After leaving Liujiazhuang, Zhou Jianjun walked to a sparsely populated area, put the backpack in Taoyuan Fairyland, and then he entered Taoyuan.

After arriving in Taoyuan, he first took tools to cut down some trees in the distance.

This busy work took most of the day, and it took another half a day to finish the pigpen.

Looking at the huge pigpen, there were only two lonely piglets.

Zhou Jianjun secretly thought in his heart that after a period of time, these pigs will grow up and should be able to breed.

By then, he will have achieved pork freedom.

In this era, achieving pork and chicken freedom is not something that ordinary people, even some ordinary leaders dare not say to others with confidence.

When Zhou Jianjun came out of Taoyuan, the sky outside had begun to slowly darken.

On the country road in the countryside, Zhou Jianjun rode alone, the night gradually fell, and the surroundings were shrouded in darkness, as if entering an unknown world.

The dirt road under his feet was bumpy. As the bicycle passed by, the sound of tires pressing on stones could be heard from time to time, echoing in the empty fields, making people feel terrified.

Although Zhou Jianjun was an atheist, he was still scared by this weird atmosphere.

"Damn it, I was so busy in Taoyuan that I forgot the time. This is terrible."

Just when he was about to go back to Taoyuan to spend the night, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint flash of fire in the distance. He excitedly quickened his feet and rode towards the place where the fire flashed.

When he rode near the fire, he found that it was a group of people walking in the middle of the night with torches.

In the silent night, it was pitch black all around. There were more than a dozen people walking with torches, and it felt wrong no matter how you thought about it.

"Fuck!" Zhou Jianjun screamed in fear.

Just when he was about to turn the bicycle around and get away from this place. Suddenly, a shout came from the location of the fire.

"Who's there?"

Hearing the voice, Zhou Jianjun became even more nervous.

It's impossible for a person who can talk to be a ghost, right?

Definitely not!

If it was a ghost, it wouldn't waste time talking to you and would just rush up to you.

After thinking it through, Zhou Jianjun hurriedly replied: "I'm a buyer from the steel mill. I'm passing by here on my way to the countryside to make purchases."

"Steel mill? (Buyer)?"

"We're from Qinjia Village." The man replied.

Zhou Jianjun was completely relieved after hearing what those figures said.

He pedaled hard and rode to the vicinity of those people, only then could he see clearly that the people in front of him were dressed like farmers and holding farm tools in their hands.

"You're still out doing farm work in the middle of the night?" Zhou Jianjun asked curiously.

A leading man stepped forward and said, "It's a bit late today, so I'm rushing back with a torch."

The man looked Zhou Jianjun up and down, and asked in confusion: "Are you a buyer? You ran all day and didn't buy anything?"

Zhou Jianjun smiled awkwardly. He couldn't tell him that the piglets he bought had been put in Taoyuan!

He said awkwardly: "This is my first time to go to the countryside to buy, I don't have much experience."

Zhou Jianjun took out his work permit and letter of introduction and handed them over.

The man took the documents and looked through them, then looked up at Zhou Jianjun and said: "It's late now, it's too unsafe for you to rush back. If you don't mind, stay in our village for a night!"

The farmers of this era have a very high enthusiasm for people and things, which is completely different from the attitude of some people in later generations who stay out of things and are indifferent. They are willing to help others, actively participate, and convey simplicity and sincerity with practical actions.

"Then I'll trouble you, fellow villager."

Zhou Jianjun followed the crowd and chatted with the leading man.

After a chat, Zhou Jianjun learned that the man in front of him was Qin Youcai, the village chief of Qinjia Village.

And Qin Huairu was a villager of Qinjia Village.

When he learned that Zhou Jianjun also lived in No. 95, Nanluoguxiang, Qin Youcai shouted to someone in the team: "Xiangnan, this buyer and your Qin Huairu are neighbors in the same yard."

Hearing Qin Youcai's shout, the man hurriedly walked out of the team and asked curiously: "You and my Huairu live in the same yard?"

"Is it such a coincidence?" Zhou Jianjun sighed in his heart and hurriedly replied: "Is his partner called Jia Dongxu? If so, then it's right."

The man heard Zhou Jianjun's words and hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, yes, Huairu's partner is surnamed Jia."

Then along the way, Qin Xiangnan kept asking Zhou Jianjun about Qin Huairu's situation.

Zhou Jianjun knew very well what Qin Huairu's life was like in the Jia family, but he was too embarrassed to say it in front of so many people.

After he made a few random remarks, QinXiangnan also sensed the concealment in Zhou Jianjun's voice.

After sighing a few times, he stopped asking about Qin Huairu's topic.

Qin Youcai, on the other hand, started chatting with Zhou Jianjun again.

When he heard Zhou Jianjun's promise to the village chief of Liujiazhuang that he would bring food with him the next time he went to Liujiazhuang, his eyes immediately flashed brightly.

Qin Youcai rubbed his hands and asked curiously, "Purchaser Zhou, can you get a lot of food?"

"Well, not too much, but if it is supplied to one or two villages, it won't be a big problem." Zhou Jianjun replied.

At this time, Zhou Jianjun completely ignored the people's thirst for food in this era.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this era, as long as you can guarantee a full meal every day, you can get a large number of warriors who are willing to die for you.

"How much does he have in Liujiazhuang to exchange for so much food?" Qin Youcai asked curiously.

"I don't know either. But Village Chief Liu said that if there are not enough things, we can exchange people. Village Chief Qin, can you tell me what Village Chief Liu means by this?" Zhou Jianjun's face was full of confusion, "You are not going to help me kill people, are you? I don't have any enemies, and I don't need a killer!"

Qin Youcai looked at Zhou Jianjun meaningfully, and silently made a decision in his heart.

He smiled and said, "Purchaser Zhou, you can just treat this as a joke. I guess Village Chief Liu is joking with you!"

"Yeah, I think so too." Zhou Jianjun replied.

"I'll rush back tomorrow afternoon, right?" Qin Youcai asked cautiously.

"It's in time, but if there is nothing to do in the morning, I will go back in the morning. It's troublesome to stay in your village all the time." Zhou Jianjun said embarrassedly.

"It's not a trouble, not a trouble, haha." Qin Youcai said with a smile on his face.

After walking for about half an hour, Zhou Jianjun followed the crowd to Qinjia Village.

Qin Youcai gave a few instructions to everyone and led Zhou Jianjun to the village committee.

On the way, Qin Youcai asked cautiously: "Purchaser Zhou, if you can get some food, can you come to our village to exchange some things next time?"

"What do you have here?" Zhou Jianjun asked curiously.

"What Liujiazhuang has, our village almost has. Basically, some domestic chickens, eggs, mountain products and the like." Qin Youcai replied.

"Sure! Our steel mill needs these things. I will definitely come to Qinjia Village to see them next time." Zhou Jianjun replied excitedly.

"Then it's settled! You must come." Qin Youcai was also very happy to hear Zhou Jianjun agreed.


The two then agreed that Zhou Jianjun would bring food to Qinjia Village to exchange for supplies in half a month.

At this time, Zhou Jianjun had no reaction at all. Compared with the supplies he mentioned, food was the real king.

After all, as a person who traveled through the 21st world, he had never experienced the feeling of hunger.

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