Chapter 112 He Yuzhu's words, the birds broke their defenses a little

Everyone present looked confused.


They were all directly shocked by He Yuzhu's words!


Do you have to pay for it with one hand and deliver it with the other?

Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong glanced at each other and didn't say anything about it.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with them!

Xu Damao and Jia Dongxu glared at He Yuzhu angrily.


Considering that they were about to tremble at the last time, they were also afraid that they would get angry and completely mess things up.


They could only keep their faces gloomy, and just squeeze their fists and sulk.

Only, Yi Zhonghai.

He couldn't hide even if he wanted to, so after thinking for a while, he couldn't help frowning.

"Pillar, you've gone too far. "

"Look at what time it has been, I have gone to bed early and have fallen asleep now. "

"You...... Isn't it embarrassing?"

He Yuzhu rolled his eyes at this.

He didn't know much about the former temperament of these beasts in the compound.

To settle things, he had to get money.

Otherwise, if he gets this done tonight, then these people will dare to turn their faces and deny people tomorrow.


He didn't talk nonsense about this, and immediately shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't care about this!"

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow, it's not too early now, let's all go back and rest." "

"I can't do it, I have to go back to study. "

"That, see you later!"

With that, he got up again.

Seeing this, the corners of the others' mouths began to twitch more and more.


They can also see that He Yuzhu, this guy, obviously doesn't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other04

If you want to put it off until tomorrow, it will definitely not be possible.

The gang in the compound absolutely disagree!

To know.

This matter, the nature is too bad.

Yi Zhonghai was able to delay this morning, which can be regarded as staining He Yuzhu's light, because he was not there at that time.

But, not now!

Obviously, He Yuzhu's witness has come over, if it is still dragged out and not resolved, then they can completely conclude that Yi Zhonghai wants to shield Xu Damao and Jia Dongxu.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai sighed.

"Okay, I admit it. "

"Now I'll go to the workshop director's house right away, and I'll hand over the bicycle ticket, of course, I'll pay for the money first, and then you can make it up for me." "

"As for the five hundred dollars, you should go back and raise money for each of you. "

"Wait, let's meet at Jia's house!"

After saying this, Yi Zhonghai stopped talking.

After immediately going home and getting the money, he left the compound directly.

Xu Damao's parents, naturally, didn't talk nonsense, and hurried home to get the money.

Only Jia Dongxu is relatively simple, because this is his home.

I went back to the bedroom and walked out with the money.


And, on the other side.

In the compound, there was a lot of discussion.

You must know that Yi Zhonghai called a few people to Jia's house to discuss, but in fact, the whole house meeting did not disperse.

In the compound at this time, the big guys are talking about it.

"You say, 'What's going on?'"

"I'm also a little confused, what's negotiable about this little thing?"

"I can't say that, just like the first uncle said, after all, this matter involves the whole life of the two people. "

"Yes! "

"You said wait a while, will the pillar change its words?"

"This, it's hard to say!"

"I think it's possible, after all, if you don't do anything, Jia Dongxu and Xu Damao will be ruined for the rest of their lives. "

"As long as it's a normal person, you'll ask for a pillar, right?"

"I feel like a pillar, not that kind of person, right?"

"This, it's hard to say!"

"We'll find out later, just wait and see. "


At this time, the environment of the compound was slightly dim.

Because there is only one orange light bulb, it can only be said that there is barely a light source in the courtyard at this time.

The big guys are just three or three, gathering together for various discussions.

As for the young children, they don't care about that, and now they are playing crazy in the compound.

He Yuzhu walked out of Jia's house, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his mood couldn't help but calm down a little.

This kind of scene will not be seen in later generations.

Even the neighbors most likely don't know each other.


After hearing the big guy's discussion, he couldn't help but fall silent.

Just now, I was thinking about making money, and I forgot about my reputation.


After you get the money yourself, do you really have to testify for the two of them?

I just denied it before, and after talking to Yi Zhonghai for a while, I directly changed my words, which would definitely affect my reputation.

What to do?

He wants money and bicycles, but he doesn't want to give up fame!

He, began to think.

It was also at this time that after everyone in the compound saw He Yuzhu, they naturally all gathered around to inquire about it.

He Yuzhu listened, and was also a little embarrassed.

But it wouldn't work if he didn't answer, so he thought for a moment before he couldn't help but smile and speak.

"Rest assured, everyone. "

"We were in the room just now, and we were really discussing how to deal with this matter. "

After all, this decision has the potential to ruin the lives of the two of them. "

"Prudence, it is necessary!"

"And Xu Damao and Jia Dongxu did beg me to let them go. "

"But rest assured, I'm not that easy to be bought. "

"Fairness and justice, I will follow through. "

"Rest assured, everyone!"

He Yuzhu is upright.

Yes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Benefits and fame, he wanted them all.

Since he had such an opportunity, he immediately started performing.

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he praised He Yuzhu with all kinds of compliments, and even He Yuzhu was a little embarrassed.

At last. []

After chatting casually with everyone, He Yuzhu found an excuse and returned directly to his home.


Anyway, if Yi Zhonghai and the others want to solve it, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

And he is unwilling to stay in the Jia family, with Xu Damao and Jia Dongxu, the two enemies.

That, how embarrassing?

It's still comfortable to stay at home!


Probably, half an hour later.

Yan Bugui came over in person and invited He Yuzhu to Jia's house again.

He Yuzhu did not refuse.

When he came to Jia's house again, he saw that Yi Zhonghai and Xu Damao's parents had returned.


Their faces were very gloomy.

Especially now after seeing He Yuzhu, they immediately broke out.

The first to make trouble was Jia Dongxu.


"What the hell are you trying to do bastard, we're all starting to raise money to get bike tickets, what's that you're talking about outside?"

"Do you want to get paid and not work?"


He was genuinely angry.

He had never seen such a shameless person as He Yuzhu!

None of the others spoke.

But from their gloomy faces, it can also be seen that they are in a very unhappy mood.

It felt like someone had been tricked.

However, it is different from Jia Dongxu.

They are basically human spirits, even if they are angry in their hearts, but they will not get angry at will until they figure it out.

Seeing this, Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but get up.


"What Dongxu said is not good, but we do need an explanation. "

"What you said in the compound just now really made our big guys feel a little panicked. "

"There are some things that should be said clearly. "

"Otherwise, the money that the big guy donated to you is not so easy to get. "

"You, understand?"

Yi Zhonghai, his tone was cold.

Although he can also play officialdom, but when things have developed to this point, he has long lost this mind.


Now even he has said it clearly.

Especially when it comes to donations, Yi Zhonghai's tone is even more aggravated.

Quite simply, in a word.

It would be good if He Yuzhu could make his words clear, otherwise he wouldn't want to fool them with a penny.

He Yuzhu, of course, is not stupid.

Since he dared to do this, he naturally had a plan in his heart.

For the scene in front of him, he had already prepared himself before he came.


Without the slightest nonsense, he immediately spoke directly.

"Of course...... No problem!"

"Now that we've said that, it's time to open the skylight and speak brightly. "

"But before I say that, there is one more thing I want to remind you. 703"

"What I say next, if you spread it, I will never admit it. "

"What I take, it's just a donation!"

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, his face became much more solemn.

He could feel the sincerity in He Yuzhu's tone, so he nodded after a moment of silence.

"Okay, you name it. "

When the others saw this, they were very upset.

Because in their opinion, He Yuzhu is a biaozi, but he still wants to build a memorial arch.


Just, bastard!

But, no.

Even if they are angry in their hearts, they don't dare to interject and refute at will.

Otherwise, the witnesses who were finally brought in might be really angry with them.

When the time comes, what to do?


Although he gritted his teeth angrily, he couldn't wait to kill He Yuzhu directly.

But, finally.

They held back anyway.

He Yuzhu's eyes narrowed slightly, and after glancing at everyone lightly, he said in a quiet tone.

"Rest assured, you guys. "

"I, He Yuzhu, are different from you, since I have collected the money, I will definitely do things. "

"But, the same. "

"If you want me to directly regret it, saying that I went to Jia's house to drink last night, it is absolutely impossible. "

"I think everyone has noticed that I am a person who values reputation very much. "

"So it's superfluous, and I don't bother to say it. "

"In a word, in a word. "

"I won't say that I went to Jia's house to drink last night, because that would affect my reputation, but I also have a way to solve the matter in front of me completely. "

"That's what you're asking for anyway, aren't you?"

"So, don't talk nonsense!"

"You bring the money and the bike tickets, and then I'll solve the matter for you. "

"Of course, I want to reiterate that even if I don't let them go to the Great Northern Wilderness to farm, I will definitely teach them a lesson. "

"What I'm trying to say, it's very simple!"

"Since you dare to provoke me He Yuzhu, then you must pay the price!"

"I'm done, this deal ......"

"Do you do it, or don't you do it?".

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