By dinner time, the news that Zhou Jianjun was going to have a blind date tomorrow had spread all over the courtyard and became a hot topic.

Xu Damao also knew the news at this time. He was restless at home, thinking over and over whether he should intervene in this matter.

If it was someone else in the courtyard who was going on a blind date, Xu Damao would definitely get involved without hesitation and ruin the blind date.

However, whenever he recalled the scene where Zhou Jianjun kicked Sha Zhu away twice, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, making him a little hesitant.

Zhou Jianjun's blind date had nothing to do with Xu Damao.

Whether Zhou Jianjun could succeed or not had no effect on him at all.

But Xu Damao was a real villain, and he hated to see others live better than him.

In Xu Damao's opinion, why did Zhou Jianjun go on a blind date earlier than him? Wasn't it just that he was a little more handsome, a little taller, and a little more elegant? What's so great about it?

Xu Damao hesitated again and again, but finally decided not to let Zhou Jianjun go, and he must ruin Zhou Jianjun's blind date.

He secretly swore in his heart, "No one of my peers in the courtyard can get married earlier than me, Xu Damao!" (Jia Dongxu is eight years older than Xu Damao, and Xu Damao has long excluded him.)

Compared with Xu Damao, Sha Zhu and his sister were just a little unhappy after hearing the news, and they didn't have any bad intentions.

While eating the steamed bread in his hand, Sha Zhu was secretly sad in his heart, "Jianjun is three years younger than me, and he has already started a blind date. When can I get married!"

Tomorrow is the weekend, and everyone is resting, so He Yushui also went home today. She ate the steamed bread, looking absent-minded, and I don't know what she was thinking in her mind.

At this time, in Yi Zhonghai's home, Jia Dongxu talked for a long time, and his words poured out like a spring, making him feel a little dry in the mouth.

Jia Dongxu talked for a long time, and seeing that Yi Zhonghai didn't respond at all, he asked anxiously: "Master, what do you think about this matter?"

Before Yi Zhonghai could speak, Auntie interrupted and said: "Dongxu, whether Jianjun is dating or not has nothing to do with us, let's not worry about it!"

"Don't do it again like last time, stealing a chicken but losing a rice, and finally have to compensate Jianjun so much money for nothing."

Last time, because of the instant noodles, Yi Zhonghai reluctantly paid two big black tens, which made Auntie feel distressed.

Now Yi Zhonghai's fitter level has just reached the sixth level, and has not yet joined the ranks of the eighth-level workers who came later. For him, this twenty yuan is undoubtedly a considerable expense, which can be called a small injury.

Yi Zhonghai was also hesitant at this time. Losing money didn't matter to him. There were only two people in his family, and there were no children to raise, so there was no big expense at all.

But he couldn't stand it after being repeatedly humiliated by Zhou Jianjun, especially the last time. Compensation was secondary, the key was that he was made EMO! It's not that he didn't want to retaliate, he was just waiting for the right time.

Although Jia Dongxu had been talking for a long time, Yi Zhonghai didn't realize the hidden opportunity in this blind date.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was still hesitant, Jia Dongxu directly confronted him: "Master, even if it's for your prestige in the courtyard, you can't let Zhou Jianjun go!"

Jia Dongxu's words directly hit Yi Zhonghai's lungs. He waved his hand to interrupt Jia Dongxu who was about to continue talking, and said to him: "Dongxu, you are right. Even if it's for my prestige in the courtyard, I can't let Zhou Jianjun get away so easily."

Yi Zhonghai immediately sent the aunt away, and then closed the door with Jia Dongxu and secretly discussed for a long time in the house. It was not until the sky was completely dark that Jia Dongxu walked out of Yi Zhonghai's house with an excited face.

Seeing Jia Dongxu leave, the first lady came out from the inner room. After hesitating for a long time, she still wanted to try to dissuade Yi Zhonghai.

But before she could speak, Yi Zhonghai said directly: "I know about this matter, so don't worry about it."

Seeing this, the first lady had to sigh and go back to the house to rest.

After Jia Dongxu returned home, he couldn't wait to tell Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu about what he had discussed with Yi Zhonghai.

After hearing this, Jia Zhangshi said excitedly: "That's what we have to do. We must ruin the blind date of that little extinct family."

Qin Huairu was secretly excited in her heart, "Jianjun, don't even think about escaping from my mother's Five Fingers Mountain."

Liu Haizhong's home was also not peaceful.

Liu Haizhong had no place to vent his inner depression. He untied his belt from his waist again and began to punish his two sons Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian. Suddenly, their voices rang out again in the backyard.The shrill screams echoed in the air.

Zhou Jianjun heard the brothers' screams and could only pray for them silently in his heart: "Grow up quickly, and you can escape when you grow up."

The third uncle's house

After Yan Fugui returned home, the third aunt started to complain to him: "Old Yan, what are you thinking? Your own eldest son doesn't have a partner, why did you introduce him to Jianjun first instead of Jiecheng?"

Yan Jiecheng also chimed in: "Dad, your colleague is also a teacher. If you introduce him to me, there will be two people in our family working and earning money. Why introduce him to Jianjun!"

Yan Fugui couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard what the two said and said: "Teacher Wenli is already 24 years old, one year older than Jianjun. She is 5 years older than Jiecheng. Do you think she is reliable?"

"Ah? She is so old!" The third aunt said depressedly, and then she said to Yan Jiecheng: "Forget it, she must not look good if she is still not married at this age."

Yan Jiecheng nodded repeatedly and agreed: "Mom is right, she must look ugly if she is still not married at this age, I don't want her!"

After hearing the conversation between the mother and son, Yan Fugui was so angry that he laughed out loud.

He looked at Yan Jiecheng with a playful look and said, "Don't blame me, your father, for speaking harshly. You are not worthy of Teacher Wenli."

"The reason why Teacher Wenli has never married is because she has too high standards. If we really talk about her looks, Qin Huairu in our courtyard is several levels lower than her."

"Ah?" The three aunts and Yan Jiecheng were shocked.

In this courtyard, Qin Huairu is definitely the "courtyard flower". Even if she is taken from the entire Nanluoguxiang, she is considered the most beautiful one.

Now hearing what Yan Fugui said, their curiosity was immediately aroused.

If it weren't for the fact that the 5-year age difference was really a bit big, Yan Jiecheng would definitely want to snatch her away.

Seeing that the two were speechless, Yan Fugui put on a calm look and said leisurely: "Do you think I would do something that would not benefit me?"

When Yan Fugui said this, he changed the subject and said to the two excitedly: "Jianjun has already said that whether this thing succeeds or not, he will prepare a gift for me."

When the third aunt heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she praised: "Old Yan, you are still amazing. If it weren't for you, this family would have broken up long ago."

Yan Jiecheng also echoed: "Dad, then when Jianjun gives you a gift, can our family improve the food?"

"Improve the food?" Yan Fugui whispered Yan Jiecheng's words, and then smiled and said: "I have already agreed with Jianjun that he will prepare a good meal tomorrow at noon Lunch, I will go to Jianjun's house tomorrow at noon to improve the food. "

When Yan Jiecheng thought of the "big meal", he swallowed unconsciously, "Dad, can you take me to Jianjun's house for a meal tomorrow?"

Before Yan Fugui could answer, the third aunt slapped Yan Jiecheng on the shoulder, "They are going on a blind date, why are you going there!"

The third aunt said, and then looked at Yan Fugui, "Old Yan, Jianjun will have a blind date tomorrow, and he will definitely not have time to clean up the dishes. Wait until they finish eating, then come back and call me, and I will take the opportunity to take back the leftovers from Jianjun's house."

Yan Fugui slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "Yes, let's do it this way. This way everyone in our family can get some benefits!"

Hearing the old couple say this, the other people in the Yan family suddenly became excited and looked forward to tomorrow coming early.

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