"Grandma, kennel! (Save me)"

The stick terrier pulled Jia Zhang's pants and vaguely called for help.

Seeing this, Jia Zhang dragged the stick stalk behind him and blocked He Yushui who rushed over.

"What are you going to do with He Yushui?"

"Why do you say that my good grandson stole your eggs?"

"Do you have proof?"

Jia Zhangshi blocked the stick terrier with a fierce look.

She doesn't care where her grandson got the eggs.

Anyway, it has already been eaten into the stomach, and it is right to die and not admit it.

"It's my egg!"

He Yushui looked anxious and said with a crying voice: "On each of my eggs, I have drawn a small face!" "

Saying that, she quickly picked up the egg shell on the ground.

I saw that under the illumination of the street lamp, there were traces of blue ink painting on the fragments of the eggshell.

"You said it's yours, it's yours?"

"Can't this pattern be painted by my grandson himself?"

"Besides, you little girl's family, where did you get the eggs!"

Jia Zhang put on a stinky face, and the evidence was conclusive and he didn't admit it.

At this time, Silly Zhu stepped forward and grabbed He Yushui, and said with a serious face:

"Rain, you tell brother, where did you get the eggs?"

"You're not going to speculate, are you?"

He Yuzhu believed that his sister was not lying.

But this stupid speculative sentence came out, but it made the surrounding whisper.

In these days, speculation is illegal.

Light criticism parades the streets.

The plot is serious, and he is even dragged to the suburban execution ground to eat peanuts and rice.

As soon as He Yushui heard Silly Zhu's words, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes hesitated.

Before Cao Ding'an gave her eggs, let her eat them secretly at home, so as not to be discovered by outsiders.

So she doesn't know if there's a problem with the eggs.

Therefore, he did not dare to give Cao Dingan out casually.

"What kind of machine, what to pour?"

Cao Ding'an had a black line on his face and took the initiative to stand up and said:

"This egg was brought back from the countryside yesterday, and it was also given to He Yushui."

"You brother can't speak, can't speak, get out of the way."

Cao Dingan couldn't wait to beat the stupid pillar on the spot.

Silly pillar silly pillar, really only the wrong name, no wrong nickname.

Who would have buttoned his sister's hat as soon as he came up?

If you have doubts in your heart, you won't go home and ask again.

It's silly.

"You gave the rain the eggs?"

While Silly Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, he said strangely: "No, why did you send eggs to my sister?" "

Saying that, Silly Zhu still stared at Cao Dingan with bad intentions.

It's not that you, a dead licking dog, are worried about other people's daughters-in-law all day long!

He only cares about helping outsiders, and does not care about the life or death of his sister.

Labor and management can't stand to help your sister.

Cao Ding'an really wanted to directly scold the stupid pillar like this.

But considering He Yushui's self-esteem is very strong.

If only she knew that he took pity on her because he pity her.

This could hurt her self-esteem.

So Cao Dingan explained:

"I was busy at work, so I hired rainwater to help do my laundry, and this egg was her payment for washing my clothes."

Upon hearing this, several residents living in the middle courtyard suddenly realized:

"So that's the case, I still wonder in the afternoon, how did the rain come back from school, and pick it up everywhere in the Cao family, it turned out that Ding'an promised benefits."

"I also saw that the rain washed clothes in the middle courtyard today, and I thought she was washing the clothes of the silly pillar."

The three mothers came up with a curious look and asked, "Ding'an, how many eggs did you use to hire rainwater to wash clothes?" "

Cao Dingan said bluntly: "Six or seven, the rain will help me wash my clothes for a month." "

"What! Six or seven?! "

The three mothers were shocked at first, and then said with a look of regret:

"Ding'an, didn't I tell you yesterday that the three major mothers are diligent, and you will find the three major mothers if there is a job in the future?"

Cao Dingan was a little speechless and said: "Three mothers, didn't you say yesterday that plucking chicken feathers to find you, this is not the job of plucking chicken feathers!" "

"Oh, you guy can't be flexible at all!"

The three mothers looked annoyed.

Six or seven eggs.

It was enough to cook soup for her family several times.

"Cao Dingan, you are really charming!" Silly Zhu said with a look of displeasure:

"The rain hasn't washed my brother's clothes, so you should enjoy it first."

After that, he turned his head and said to He Yushui: "In the future, you are not allowed to help others wash their clothes, if it is passed on, how will you marry in the future." "

"I don't want you to care!"

He Yushui made a face, and said stubbornly: "Sister Qin still washed you one after another!" "

As soon as he heard his sister say this, the stupid pillar with a weak heart instantly became dumbfounded.

He also subconsciously glanced at Qin Huairu, who was holding Xiaodang, with the light from the corner of his eye.

"Second Uncle."

Cao Dingan turned his head to Liu Haizhong and said

"It's okay for the rainy eggs to come from, you have to take care of this, right?"

Cao Ding'an did not directly find the most prestigious master in the courtyard.

Because Yi Zhonghai is good at making mud, Jia Dongxu is still his apprentice and pension object, and he will definitely help the Jia family.

And Liu Haizhong likes to be nosy, and loves to put up official shelves, this matter is probably right to find him to come forward.

"That must be!"

"As the second uncle, I don't care who cares about the affairs in the courtyard?"

Bangs held his head high and walked over with square steps.

There are three masters in the courtyard, but Cao Dingan, a secondary school student, thought of himself for the first time, which made Liu Haizhong very useful.

He felt that he was in the courtyard and was valued by the masses.

Seeing this, Jia Zhangshi once again stirred up and pestered:

"Second Uncle, don't listen to Cao Ding'an."

"He said that he gave the eggs to He Yushui, does he have proof?"

"Don't say anything that draws a pattern on the egg, that thing can be drawn by my own stick."

"Children are naughty and playful, so they will scribble everywhere!"

Jia Dongxu also stood beside Jia Zhangshi at this time, and said:

"My mother is right, if there is no other evidence, then don't wronged my son."

Jia Dongxu's eyes were sharp, and he had already found that the stick terrier had something in his pocket.

Combined with what Cao Dingan said just now, he gave He Yushui six or seven eggs.

Jia Dongxu had already guessed that there were still eggs in the pocket of the stick terrier.

As long as he doesn't admit it, the matter is over, and he can eat eggs when he goes home.

Liu Haizhong just came up and prepared to carry out justice.

But looking at the mother and son of the Jia family, they looked dead and


He didn't know what to do for a while.

He immediately turned back and looked at Cao Dingan awkwardly and asked:

"That, Ding'an, what the Jia family said is also correct, do you have any other evidence?"

Cao Ding'an was speechless.

In desperation, he could only take out a boiled egg from the system backpack under the cover of his clothes pocket.

Then he lit up in front of everyone before he said to Jia Zhang

"This is the wild egg I brought back from the country yesterday, and unlike the usual eggs, it is much smaller."

"I see that your stick terrier has a lot in his pocket, and there should be eggs that have not been eaten."

"You let him take out the egg and compare the size, whether it is the egg I gave to the rain, it will naturally be clear at a glance."

Upon hearing this, Jia Zhang couldn't help but look at the waist of the stick terrier.

Only then did I find that my grandson's pocket was indeed round and filled with things.

Liu Haizhong saw that things had taken a turn for the better, and immediately said excitedly:

"Jia Zhang, the new evidence that your mother and son want, now that there is it, quickly take out the egg in the pocket of the stick terrier for everyone to compare."

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