The location of the villa should be a high-end residential area. There are very few pedestrians on the neat streets.

Occasionally, there are cars coming in and out of the surrounding villas.

"Such an awesome person, there should be a lot of useful information in the place where he lives."


Zhou Jianjun laughed a few times, and then his figure disappeared in the nearby alley.

He quietly touched the back of the villa, observed the surrounding environment, and then jumped over the wall and jumped into the yard of the villa.

"Woof woof woof"

As soon as he landed, he heard the sound of a dog barking, and at the same time, there were running footsteps approaching him.


Dart stunt used!

The guard dog that ran over fell to the ground headfirst.

Zhou Jianjun used a flying needle and pierced the dog's forehead directly. The dog fell to the ground, as if it was asleep, without even a trace of blood.


The door of the villa opened, and a shout came from inside.

Zhou Jianjun heard the sound and hurriedly hid behind the house.

A blonde "Persian cat" came out. She shouted a few words, but did not receive a response, so she turned back to the house.

"This is too inconvenient. I can't understand what she is saying at all."

Zhou Jianjun hurriedly searched for language skills in the system mall and soon found something.

[Language Proficiency (Elementary)]: Specify a language and achieve proficiency. Cost: 1 million conquest points.

[Language Proficiency (Intermediate)]: Specify three languages ​​and achieve proficiency. Cost: 10 million conquest points.

[Language Proficiency (Advanced)]: Proficient in all languages ​​in the world. Cost: 100 million conquest points.

"I don't even need to choose this. I'm a rich man!"

Zhou Jianjun directly exchanged [Language Proficiency (Advanced)].

After exchanging the skill, he looked up and found an open window, so he climbed up with his bare hands.

He jumped into the house and looked around. It was a bedroom.

Just as he was about to search, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door.

"What bad luck!"

Muttering to himself, he hurriedly ran under the bed and hid.


The door opened, and a pair of white legs appeared in front of him.

The legs walked to the bed, then took off their shoes and got on the bed.

"What kind of sleep is this in the broad daylight?" Zhou Jianjun was speechless.

Just then, a certain sound suddenly came from the bed.

"Honey... Honey..."

Hearing this sound, Zhou Jianjun was stunned, and secretly muttered in his heart: "Fuck, I didn't see anyone in the room just now! What is this woman doing!"

He lay under the bed, not daring to act rashly, and could only smile bitterly while listening to the sound coming from the bed.

"Damn it, what's going on!"

After a while, the room finally returned to silence.

"Finally it's over."

Zhou Jianjun waited for a while, but never heard any other sound.

Helplessly, he took a deep breath and quietly moved out from under the bed.

He squatted and raised his head slightly to look at the bed: what he saw was a sleeping beauty.

"Fortunately, this woman is asleep!"

Zhou Jianjun moved his feet and quietly walked to the woman, then reached out and pressed the acupuncture points behind the woman's head.

The woman's body relaxed, and it was obvious that she had fallen into a coma.

Seeing that the woman fell into a coma, Zhou Jianjun was relieved. He looked around and began to search in the house.

After searching for a long time, he only found a box of jewelry on the dressing table. There was no trace of the documents he wanted.

"Will it be in the study?"

Zhou Jianjun looked at the woman on the bed and saw that she was still in a coma, so he opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

Soon he found the study on the second floor.

Pushing the door open and walking into the study, he saw two neatly arranged bookshelves on both sides of the wall of the study, which were densely packed with books.

"Important documents shouldn't be displayed so openly."

Zhou Jianjun thought about it, then walked behind the desk and began to check the contents of the desk drawer and the documents on the desk.

With the skill [Language Proficiency (Advanced)], he easily understood the contents of all the documents.

"They are all about military dispatch and terms of transactions between the two parties. They are useless to me!"

Looking at a pile of documents about military deployment, Zhou Jianjun was overwhelmed.

"What are these? Is there no news about the delivery of supplies?"

Zhou Jianjun stood up and began to search carefully in the study. After searching for a long time, he did not find secret compartments, safes, etc.

"Will it be in the bedroom?"

He returned to the bedroom and looked at the "Persian cat" who was still sleeping on the bed. He suddenly had an idea..

He hurriedly searched the house and soon found what he wanted: a photo of the woman and her husband.

Then, he looked at the man in the photo and disguised himself as the man.

After looking in the mirror and finding no obvious flaws, he walked to the bed and pinched the woman's philtrum to wake her up.

Seeing the woman open her eyes in a daze, he lowered his voice and asked in English: "Hey, baby, why did you fall asleep in this position?"

The woman shook her head and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. After she came to her senses, she stared at Zhou Jianjun and asked: "Baby, why are you back?"

As soon as she said this, she realized her current situation and hurriedly tried to cover her body.

But her hand stopped halfway when it reached the quilt. She turned to look at Zhou Jianjun, opened her arms, and said in a very sweet voice: "Baby, you're back just in time!"


Zhou Jianjun smiled bitterly, gently hugged the woman and asked: "Baby, can you tell me where those 'important documents' are?"

"I just found out after I went out that I couldn't find a few documents."

The woman turned to look at Zhou Jianjun in confusion, "Didn't you put them in the safe in the closet?"

"Thank you, baby."

Zhou Jianjun said, and he exerted force on his hands and knocked the woman unconscious again.

He put the woman down on the bed and spat softly, "Bah! You old cow still want to eat my tender grass, dream about your spring and autumn!"

The wrinkles on the woman's face were indeed a little more, but she didn't look like she was over forty.

It's a pity that the white skin was too rough, and Zhou Jianjun felt a little harsh! !

After walking to the closet and finding the safe, he slapped his forehead again, "There is no password!"

"Never mind!"

Zhou Jianjun directly put the safe in Taoyuan Fairyland and planned to leave.

Before leaving, he looked back at the woman on the bed, "It is better to kill someone by mistake than to let her go..."

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