Before dawn, the things Zhou Jianjun left in the compound were discovered by patrolling guards.

After being reported to higher authorities, the matter soon alerted the upper management.

In the conference room.

The person at the top lit a cigarette and asked the person next to him, "Have you seen the things?"

"Yes! I went to see them myself, and they are all in foreign languages." The man nodded and continued, "The experts also went there. After a careful inspection, they suspected that those things were from 'Da Piaoliang'."

"Oh?" The person at the top slowly exhaled a smoke ring, "Did the experts say what those things were used for?"

"Mainly large agricultural machinery, and some are the latest electronic products such as televisions and radios."

"Great!" The person at the top patted the armrest of the chair, "Send these things to the Academy of Sciences. , let them start research immediately and imitate more products as soon as possible. In this way, our farmers will not have to work so hard. "


The man was about to leave when the leader seemed to remember something and reminded him: "This matter must be kept secret and not spread as much as possible. In addition, send someone to pay attention to the situation outside to see if this batch of things was lost in the neighboring countries."

Here, he paused and his mouth curled up slightly, "If I guess correctly, these things are likely lost from the "Little Days". "

"Okay, I'll check it out now."

At this time, Zhou Xiaobai's home.

Zhou Xiaobai, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the sound of footsteps coming from outside the window.

She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed and came to the window.

"What happened outside?"

Looking at the green military uniforms coming and going in the yard, Zhou Xiaobai was a little confused.

Just as she was about to turn around and go downstairs to check, she suddenly noticed something on the windowsill when she lowered her head.


Zhou Xiaobai exclaimed, and hurriedly picked up the pen, hairpin and other items on the windowsill.

"Where did this come from?"

She looked around the room, and then stuck her head out of the window to look outside.

"Who put it here?"

"Bang bang bang"

There was a knock on the door.

"Xiaobai, are you awake?"

Zhou Xiaobai opened the door, looked at her father outside and asked, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"I'm here to remind you not to go out this morning."


"Don't ask so many questions, it will be fine in the afternoon."

After saying that, the middle-aged man turned around and left. He turned halfway and turned back to ask, "Xiaobai, did you find anything unusual?"

Zhou Xiaobai subconsciously hid the things in her hand behind her, then shook her head, "No."

"Okay, then you can continue to rest."

After Zhou's father left, Zhou Xiaobai raised the things in her hand to her eyes, "Who sent it?"

She was full of doubts.


Zhou Jianjun was stopped by the sentry as soon as he drove the truck into Sijiu City.

"Comrade, please cooperate with the parking inspection!"


Zhou Jianjun turned off the engine and got out of the car, took out his work permit and letter of introduction from his pocket and handed them to the inspector.

He glanced around and found that the surroundings were all green military uniforms. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "This time it seems to be a bit too much. Even the soldiers were alarmed."

After checking Zhou Jianjun's ID, the inspector pointed at the truck and asked, "Comrade, what's in the car?"

"It's food purchased for the steel mill." Zhou Jianjun led the inspectors to the back bucket and explained as he walked, "These are all materials purchased by the steel mill outside the plan."

"Oh?" The little soldier frowned, "Can the steel mill purchase materials outside the plan?"

"It's not a good thing. It's all food collected by the rural people to support the country's modernization construction." Zhou Jianjun climbed onto the truck and pulled open the tarpaulin covering the car to show the little soldier.

After a careful inspection, the little soldier jumped off the car and said, "Comrade, please wait a moment. I need to verify with the steel mill here."

"Of course I should."

Zhou Jianjun nodded in response.

After the young soldier left, Zhou Jianjun took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to another young soldier, "Comrade, what happened that made you make such a fuss?"

The young soldier waved his hand and refused, "Comrade, I won't. As for what happened, I'm sorry I can't tell you."


Zhou Jianjun nodded and leaned against the truck to smoke. His eyes drifted to the Type 56 in the young soldier's hand from time to time, which immediately alerted the young soldier.

Seeing the young soldier showing a vigilant look, he hurriedly explained: "Comrade, don't worry. I just retired from the army a few years ago, so I feel a little familiar when I see the thing in your hand.""Oh? Comrade, which unit are you from?"


"Heroic unit!"


Hearing the young soldier's praise, Zhou Jianjun couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

At this time, the young soldier who had just left came back.

"Comrade, this is your ID. We have verified with the steel mill, you can leave now."

"Thank you."

Zhou Jianjun took the ID and casually took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw it to the young soldier.

"Don't refuse, this is a gift from an old soldier to a newcomer! It doesn't violate discipline!"

"Uh!" The young soldier was stunned and hurriedly raised his hand to salute, "Thank you, old soldier comrade!"

Zhou Jianjun drove back to the steel mill, first went to the logistics department to hand in the supplies, and after returning the truck, he came to Li Huaide's office.

"Director, I'm back!"

"Jianjun is back, where are the things?"

"It's been handed over to the logistics department."


Li Huaide was confused after receiving a call to check information for no apparent reason. Seeing him coming back, he hurriedly asked, "Jianjun, what happened outside? Why did the call to check be called to me?"

"Director Li, I don't know either." Zhou Jianjun spread his hands and acted as if he knew nothing. "It was fine when I left the city yesterday. When I came back today, there were suddenly many more sentries on the road."


Li Huaide was shocked. "This is a big deal!"

"I have to call and ask."

Thinking of this, Li Huaide waved to Zhou Jianjun and said, "Jianjun, go back and get busy first."

"Okay, Director!"

After Zhou Jianjun left, Li Huaide hesitated again and again, and finally picked up the phone and dialed it.

"Father-in-law, it's me, Huaide!"


"Yes, yes, I just want to ask why there are so many temporary sentry posts outside."


"Okay, I understand! I won't ask about things that have nothing to do with me."

Li Huaide hung up the phone and was secretly shocked. "It seems that the matter is not small. Even my father-in-law doesn't know the details."

He shook his head, "Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway. It doesn't affect me."

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