"Liu Guangqi told you?"

Cao Dingan asked a little strangely.

Liu Haizhong was so frightened that his legs were weak and he didn't listen to the call, and Liu Guangqi was so intimidated that even his old son did not dare to save him.

Can he brag about this too?

"Not really."

Xu Damao smiled and shook his head

"I was told by a worker in the same car."

"But he was squeezed behind and didn't know exactly where it started."

"I went to ask Liu Guangqi just now, and that guy wouldn't say anything."

"I also went to the cafeteria and a workshop, and looked at the silly pillar and the grandfather."

"But except that Jia Dongxu seems to be a little miserable, Silly Zhu and Uncle seem to be fine."

"Especially the silly pillar, the mood is so good, and he is still in a daze and giggling in the cafeteria, it's just hell."

"Being beaten, can you still be so happy??"

"I'm afraid my brain was broken, right??"

Speaking of this, Xu Damao couldn't help but laugh again.

Silly pillar Silly Pillar, if he is really beaten stupid, it is too compatible with his nickname.

"Stupid pillar brain broken? That can't be, right? "

"We finished taking notes from the organ together, and he was fine by then."

"Besides, the stupid pillar didn't hurt his head?"

Cao Dingan shook his head and denied the idea that the stupid pillar had been beaten into a bad brain.

When Xu Damao heard this, he put away his smiling face and showed a regretful expression.

Then he said: "What is the situation, you tell me about it, I will ask Liu Guangqi, that guy just refuses to say." "

See him looking curious about the baby

Cao Dingan shook his head and simply explained the matter.

Speaking of Jia Dongxu being punched, Yi Zhonghai was kicked, and the stupid pillar was directly thrown out.

Xu Damao's face couldn't help but yearn.

This guy seems to have brought himself into Li Dabao's identity, and then beat up the stupid pillar in the spirit world.

"I shouldn't have ridden today, I should have taken the bus with you all the way, and I really regret that I died of missing this big scene."

Xu Damao sighed, looking regretful.

But later, when it came to subduing Li Dabao, everyone went to the organ to record a confession.

Xu Damao, who was quite happy just now, is not very good-looking at this time.

"You mean, you guys are righteous? Is it possible to rate it as advanced? "

Cao Dingan shook his head and said, "It's not enough to evaluate the first, but if you report the praise in the factory, you should not be able to run." "

When Xu Damao heard this, his face turned green.

Praise anyone, you can't praise the stupid pillar that dog thing.

You have to think of a way to make this dog thing more than compensated.

Xu Damao didn't know what he was thinking, he finished the rice in a big gulp, and the enamel bowl was not returned, and ran out with a puff of smoke.

"Big dog!"

Seeing this, Cao Dingan couldn't help but scold secretly.

Just as he finished eating, he took Xu Damao's bowl and went to the recycling window of the cafeteria to refund two cents.

Two cents is money.

If the third master loses two cents, he can not sleep well for a month with heartache.

Who expected that Cao Dingan had just finished returning the bowl, and the person had not left the cafeteria.

Suddenly, I saw Xu Damao, who had slipped away, and hurried back.

"Isn't it? What about my enamel bowl? "

Xu Damao looked at the empty desktop with a confused expression.

He ran out, only to remember that the bowl didn't seem to retreat, and then he came back again.

"You quit after eating?"

"What do you want?"

"East and west, you won't lose your money."

Cao Ding'an made a speechless expression.

The money he has already collected in his pocket, and it is impossible to spit it out.

"Is it??"

Xu Damao frowned and fell into deep thought.

Cao Dingan said firmly: "Isn't it, what were you thinking just now?" Trance, wouldn't be trying to do something bad? "

"What's there?"

Xu Damao said with some weakness: "Am I that kind of person?" I'm honest. "

"There is no best, okay, you hurry back!"

"I didn't sleep well last night, and I have to take advantage of my lunch break to go back and catch up on sleep."

Cao Dingan said and returned to the office with Sun Mingcheng, who was smiling next to him.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the hospital had just gone to work.

Li Dahai, director of internal medicine, came to find Cao Dingan.

He briefly notified the dean of the personnel changes that Cao Ding'an would not have to shift in the future, but only work day shifts.

Cao Ding'an, who had been prepared in his heart, immediately agreed with peace of mind.

Because there is no need to work shifts,

So he also has a fixed rest period in the future.

That is, like the factory workers, they have one day off every Sunday every week.

This era is different from later generations, there is no weekend and double holiday, but only one day off a week.

Take temporary leave if you have something.

Like an occasional morning, or an afternoon.

This situation will hardly affect wages.

By the way, today's Cao Dingan is the lowest level doctor.

He receives a salary of thirty-five yuan a month.

In the past, there was a subsidy for shift shifts, which could reach more than forty-one and twelve yuan a month.

Although this salary is not much, it is already four or five yuan higher than Jia Dongxu, who is a second-level fitter.

The whole yard of peers,

It is also Xu Damao's salary as a projectionist comparable to his.

Xu Damao is currently also the lowest level eighth-level projectionist.

The same is thirty-five pieces five a month.

Plus one day a week, he has to go to the commune to show a movie.

What he asked for a month was probably similar to Cao Dingan's salary in his early forties.

As for the silly pillar, he is far behind.

He is now a level nine cook, thirty-one dollars a month.

Originally, he could also have a subsidy of two yuan a month.

But this guy often makes mistakes in the factory and is still bumping into the leadership.

As a result, he received only a minimum basic salary every month.

After Li Dahai finished notifying, the person left.

Cao Ding'an began another day's daily afternoon rounds.

He now doesn't have to work night shifts and assists with surgery every morning

Everything else is basically business as usual.

About three o'clock in the afternoon,

Cao Dingan, who returned from rounds, was treating a new patient.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the consultation room.

Cao Dingan glanced up.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a navy blue Zhongshan suit, glasses, and some greasy standing outside.

Cao Dingan raised his hand and motioned for him to wait.

After seeing the patient, he made a will and sent the person away.

Only then did he smile and ask, "Director Liu, why did you come here?" Is it somewhere uncomfortable? "

The person who came was Liu Feng, the director of Hongxing Machine Repair Factory, that is, Ding Qiunan's top boss.

"That, Xiaocao..."

Liu Feng sat on the chair in front of Cao Ding'an's desk and said with a smile: "I'm not here to see you, I want to ask you for a favor." "


Cao Dingan looked surprised.

What help does it take to be a doctor yourself, not to see a doctor yourself?

The work of hospitals and mechanics can't be beaten with eight poles?

"Xiaocao, it's like this."

Liu Feng smiled and said, "I have a big brother friend, and he is also a factory director. "

"His wife, who just gave birth to her fifth child half a year ago."

"But I don't know what's going on, the child will be fine when it is born."

"But as soon as the menstrual event resumed, the thing flowed non-stop, and even burst into bets..."

Cao Dingan listened silently, and after a while, he probably understood what was going on.

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