That afternoon, the steel mill posted a notice of punishment for Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong on the notice board.

When they got off work in the evening, the casual workers gathered in front of the notice board, scrambling to watch the punishment of the two.

"After discussion by the leadership of the steel mill, the following punishments will be imposed on Comrade Yi Zhonghai and Comrade Liu Haizhong: one level of work grade reduction, no participation in rating examinations within two years, and three months of salary confiscation. If they commit the same offense again, the punishment will be doubled!"

"Wow, this punishment is heavy enough!"

"Is this heavy? If they report to the police, they will probably have to eat peanuts!"

"You're right, prostitution is strictly prohibited!"

"These two are really brave!"

While everyone was talking, Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai lowered their heads, avoiding everyone's eyes and "escaped" from the steel mill.

Yi Zhonghai returned home and looked at the deserted home. For a moment, endless regret surged in his heart.

"Cui Lan..."

"It's me who can't have children! It's me!"

Yi Zhonghai was completely desperate at this moment, "When will this kind of life end?"

He took out a bottle of wine and searched the kitchen for a long time, but couldn't find a dish to go with the wine.

"I regret it!"

Yi Zhonghai sighed and started to drink dry. He didn't walk into the bedroom until he finished a bottle of wine.

Yi Zhonghai, who was used to having everything he wanted, didn't even have breakfast and went directly to the steel mill.

Along the way, everyone he met pointed at him.

"That's Yi Zhonghai. He used to pretend to be a gentleman, but he turned out to be a scumbag!"

"Ah! Shameless thing!"

Although Yi Zhonghai pretended to be indifferent to the discussions, he was already extremely angry in his heart.

"I, Yi Zhonghai, a man of honor, have fallen to this point."

"When did things start to get out of my control?"

Yi Zhonghai operated the machine absent-mindedly, constantly recalling everything that had happened in the past.

Suddenly, a figure popped up in his mind: "Zhou Jianjun!"

"It's Zhou Jianjun. Since he returned to the courtyard, things have gradually gotten out of my control!"

"Xiaohong, Xiu'er, Lao Gu, these people are not secretly colluding with Zhou Jianjun, right?"

Yi Zhonghai thought of a possibility, but he couldn't be sure.

"House! Xiaohong sold Xu Damao's house to Zhou Jianjun!"

"This makes sense, Zhou Jianjun must have colluded with them!"

Yi Zhonghai connected all the things together and finally figured it out.

Just when he wanted to find Zhou Jianjun, suddenly there was a "click" sound from the machine he was operating.

Yi Zhonghai then remembered that he was still working, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from.

Just as he stretched his head out, a part flew out of the machine and hit him directly on the forehead.


Yi Zhonghai let out a loud shout, and then fell backwards on his back, blood continued to flow out of his head, and in just a blink of an eye, it was all over the floor.

"Something happened! Something happened!"

The workers who saw this scene hurried to the side of the machine and reached out to press the brake switch.

When they looked at Yi Zhonghai, they found that Yi Zhonghai was breathing less and breathing more.

"Hurry up and save him! Call 120!"

The workshop director who came after hearing the news immediately called out to everyone.

When the ambulance arrived, Yi Zhonghai had stopped breathing.

"Dead, no hope!"

The doctor checked and made a judgment.


Everyone was shocked when they heard the doctor's words.

The factory leaders who arrived a little late all looked at Li Huaide and thought to themselves, "This is great, someone is dead! Let's see what you can do!"

"He just died after the penalty notice was issued?" Li Huaide was extremely angry, "Investigate, investigate for me, what exactly caused it!"

Liu Haizhong stood in the crowd, watching Yi Zhonghai lying on the stretcher, and suddenly felt a sense of "the rabbit dies and the fox mourns".

"Old Yi... We have fought for most of our lives, and I didn't expect you to die like this."

The ambulance took Yi Zhonghai away, and the remaining group of workers looked at each other in bewilderment.

At this time, the people from the technical department also finished checking the machine.

The section chief of the technical department said under Li Huaide's fierce gaze: "Director Li, the machine is aging, causing a part to be damaged during operation. The damaged part flew out of the machine and hit Yi Zhonghai's head, which led to Yi Zhonghai's accidental death."


"Are you sure it was an accident? It has nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai and others?"

Li Huaide asked in a deep voice.

"Uh!" The section chief of the technical department was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "We just found out through asking nearby workers that Yi Zhonghai did notThe operation was not carried out in accordance with the operating specifications. When the machine had an accident, he should have turned off the power first and then checked the machine. "

The section chief paused here, and then continued: "Under normal circumstances, the flying part should not hit Yi Zhonghai. It was his illegal operation that caused him to be accidentally hit by the part!"

"Can you be responsible for what you said?" Li Huaide pointed at the section chief and asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The section chief nodded repeatedly, and then handed the document in his hand to Li Huaide, "Director, here are the inspection results of the machine and the inquiry records of other workers."

Li Huaide looked down and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He reached out and patted the section chief on the shoulder, and said with relief: "Well done. When we do our work, we must seek truth from facts and not let go of any suspicious places. "

"Yes, yes, yes! ”

After listening to the technical department's inspection results, some other leaders breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it was Yi Zhonghai who violated the rules. Otherwise, I would have just clung to Li Huaide's thigh and he would have fallen. What would I have done!"

Others sighed in disdain: "Li Huaide is so lucky! "

Since Yi Zhonghai is now divorced and living alone, the steel mill had to inform his relatives in the countryside of Yi Zhonghai's death.

Since Yi Zhonghai came to the city, he has basically cut off contact with his relatives in the countryside.

When those relatives received the news, they had no intention of going to the city to collect his body. But after hearing that he still had two houses and some furniture, they all became interested.

The house was allocated by the steel mill for employees to live in. Since Yi Zhonghai was dead, the house was taken back by the steel mill.

As for the things in the house, they were distributed to those relatives of Yi Zhonghai.

Those relatives complained about this, but after receiving 200 yuan in humanitarian compensation from the steel mill, they turned their anger into joy.

They didn't even take Yi Zhonghai's ashes and hurried back to the countryside.

This move confused the leaders of the steel mill, "You don't want the ashes?"

"You can't keep them in the steel mill forever?"

"Find a random place to bury them, anyway, no one will worship them! "

After everyone discussed, they asked the security department to send someone to find a place to bury Yi Zhonghai's ashes.

The person who received this task was a fool. He was originally disgusted by Yi Zhonghai's behavior of soliciting prostitution. After receiving this task, he was too lazy to find a place, and ran directly to the river to scatter Yi Zhonghai's ashes into the river.

The ashes were scattered in the river, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Jianjun hid in the distance, watching the man pour the ashes, and then kicked the urn into the river. He couldn't help but secretly exclaimed, "It's worthy of being a soldier of this era, not afraid of any monsters!"

"It's just a pity for Old Yi, who ended up with no body left!"

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