zhou Jianjun had no grudges, Wen Li was relieved and said softly: "Yeah."

When the two passed by the door of Jia's house, they saw Qin Huairu kneeling in the living room of Jia's house and burning paper.

Hearing the movement from outside, Qin Huairu looked back with "tears all over her face". Seeing that it was Zhou Jianjun, her eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, Zhou Jianjun was also looking at Qin Huairu.

The two looked at each other, Zhou Jianjun nodded slightly, raised his hand and pointed at his own head.

After doing all this, Zhou Jianjun and Wen Li walked to the backyard without looking back.

Qin Huairu saw his action, turned around silently, and continued to burn paper.

After returning home, Zhou Jianjun said hello to Wen Li and went out to "buy vegetables".

This meal can't be made by Wen Li, he has to cook it himself to reward his stomach.

After a while, he came back with chicken and meat.

Seeing what Zhou Jianjun was holding, Wen Li's eyes lit up, and then frowned and blamed: "Jianjun, everyone's life is not easy now, we have to save money."

"Okay, I know. Others don't know, don't you know our family's financial situation?"

Zhou Jianjun said, patting his pocket lightly.

Seeing his actions, Wen Li was speechless, "Yes, my partner is so capable, why should I worry about it."

"Okay, you know it."

Wen Li smiled immediately. After all, no one likes to eat coarse food when they can live a life of luxury.

In order to reward his stomach, Zhou Jianjun spent his conquest points to buy intermediate cooking skills.

The intermediate cooking level is comparable to Sha Zhu's.

If Zhou Jianjun can't afford the advanced one, can he afford the intermediate one?

As Zhou Jianjun cooked in person, the aroma of meat soon drifted from his house to the yard.

The neighbors in the courtyard smelled the aroma and came out of their homes to check the situation.

"Whose family is this? It's not a festival, why are they stewing meat?"

"The smell is coming from the backyard."

"Wow, this skill is not bad, it smells comparable to Sha Zhu."

Soon someone found the source of the aroma.

"It's Zhou Jianjun's family that's stewing meat!"

"It's strange, hasn't this kid always been eating bran and vegetables at home, why is he stewing meat today?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, someone quickly refuted: "He used to be alone, and it didn't matter what he ate. Now he has a wife, and the family has two working people, so he can eat whatever he wants!"

"Yes! His family is now a dual-income family. In our yard, it's also a scorpion shitting-unique!"

"I didn't expect that teacher Wen Li's cooking skills are so good, Jianjun is lucky."

"Yes, yes, I wish I could marry such a wife!"

"You?" The neighbor next to him looked up and down at the person who was talking, and then mocked: "Are you as good-looking as Jianjun? A toad yawning-it's quite arrogant!"

Everyone gathered at the door of the backyard, talking about it with envy.

At this time, Xu Damao came from the middle courtyard. Hearing their discussion, he curled his lips in disdain and muttered, "What's so great about having two working parents? I will soon be a two-working family too."

"Don't block here. Do you think it's fun to smell the fragrance of other people's food?"

Xu Damao yelled, and then stretched out his hand to push away the neighbor who was blocking the back door. He walked home with an ugly face, muttering as he walked, "This smells so good. I didn't expect that Wen Li actually has such a skill."

When he thought of this, Xu Damao hated Wen Li in his heart, "Damn it, you actually look down on me, and I don't care about you!"

Smelling the fragrance of the food, all the neighbors, including Xu Damao, thought that the food was made by Wen Li.

After all, Zhou Jianjun had never shown his cooking skills before.

"Shit luck, you will have a hard time in the future." Xu Damao muttered as he walked into the house.

Smelling the tempting aroma of meat and looking at the deserted home, Xu Damao felt even more uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and said to himself coldly: "Damn Zhou Jianjun, do you want to let me live?"

After the voice fell, he turned and walked out.

Not eating at home!

I have to marry a wife quickly, otherwise, I can't live like this!

Liu Haizhong's home.

Liu Haizhong, who was enjoying the scrambled eggs, immediately felt that the scrambled eggs in his mouth were not "fragrant" after smelling the fragrance coming from Zhou Jianjun's home.

Liu Haizhong threw the chopsticks on the table fiercely and cursed: "This Zhou Jianjun, why is he eating meat during the festival! Does it make his family look rich?"

The second aunt glanced at him and teased: "Not rich, they are now a dual-income family."

"Tsk, so what? I will find a wife with a job later. Then our family will have three employees!" Liu Guangqi grumbled while chewing the steamed bread in his hand.

Hearing Liu Guangqi's words, Liu Haizhong's mood instantly improved.

"Guangqi, Dad is optimistic about you. You must surpass Zhou Jianjun in the future and make everyone envy our Liu family!"

"Well..." Liu Guangqi stammered in response, but he felt extremely bitter in his heart.

How can he compare with Zhou Jianjun?

He has a good job and a beautiful wife now.

Liu Guangqi doesn't even have a job now, he just wants to talk nonsense.

Seeing that Liu Guangqi stopped talking, the second aunt looked at Liu Haizhong curiously and asked, "Boss, can Lao Yi and the deaf old lady come out this time?"

When the deaf old lady was mentioned, Liu Haizhong shuddered unconsciously!

Could the deaf old lady really be GMD's concubine?

How did Jia Dongxu know this secret?

Could it be that Jia Zhang told him?

These people are so terrible, they are hiding so deeply!

Thinking of this, Liu Haizhong waved his hands hastily and said with a look of horror: "The matter between Old Yi and the deaf old lady has nothing to do with us, don't mention it again in the future."

"Dad, the deaf old lady can't really be..." Liu Guangqi raised his head and asked curiously.

Before Liu Guangqi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Haizhong, "Does it have nothing to do with us? Let's eat!"

While Zhou Jianjun and Wen Li were feasting at home, the neighbors in the courtyard had already gone home to eat.

At the dinner table, everyone couldn't help but talk about the matter between Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

"I didn't expect Yi Zhonghai to be such a person, he is simply a wolf in human skin."

"He also wants to calculate the neighbors of the entire compound to help him with his old age? Wait, he will be blinded by his desire."

"Tsk tsk, the deaf old lady turned out to be GMD's concubine, this is too scary..."

"Who said it wasn't, let's not guess, wait for the news from the police station..."

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