When Zhou Jianjun rode back to the courtyard, he didn't see Yan Fugui at the door.

When he was surprised, he had already pushed the bike to the middle courtyard.

The middle courtyard was already full of people.

Seeing Zhou Jianjun coming back, Yi Zhonghai hurriedly said: "Jianjun, I've been waiting for you. We are going to hold a meeting of the whole courtyard today."

"Meeting of the whole courtyard?" Zhou Jianjun muttered and looked around, and was surprised to find that except for him, Sha Zhu and Xu Damao, the others had already taken small stools and sat in the middle courtyard.

Zhou Jianjun went to Liu Lan to discuss a billion-dollar project, so he came back late.

Where are Xu Damao and Sha Zhu?

It is estimated that one is drinking with the leader, and the other is helping the leader cook in the small canteen.

"I'll come over after I push the bike back!" Zhou Jianjun said, and hurriedly quickened his pace and pushed the bike to the backyard.

While walking, he was still thinking in his heart.

"Nothing big has happened recently, is it the Jia family that is making trouble again?"

"Well, it should be. In the plot, the general meeting held in the courtyard is basically related to the Jia family."

Wait for Zhou Jianjun to return to the middle courtyard with a bench.

Liu Haizhong picked up the teacup, knocked on the table, and signaled everyone to be quiet.

Yan Fugui saw his action, looked at the teacup in Liu Haizhong's hand with heartache, and almost said "If you don't cherish it, give it to me!"

After everyone quieted down, Liu Haizhong coughed twice, looked at everyone with a serious expression, and slowly said: "Today's convening of this courtyard meeting was decided after I discussed with the first and third uncles. Now, please invite the first uncle with the most seniority in our courtyard to preside over this meeting."

Liu Haizhong is really an "official fan", he keeps talking endlessly, without any real words, just talking official language!

Zhou Jianjun also found this scene very funny.

Yi Zhonghai also coughed lightly, and then said solemnly: "As residents of this glorious courtyard, we must support and help each other. No matter whose family is in trouble, the neighbors in the courtyard should help."

"The reason why I called everyone to hold this meeting today is mainly because the old sister-in-law of the Jia family found me and said that her family is running out of food. I hope the neighbors in the courtyard can help her family through this difficult time."

"I discussed with the second and third uncles and decided to hold a donation meeting in our courtyard."

"I hope everyone can give a little love and help the Jia family."

After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, he looked at everyone with a serious expression. Seeing that everyone had no reaction at all, he had to bite the bullet and continue: "That... As an uncle in the courtyard, I will set an example for everyone and donate 20 yuan."

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai donated 20 yuan, everyone in the courtyard immediately talked about it.

Zhou Jianjun looked at Yi Zhonghai curiously, thinking to himself, "This old man is very generous. These 20 yuan are more than half a month's salary of Jia Dongxu."

Seeing that everyone was talking endlessly, Yi Zhonghai had to look at Liu Haizhong and asked, "His second uncle, how much are you donating?"

Liu Haizhong, a "bureaucrat fan", usually likes to compete with Yi Zhonghai. At this time, under the watchful eyes of the public, he was not willing to let Yi Zhonghai out.

He took out 20 yuan from his pocket, shook it in the air, and then put it on the table, saying to everyone, "I am the second uncle of our hospital, and I will donate 20 yuan too."

After Liu Haizhong finished speaking, he looked at Yan Fugui and asked, "His third uncle, how much are you donating."

Yan Fugui himself is a stingy old man. For him, not being able to take advantage is already a loss. Now asking him to donate money is really more uncomfortable than cutting his flesh.

Yan Fugui trembled and stretched his hand out of his trouser pocket, just as he was about to take out the money.

Zhou Jianjun suddenly spoke. He looked at the three uncles curiously and asked, "Uncles, can I interrupt and say something?"

Hearing Zhou Jianjun's words, Yi Zhonghai frowned, but in front of so many people, he was embarrassed to stop Zhou Jianjun from speaking.

Yi Zhonghai had to say in a deep voice: "Jianjun, our compound is democratic and free. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Hearing this, Zhou Jianjun first glanced at everyone, then looked at Yan Fugui and said, "As far as I know, the salary of the third uncle is not as high as Jia Dongxu, right?"

Hearing this, Yan Fugui was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, Jia Dongxu is a first-level fitter, and his monthly salary is 33 yuan. I don't have as much as him."

In fact, even if the salary of the third uncle is not as high as Jia Dongxu, the two should be about the same. The biggest possibility is that the third uncle is slightly higher.

The third uncle is a teacher, and his salary is 27.5 on the surface. But in this era, teaching also has level and years.Request. The third uncle has worked for so many years, and at least he has received a subsidy of about ten yuan.

This can be seen from the fact that the third uncle was the first one in the courtyard to buy a bicycle. Although it was second-hand, no ticket was required, and it was cheap, it was the first bicycle in the courtyard after all. (Zhou Jianjun at this time could not be counted, because his was a public one.)

Hearing the third uncle's words, Zhou Jianjun first smiled at the third uncle, and then continued: "The third uncle's family is the only one who works, and has to support three half-grown boys and one girl, plus the third uncle and his wife. This is one person's salary, and six people spend it."

"What about the Jia family? Jia Dongxu also works alone to support four people including him. No matter how you calculate this account, the third uncle's family is more difficult!"

"If it is really a donation to help the needy, I think it should be donated to the third uncle's family. What's more, there are several families in the courtyard who are more difficult than the third uncle's family."

After Zhou Jianjun finished speaking, the courtyard immediately began to discuss again.

Jia Zhang slapped her thigh and started crying: "Old Jia, please come back and take a look. This little beast is bullying our Jia family! Old Jia! Come up and take this little beast away! Old Jia..."

Hearing Jia Zhang's abuse, Zhou Jianjun was not annoyed at all. He looked at the three uncles with a smile and asked: "Three uncles, I took classes when I was in the army. Aunt Zhang is practicing feudal superstition. If the situation is serious, she will even be sent to eat peanuts."


Jia Zhang screamed and covered her mouth with both hands, looking at the three uncles and shaking their heads.

Jia Dongxu said angrily at this time: "Zhou Jianjun, what nonsense are you talking about! Which eye of yours saw my mother practicing feudal superstition!"

Qin Huairu didn't say anything, but looked at Zhou Jianjun with begging eyes. She was still hoping to exchange steamed buns for food with Zhou Jianjun, and she didn't want to offend Zhou Jianjun at this time.

Zhou Jianjun pointed at the other people in the compound and said with a smile: "Everyone saw it! If the officials come to investigate, they will definitely not dare to tell lies. After all, giving false testimony will also lead to punishment!"

At this time, Yi Zhonghai coughed twice, interrupting the argument of several people.

"Jianjun, don't argue with your Aunt Zhang. She is just from the countryside and doesn't know what feudal superstition is. Let's talk about donations first!"

Zhou Jianjun glanced at Jia Zhang with a smirk, then cleared his throat and said: "Where were we talking about just now?"

Yan Fugui hurriedly said: "Talking about donating to my family!"

Zhou Jianjun nodded and said: "Yes, it is a donation, and it should be donated to the third uncle and those poor families."

Yan Fugui smiled happily after hearing what Zhou Jianjun said : "Then the third uncle is here, thank Jianjun first!"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!" Zhou Jianjun hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt Yan Fugui's words, then looked at the three uncles seriously and said: "Three uncles, donating is indeed a good thing."

"But the country has its own laws, and the family has its own rules. If you want to hold a donation meeting, you must report to the street office."

"Have you reported to this meeting today?"

As Zhou Jianjun's voice fell, the whole courtyard suddenly exploded. Before Zhou Jianjun joined the army and was not at home, the three uncles organized several donations for the Jia family.

Although everyone was reluctant, they could only donate a little bit because of the face of the three uncles.

Now when they heard Zhou Jianjun say that donations must be made to the street office, everyone was anxious. They all wanted to ask the three uncles whether the previous donation meetings had been reported.

Seeing that the situation was out of his control, Yi Zhonghai patted the table in front of him and said to everyone: "It's the first time I know that donations need to be reported to the street office."

"Since it needs to be reported, then don't donate today. Let's talk about it later."

"Today's meeting of the whole hospital ends here. Everyone go back and have a rest!"

Jia Zhang was so angry that she wanted to curse again. But when she saw the playful smile on Zhou Jianjun's face, she immediately lost her temper. She hurried to the table in front of the three uncles, grabbed the 40 yuan on the table, turned around and ran home.

"Hey hey hey! I need money!" Li Haizhong stood there and shouted anxiously.

Qin Huairu looked at Zhou Jianjun with resentment, and then followed Jia Dongxu home. The others also picked up their small stools and went home.

Yan Fugui sat there and sighed for a long time. He was glad that he saved the donation to the Jia family today, but he also regretted that he didn't let everyone donate to his family.

When the third aunt called him, he came to his senses, stood up and walked home.

The first hospital meeting that Zhou Jianjun came to was hastily concluded.

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