Chapter 109 The crowd was excited, and they wanted to send two goods to the Great Northern Wilderness to farm?

It was half past nine.

The middle courtyard began to become more and more lively, and every family came out, ready to take a look at Jia Dongxu and Xu Damao's treatment plan.

Big guy, his face is a little serious.

After all, two men looking for a kiln sister at the same time are indeed a bit unacceptable in this era.

He Yuzhu was full of food and drink, and came skillfully again, and he squatted down in front of the feng shui throne in the compound.

is still under the old locust tree, as if he has come to sing and play, with a cigarette in his mouth at random, and his demeanor looks quite casual.

"Pillar, here!"

"It's disgusting that you're not here this morning. "

"What nonsense, people are college students!"

"Yes, learning is important. "


When everyone saw He Yuzhu, they naturally began to greet each other.

As for everyone's overtures, He Yuzhu also seemed very modest and smiled back at everyone.

Of course.

What the hell is going on in your heart?

This is the opinion of the benevolent, and the wise see the wisdom.

About, ten minutes later.

The three stewards arrived one after another, and sat directly on their Eight Immortals table.

Jia Dongxu and Xu Damao's family stood in the middle, ready to meet their fate.

You can see it.

Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong looked very casual at this time.

On the contrary, it was Yi Zhonghai and these parties whose faces looked very bad, and it could even be said to be gloomy.

Yi Zhonghai, a little silent.

Although he was very reluctant, he coughed and spoke.

"This plenary meeting, I think everyone understands it in their hearts. "

"Yes. "

"It's still about Jia Dongxu and Xu Damao. "

"I couldn't say a lot of things in the morning, because the key witness He Yuzhu was not there. "

"Now, He Yuzhu is back. "

"Let's continue the topic in the morning, please ask He Yuzhu to come out and come back, did you 013 invite you to Jia's house to drink last night?"

Yi Zhonghai, his face was gloomy.

Even if he knew that He Yuzhu would not help, the process that should be taken still had to be taken.

The facts, as he expected.

Seeing this, He Yuzhu walked out directly.

"I, still the same sentence. "

"I fell asleep when I came back yesterday night, and I didn't go to Jia's house to drink anything. "

After all that is said.

He just crouched down again.

When everyone in the compound heard this, they naturally talked about it again.

Sure enough, I guessed right. "

"Didn't you mean that the pillar of the family is a college student!"

"People need to study every day, so how can they have time to drink with you. "

"Xu Damao and Jia Dongxu are simply too hateful. "

"I suggest, close the little black house!"

"That's too cheap for him, and I propose a referendum to let them quit their jobs themselves. "

"Why don't you cancel his urban hukou and let him go directly to the countryside to farm. "

"Now there is a special shortage of people in the Great Northern Wilderness, so send them directly to the Great Northern Wilderness to farm. "

"Otherwise, let's just kill it. "

The voice of the big guy's discussion is not low, naturally Yi Zhonghai, Xu Damao's family, and Jia Dongxu can all hear it.

The more they listened, the more frightened they became.


These tactics are simply more ruthless than the other, and this is really to the point of directly killing him.

Once these strategies are passed, it is conceivable that even if they can not die in the end, this life will basically be over.

Jia Dongxu was terrified.

He was unwilling to accept this punishment, so he immediately yelled directly.

"He Yuzhu, he lied. "

"I can swear to God, Xu Damao and I didn't look for Sister Yao last night, just to deal with He Yuzhu!"

"You have to trust me!"

This moment.

Jia Dongxu was about to cry.

He really regretted it!

Qin Huairu had persuaded herself before, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.

But, what about now?

If you listen to your wife's words, you don't think there will be any such.


He sighed deeply, his heart now full of remorse.

At this time, he secretly swore in his heart that if he could really survive this time, then he would definitely listen to his daughter-in-law in the future.

"Everyone, I was wronged!"

"I just fell into Jia Dongxu's trap, and all this has nothing to do with me!"

"I just went to drink last night and accidentally got drunk. "

"You have to trust me!"

Right now.

Xu Damao couldn't help it.

Seeing that He Yuzhu couldn't count on it, so in order for himself to pass the test safely, he could only pour dirty water on Jia Dongxu as much as possible.

But, it's a pity.

His idea was good, but it obviously didn't convince everyone.

saw that as soon as his words fell, Yan Bugui took the lead in attacking.

"Xu Damao, what you said doesn't make sense. "

"If He Yuzhu really went to drink last night, it can still show that the two of you are trying to frame He Yuzhu. "

But the problem now is that He Yuzhu didn't go to Jia's house to drink at all. "

"So there is no evidence to support your claim. "

"If you can't come up with evidence, then we can only think that you are just going to find Sister Yao with Jia Dongxu. "

"This, you can't deny it!"

Xu Damao looked confused.

He's stupid.


If you want to detain the black pot on Jia Dongxu, then you must be the first to prove that they do have the possibility of framing He Yuzhu.

And if you want to prove this, then He Yuzhu must open his mouth to tell the truth.

But, what a deal.

Looking at the posture in front of He Yuzhu, he wished he was going to die.

Count on him to be soft-hearted, so forget it.

And He Yuzhu didn't let go and told the truth, he couldn't prove that they wanted to frame He Yuzhu, so he couldn't let Jia Dongxu carry the black pot.

It's a dead end!

What to do?

Xu Damao's head was full of cold sweat, but he couldn't find a way to refute it for a while.


You can only shut up in humiliation.

However, when he looked at He Yuzhu, his eyes became more and more cold.

This, bastard!

Because he was unwilling to come forward to help, this led to the current bad situation. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So, don't give yourself a chance.

Otherwise, I will definitely kill you He Yuzhu!

Xu Damao, swear in his heart.

But at this time, He Yuzhu didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

Opposite. []

He looked at Yan Bugui, who was speaking for him, and Yan Bugui at this time (aeej) also looked at him with a light smile.

A posture of asking for praise.

He Yuzhu nodded slightly, indicating that he had written down this kindness.

Yan Bugui saw He Yuzhu nodding, and he was a little relieved.

This time, the goal was achieved.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but speak.

"Lao Yi, so be it. "

"The meaning of the big guy, you think you've seen it too. "

"How to punish it, you can choose one yourself. "

Yi Zhonghai: "......"

His head was blue and avoidant, and his face was gloomy and terrifying.


Pick one!

What are the options you see?

Forcing them to resign, rushing back to the countryside, and sending them to the Great Northern Wilderness?


One is more unreliable than the other!

If he really agreed, then these two people would really be finished.

How Xu Damao is, he doesn't care.

But, what about Jia Dongxu?

This is my own pension object!

If he personally announced the result of this treatment, then it is conceivable that even if Jia Dongxu can come back in the future, then he will have to hate himself to death in his heart.

Counting on him to provide for himself?

It's just a joke!

So, no!

Absolutely no promise.

But, the same.

Just like Yan Bugui said, now the atmosphere in the entire compound has become hot.

Everyone is full of anger, and a momentum has been formed!

In the face of this grand trend, even he didn't dare to use his mantis arm as a car.

What to do?

His brain began to run wildly, constantly thinking of solutions.


After a moment, he opened his eyes.

He took a deep breath and got up, spreading his hands out to signal everyone to be quiet, and then he spoke quietly.

"This matter is too important!"

"As long as I make this decision, then the lives of these two young people will be completely ruined. "

"Therefore, even if you scold me, I must be cautious!"

"So, so be it. "

"Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong are in charge, Xu Damao's parents, and finally add He Yuzhu. "

"After all, the pillar is a college student, and he must think more deeply than us. "

"These people, come with me to Jia's house. "

"Let's discuss how to solve this matter. "

"Do you have any comments on my proposal?"

With Yi Zhonghai opening, the entire compound was naturally in an uproar.


Everyone, I don't understand.

However, after discussing with each other, they finally chose to accept.

After all, what Yi Zhonghai said is quite reasonable.

In any case, this decision is really important.

This will affect the fate of the two young people's lives.

Be careful, as it should be!

Of course, more importantly, there is a person they trust in these people to consult.

He Yuzhu!


As long as it is in this compound, everyone knows that He Yuzhu and Yi Zhonghai do not deal with each other.

can make He Yuzhu admit and agree, then in some respects, it can naturally be regarded as justice.


Five minutes later, Jia's house.

The group closed the door and sat on chairs, and the atmosphere seemed quite serious and gloomy.

He Yuzhu's eyes narrowed slightly.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he sat casually on a stool by the door, and he just smiled and looked at the crowd.

Truth be told, he was a little stunned.


Even he himself didn't expect that he, a seventeen-year-old young man, could really enter the decision-making circle of this compound.


Don't look at it as a miscellaneous courtyard, but there are still class divisions.

In the past, He Yuzhu was not even as good as ordinary residents.

He's just an orphan with no father's pain and no mother's love.

But, what about now?

Directly surpass the ordinary residents of the compound and stand directly at the top of the compound.

Is it worth rejoicing?


It's just a big miscellaneous courtyard, and He Yuzhu is not so 1ow

But, even so.

This closed-door meeting still made him feel novel.

What did Yi Zhonghai want to do with the posture in front of him?


Although he couldn't figure it out either, one thing was certain, this guy must have come for him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to pull himself up.

And so it is.

Just as He Yuzhu was thinking, Yi Zhonghai coughed and spoke.

"He Yuzhu, let's just say it. "

"I called you here this time because I have something to discuss with you. "


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