In the following days, Zhou Jianjun repeatedly searched but did not find much useful information. In desperation, he had to accept his fate.

"In a big city like Kyoto, you can always gain something by going around!"

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found that the atmosphere in the courtyard was a little weird.

That evening, he had just picked up Wen Li and returned to the courtyard when he saw an unusual scene.

By the pool in the middle courtyard.

Sister Hong was holding Sha Zhu's lunch box in her hand, and was talking and laughing with Sha Zhu.

Zhou Jianjun looked around and soon found a pair of eyes hidden behind the window of Yi Zhonghai's house, staring at Sister Hong and Sha Zhu. .

Behind the window of the Jia family, there was also a pair of rat eyes looking at the two people in the courtyard through the window.

"Xu Damao is not at home!"

When Zhou Jianjun was sighing in his heart, Wen Li suddenly pushed him from behind.

"Go, do you want to come over and chat?"

"Hehe, I don't want to!"

"You dare!"

As the two talked, they pushed the sidecar past Sha Zhu and Hong Jie.

When passing by Hong Jie, Hong Jie gave Zhou Jianjun a subtle look.

Unexpectedly, Hong Jie's eyes were seen by Wen Li who had been staring at her.

Wen Li snorted coldly, dragged Zhou Jianjun's arm, and walked to the backyard.

Seeing this, Hong Jie hurriedly stuck out her tongue, showing a little woman's attitude.

Seeing Hong Jie's seductive appearance, Sha Zhu couldn't help the throbbing in his heart, and said with a blushing face: "Xiao Hong, Xu Damao is not at home anyway, why don't you go to my house for dinner. I'll cook you some good dishes to help you replenish your body."

"Not so good?" Hong Jie said hesitantly.

"Nothing is wrong. We all live in the same courtyard, so we can help each other! Besides, Xu Damao and I grew up together. Now he's going to the countryside, so I have to help him take care of you!"

Shazhu continued to lie with a red face.

Sister Hong "hesitated" for a moment, nodded slowly and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Shazhu."

"No trouble, no trouble, let's go."

Shazhu said, and actually "boldly" pulled Sister Hong's arm.

Sister Hong hesitated for a few times, and then followed Shazhu to his home.

"Bah! Shameless vixen!" Jia Zhang spat, curled her lips and retracted her sight.

Yi Zhonghai saw this scene behind the window, and his eyes were immediately bloodshot!

Originally, after he received the news that Xu Damao was going to the countryside to show a movie today, he planned to come back to find Sister Hong to "tender" a little.

Since he had a substantial contact with Sister Hong in the "Eight Great Hutongs" last time, he has been hungry for a long time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the courtyard, he was intercepted by Sha Zhu!

"Sha Zhu, I will never be reconciled with you in the revenge of stealing my wife!" Yi Zhonghai swore silently in his heart.

Noticing Yi Zhonghai's strange behavior, Liu Cuilan asked in confusion: "Old Yi, what are you looking at?"

Having Liu Cuilan interrupt his thoughts, Yi Zhonghai said unhappily: "What can I see, don't be suspicious."

As he said, he walked to the dining table and sat down, slapped the table hard with his hand and cursed: "Hurry up and bring the food, are you going to starve me to death!"


Liu Cuilan sighed and hurried back to the kitchen to get the food.

She always felt that Yi Zhonghai had become nervous since Xu Damao married a wife, but she couldn't feel what was wrong.

"Maybe Lao Yi just got angry with someone at the steel mill, so he's in a bad mood!"

After Sha Zhu pulled Sister Hong back home, he couldn't wait to serve tea and water, and then hurried to the kitchen to get busy.

While cooking, he was still chatting with Sister Hong at the top of his voice.

Sister Hong only responded a few words occasionally, and Sha Zhu was already very happy.

Seeing Sha Zhu's "stupid" appearance, Sister Hong muttered to herself: "What's wrong with this courtyard? Everyone's brain is abnormal. Could it be that the whole courtyard's heart is growing on the 'beneficiary' himself?"

After dragging Zhou Jianjun home, Wen Li immediately closed the door, stared at Zhou Jianjun and asked: "Tell me the truth, what's going on between you and that Sister Hong?"

Fearing that Zhou Jianjun would fool her, Wen Li hurriedly added: "Don't make excuses to fool me. You have so many confidantes, isn't that enough? How can you still think about other people's wives!"

"I'm not thinking about them!" Zhou Jianjun hurriedly explained.

Then, Zhou Jianjun told Wen Li everything about Sister Hong. After that, he did not forget to remind her to keep it secret.

After hearing the whole story, Wen Li was shocked. After a long pause, she stammered, "This...this...are you too wicked!"

"Immortal? What wickedness do I lack? I helped Xu Damao and Yi ZhongHai has realized their long-cherished question of offspring, so why do you say I am immoral! "

"Then...then you can't find a 'sister' to live in the courtyard! And what about that Sha Zhu?"

"Sha Zhu has a wife fetish, as long as it is someone else's wife, he likes it. It's not surprising that he is eyeing Sister Hong now."

Wen Li was completely speechless. She looked at Zhou Jianjun with a strange look and asked curiously: "Why didn't I see that you had so many thoughts before? Tell me, what else are you hiding from me?"

Zhou Jianjun lay down on the bed and said carelessly: "Does the fact that I am a god count?"

"You are a shitty god!"

Wen Li said, and kicked him on the leg, "Hurry up and get up to cook, your 'son' is hungry!"

"How do you know it's a son? Maybe it's a daughter! A daughter is a father's little cotton-padded jacket, and I like daughters the most! "

Zhou Jianjun muttered as he walked towards the kitchen.

He was giving Wen Li a shot of prevention. In the plot, Wen Li's first few pregnancies were all daughters. In order to have a son, she tried her best to give birth to a son when she was in her forties!

Zhou Jianjun didn't want her to work so hard!

After all, according to the original plot, the reason why Wen Li was determined to have a son was just to avoid being laughed at by others.

"You like daughters?"

Wen Li looked at Zhou Jianjun in disbelief.

"Is there a rule that says you are not allowed to like daughters?" Zhou Jianjun asked back.

"Then why don't you like sons?" Wen Li looked puzzled.

"There is no throne to be passed on in our family, why do we have to have a son?"

Wen Li was a little unsure of Zhou Jianjun's thoughts, so she had to change the subject and said, "Go cook quickly, I'm hungry! "

After this conversation, Wen Li's heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally relaxed a little. Although she didn't say it, she was always worried that Zhou Jianjun didn't like his daughter.

While Zhou Jianjun was busy in the kitchen, Sha Zhu showed all his "eighteen martial arts" and made a large table full of various meat dishes.

"Xiao Hong, try my cooking skills."

"Okay." Sister Hong just picked up the chopsticks, and the door of Sha Zhu's house was pushed open, and He Yushui walked in with an angry face.

"Brother, you made delicious food, why didn't you wait for me?"

Sha Zhu glanced at Sister Hong awkwardly, and seeing that there was no strange color on her face, he hurriedly yelled at He Yushui: "Yushui, you are such a big girl, and you are still greedy all day long!"

As Sha Zhu said, he picked up a plate of vegetables and a steamed bun from the table and handed them to He Yushui, "Here, take it back to the house and eat it slowly. "

He Yushui looked at the table full of meat dishes and white flour buns, then turned to look at the green vegetables and steamed bread in Shazhu's hand, her eyes suddenly reddened, and she turned around and ran out.


Sister Hong shouted, and then looked at Shazhu with a guilty look on her face: "Shazhu, did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, Yushui is just a childish temper, don't worry about her."

Shazhu sat down on the stool, and then continued to greet: "Xiaohong, come and try my cooking skills."

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