It was the weekly rest day again. Today, everyone in the courtyard gathered in the middle courtyard early in the morning. Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui even set up the table in the middle courtyard in advance.

This time, the two "grandpas" did not sit behind the table as usual.

Because Director Wang and several comrades from the street office were standing near the table. So, the two of them could only stand with Director Wang, without the majesty of the previous meetings.

"Ahem, everyone, be quiet. Director Wang has something to say to everyone."

After everyone arrived, Liu Haizhong spoke first.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Director Wang took two steps forward, scanned everyone's faces, and slowly said: "Today, we gathered everyone together to discuss the retirement of the deaf old lady."

After Director Wang's voice fell, the deaf old lady's face instantly became very ugly, and the neighbors began to talk about it.

"What does Director Wang mean by this? You don't want us to take care of the deaf old lady, do you?"

"Why? This landlady exploited the working people before liberation. Now it's a new society. Will she continue to exploit us?"

"Yes, yes, I don't care what others do, anyway, I don't agree."

"I don't agree either."

Gradually, everyone's discussion became louder and louder, and the deaf old lady's face became uglier.

Director Wang saw this scene and coughed twice to interrupt everyone's discussion, "Don't think too much, the street office has no intention of sharing the deaf old lady's care with everyone."

Hearing Director Wang's words, everyone stopped talking and looked at Director Wang with burning eyes.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Director Wang continued: "The purpose of discussing with everyone is mainly to see if anyone is willing to take the initiative to take care of the deaf old lady. If no one is willing, the street office will send the deaf old lady to a nursing home."

After the voice fell, the deaf old lady opened her eyes wide and stared at Sha Zhu.

Sha Zhu felt the gaze of the deaf old lady, looked at her with great embarrassment, and then turned his head to the side in an unnatural way, no longer looking at her.

Seeing this, the deaf old lady gave up completely. Since Sha Zhu was unwilling to help her with her old age, she could not count on other neighbors.

So, before everyone could speak, the deaf old lady took the initiative to say: "Director Wang, don't embarrass everyone, just send me to a nursing home."

After the deaf old lady finished speaking, she immediately caused a lot of discussion among the crowd.

"Hey, this old lady is tactful."

"How can she not be tactful? Even her 'godson' and 'grandson' don't talk to her. Does she still have to count on ordinary neighbors like us?"

"She is really getting worse and worse as she gets older. No one wants to pay attention to her."

"It's no wonder. Who makes her always have a bad heart?"

"Yes, yes, yes, she pretends to be deaf and dumb all the time. Who are you trying to fool!"

Hearing the neighbors' discussions, the deaf old lady began to "pretend to be deaf and dumb" again, as if she didn't hear anything.

Director Wang looked at the deaf old lady curiously, thinking: "I really misjudged her before. I didn't expect that this old lady's popularity in the courtyard is so bad!"

Thinking of this, Director Wang unconsciously looked at Yi Zhonghai again, thinking: "This man is really a 'hypocrite'. He dared to deceive his superiors and subordinates before, and even fooled me!"

Yi Zhonghai felt Director Wang's gaze and couldn't help shrinking his body, secretly complaining in his heart: "This time I have completely gotten rid of the 'old deaf man', but why does Director Wang look so unkind?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Director Wang couldn't help but interrupt and said: "Okay, since the deaf old lady took the initiative to ask to go to the nursing home, there is no need for everyone to sign up enthusiastically."

At this point, Director Wang paused, looked around at everyone's faces, and then said: "Take advantage of today's day , everyone, help the deaf old lady pack up, and send her to the nursing home with us later. "

After the voice fell, Liu Haizhong couldn't wait to say: "Guangqi, take your two brothers and help Director Wang to pack up."

Yan Fugui also said: "Jiecheng, take your brother to help."

Zhou Jianjun stood outside the crowd, looking at the two people who were eager to perform, and curled his lips lightly, thinking: "These two old guys, I'm afraid they have been thinking about the house where the deaf old lady lives for a long time? Calculating the plot time, it is indeed almost the day when Liu Guangqi and Yan Jiecheng get married. No, I have to intercept Yu Li before Yan Jiecheng knows Yu Li, so that Yu Li will not fall into the sea of ​​suffering of the Yan family. "

"Alas, I am a kind person! I just have a kind heart, and I can't bear to see the majority of beautiful comrades suffer!"

After Zhou Jianjun sighed, he said hello to Director Wang, sighing and pulling Wen Li out.

Seeing him like this, everyone's face showed a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong with Jianjun? Why does he look so sad?"

"Maybe he is kind and can't bear to see this scene!"

"Jianjun is really a good man. The deaf old lady almost helped Sha Zhu to rob his wife."

"Jianjun is a good man!"

Inexplicably, Zhou Jianjun gained a wave of favorability in everyone's heart.

Even Director Wang looked at him with a hint of approval.

The deaf old lady regretted it so much that her intestines turned green. If she had known that Zhou Jianjun was such a "kind" person, she would not have helped Sha Zhu.

Zhou Jianjun, who had no idea about this, went to the vegetable market with Wen Li. After a lot of shopping, he took the things to Wen Li's parents' home.

Every time he sent big bags of things to her parents' home, it was Wen Li's highlight moment. She enjoyed the envious looks of her neighbors, which greatly satisfied her "vanity".

Anyway, Wenli only had this little hobby, and Zhou Jianjun doted on her very much, so he let her do what she wanted. Anyway, Zhou Jianjun didn't lack these things.

"Jianjun and Wenli are here, come in and sit down."

"Oh, brother-in-law, why did you bring so many things again."

It was a day off today, so Wenli's eldest and second sisters were also at her mother's house.

Seeing Zhou Jianjun and Wenli carrying a lot of things back again, both of them looked very happy.

Only Wenli's parents were slightly dissatisfied, complaining to Wenli: "Li, life is getting harder and harder now, and the population of the city is constantly shrinking. You can't let Jianjun spend so much money every time."

Before Wenli could speak, Zhou Jianjun hurriedly explained: "Dad, Mom, I bought these on my own initiative, not Wenli's request. You two can eat them with confidence, my family doesn't lack these things."

Seeing Zhou Jianjun's sincerity, Wenli's parents were slightly relieved, fearing that Wenli would make trouble and make the couple's life uneasy.

"That's good, that's good, but you are not allowed to take so many things in the future."

"Oh, Mom and Dad, don't worry about it. Jianjun doesn't care about these things!" Wenli said, and pushed her parents into the house.

Wenli's parents and two sisters secretly glanced at Zhou Jianjun, and seeing that he didn't mind Wenli's words at all, they knew that Wenli was true.

The four of them almost simultaneously sighed in their hearts: "Wen Li is so lucky! She married a good man!"

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