After sending Wen Li home, Zhou Jianjun thought about where to rest tonight.

The house in the courtyard was under renovation and could not be lived in. He did not want to live in the courtyard given by the Lou family. It was too spacious for one person to live in such a large three-courtyard house.

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to stay at Liu Lan's place for the night.

"Bang bang bang"

"Who is it?"


Recognizing Zhou Jianjun's voice, Liu Lan hurriedly winked at her mother-in-law.

The old lady picked up her granddaughter and went to the wing room consciously. Of course, she couldn't help but mutter a few words on the way.

When Liu Lan opened the door of the courtyard, her little face was still flushed. Even in the dark night, the blush was particularly dazzling.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Jianjun directly teased: "Did you let the water boil?"

"Let you boil!" Liu Lan said unhappily, and did not forget to roll her eyes at him.

Zhou Jianjun waited for Liu Lan to close the gate, then hugged her and said, "If you want to cook, you should cook me. I don't have so much water to cook you."

"Go to hell!" Liu Lan cursed, and the two walked into the bedroom hand in hand.

The old lady saw this scene through the window, sighed and muttered, "You are getting more and more unfaithful..."


In the morning, Zhou Jianjun still got up early. He didn't want to cause too much criticism for Liu Lan.

Even if the two of them were already husband and wife, he couldn't marry Liu Lan after all, so he had to cherish Liu Lan's reputation.

After leaving two cans of milk powder on the table, Zhou Jianjun went out carelessly.

As for why he left milk powder!

It's because he ate all the little girl's rations yesterday!

As for why it was two cans!

Because I have to eat it next time!

Seeing Zhou Jianjun walk away in a swagger, the old lady frowned and complained softly: "It's getting more and more lawless."

While mumbling, the old lady walked into the main house and saw the milk powder on the table at a glance.

She picked up two cans of milk powder, walked into the bedroom, looked at Liu Lan and asked: "Lanzi, is this what he brought yesterday?"

Liu Lan heard the voice, stuck her head out of the quilt, looked, and said confusedly: "Is this what he left? I didn't see him bring anything yesterday."

The old lady looked towards the gate of the courtyard in confusion, and then said puzzledly: "When he came in, I didn't see him carrying anything!"

"Ah?!" Hearing the old lady say that she saw Zhou Jianjun coming in, Liu Lan instantly remembered the scene that happened in the yard yesterday, and hurriedly pulled the quilt over her head.

"It's really too embarrassing!" Liu Lan thought secretly in her heart.

"What a weirdo!" The old lady muttered, and then said to Liu Lan: "Lanzi, you should sleep a little longer. I'll make some milk powder for the child this morning."

"Yeah." Liu Lan replied softly while lying in bed.

"It's not okay not to drink milk powder!" Liu Lan looked down at the shriveled ration bag, and spat at Zhou Jianjun in her heart.

After having breakfast on the street, Zhou Jianjun rode his bike to the steel mill.

As soon as he sat down in the office, someone from the security department delivered a letter. It was said that someone had delivered the letter to the security department, and it was for him.

Zhou Jianjun took the envelope and looked at it. There was no ticket or stamp, so it should be a message from someone around.

Zhou Jianjun understood it when he opened the envelope. It turned out that it was sent by Niu Ye, saying that he had contacted the seller and arranged to meet at the tavern at noon.

"This old man is really capable. He got a letter so soon." Zhou Jianjun muttered, tearing up the envelope and letter paper and throwing them into the trash can.

He slept until almost noon, and didn't wake up until other buyers called him to eat.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost time, so Zhou Jianjun went downstairs and rode his bicycle to the Little Drunkard.

As soon as he rode to the door of the tavern, he saw Niu Ye and an old man standing there waiting for him.

"Sorry, Niu Ye, I just got off work." Zhou Jianjun stopped the car and apologized.

"It's okay, we just arrived too. Let's go take a look first and come back to eat later?" Niu Ye asked.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

The three of them walked for a while and arrived at the old man's yard.

Zhou Jianjun looked around and said with emotion: "Wow, this place is simply amazing!"

Seeing him sighing there, Niu Ye hurriedly asked: "Is there any problem here?"

"No, no, it's great here." Zhou Jianjun said hurriedly.

Isn't it great! It's just a few alleys away from the Siheyuan in Nanluoguxiang. It's simply a golden house specially prepared for Bai Lianhua!

After the three entered the courtyard, Zhou Jianjun looked around and praised: "Not bad, not bad, this place is really good."

The old man heard him say this, hurriedly agreed: "Of course it's good. Although it's just a small courtyard, it's still a private courtyard. If the family couldn't make ends meet, I wouldn't be able to sell this ancestral property."

"You too?" Zhou Jianjun said, and kept signaling to Grandpa Niu with his eyes.

The old man nodded and sighed: "It's down and out. Now I have to rely on selling my ancestral property to survive. It's really embarrassing to tell others about it."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about that. You two negotiate the price. If it's suitable, we can complete the procedures today." Grandpa Niu interrupted.

"Little comrade, you can see the situation of this courtyard. I won't ask you for more, just one thousand yuan. Take the title deed of this courtyard, and I will write you a loan mortgage certificate. With these two things, you can go to the street office to handle the transfer procedures at any time." The old man gritted his teeth and said.

Zhou Jianjun calculated in his mind that one thousand yuan was a little higher than the market price, but it was about the same.

Then he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll pay you what you said."

"Then..." The old man rubbed his fingers and looked at Zhou Jianjun with an embarrassed look.

Zhou Jianjun reached into his pocket and took out a stack of big black tens from the warehouse in Taoyuan. Then he counted out a hundred in front of the two of them, handed them to the old man and said, "Please count them. If there is no problem with the count, please help me write a procedure."

"No problem, I was watching you count just now!" The old man didn't count at all, and directly stuffed the stack of money into the inner pocket of his jacket.

Then, the old man wrote the mortgage procedures and IOU in the house, and gave them to Zhou Jianjun together with the keys and the house deed.

After finishing the work, Zhou Jianjun stuffed the things into his pocket and said, "Let's go back to Little Drunkard for a meal?"

When the old man heard what Zhou Jianjun said, his eyes immediately sparkled, but then dimmed again. He waved his hand and said, "I won't go. My family is waiting for me. You guys go!"

"This..." Zhou Jianjun was about to speak when he was stopped by Niu Ye.

"Let him take care of his own business. Let's go have a drink."

Seeing what Niu Ye said, Zhou Jianjun didn't say anything else.

The three of them came out of the courtyard, said goodbye to the old man, and Zhou Jianjun got on his bicycle and took Niu Ye to the tavern.

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