The old lady also likes to show off, and she likes to do things according to her own preferences.

  Originally, the emperor's blessing words were generally only given to ministers, at least court officials!

  But as for the Empress Dowager Cixi, she doesn't care about this, she can give it to whoever she likes.

  She is not an emperor, so she has no such scruples. The word blessing is like a joke.

  The old lady Empress Cixi also liked to watch dramas.

  She often let outside troupes come into the palace to sing for her, and over time.

  Those people have figured out Cixi's preferences, and some people dare to ask Cixi for blessings!

  On that day, Cixi was watching a play in the Summer Palace, and the starring role was Ling Tong.


  This day's play is called "Havoc in the Heavenly Palace", and Cixi is still unsatisfied.

  After reading it, I was still intoxicated. After I reacted, I asked the person next to me to call the protagonist.

  Ling Tong knelt down in front of Cixi, and Cixi said, sing well, reward.

  The reward in the palace is usually either silver dollars or some rare treasures, or some leftover cakes from Cixi.

  Cixi happened to eat some cakes while watching the play that day, so she wanted to give these cakes to Ling Tong.

  So Ling Tong dared to say that the slave dared to ask the queen mother for another reward.

  Cixi was very kind to Ling Tong, who had made her happy for a while.

  Hearing him say this, he was not angry, but kindly asked Ling Tong what reward he wanted.

  When Ling Tong heard the Empress Dowager Cixi say this, he felt relieved to say, Empress Dowager Hongfu Qitian, please give the little one a blessing!

  After Cixi heard it, she didn't speak, Ling Tong added another sentence.

  The cakes rewarded by the Queen Mother, the little ones like it very much, but after eating the cakes, the little man can only grow his body, but if the Queen Mother gives blessings, it can give the little family a spirit!

  When Cixi heard it, she was delighted, and immediately asked her to study the Four Treasures of the Office.

  But after writing it, Cixi felt that something was wrong, because the word blessing had a little more radical.

  When Cixi was thinking about what to do, Li Lianying came up.

  Found this a little more.

  At this time, the little palace maid next to her accidentally said "a little more".

  Li Lianying immediately said loudly that the Queen Mother Hong Fu Qi Tian, ​​Fu is also a little more than other people.

  At this time, the actor Ling Tong will immediately understand.

  Said, how can the little He De get a little more blessing from the Queen Mother, the little one can't afford it!

  Cixi suddenly brightened up and happily said that since this is the case, I will not force you to write another one for you.

  An embarrassment caused by a typo was solved by Li Lianying in one sentence, and Ling Tong understood it in seconds, giving Cixi a very comfortable step.

  But now, every time Li Ge played chess, he always played a draw.

  Although they knew that Li Ge was powerful, they didn't say it.

  Li Ge also didn't show a very proud look.

  This made Wang Lao look more and more satisfied in Li Ge's eyes.

  "This is the end of today. I have never played such a happy chess game."

  "You boy, it's not bad."

  Looking at Li Ge, Wang Lao was watching him seriously for the first time.

  This young man is not only arrogant and impetuous.

  The city is still so deep.

  He sighed in his heart.

  Once this person has the power, that is the carp leaping over the dragon gate.


  Not in the pool.

  The more he thought about it, the more satisfied he became.

  In his eyes, he also became very soft.

  Feeling good!

  ps: anyone?

【86】: An old-fashioned record player, a scarf from Ran Qiuye! 【6/10 ask for custom】

  "Old Wang, if you say this, I'm going to be embarrassed."

  Li Ge chuckled.

  When Feng Qing and Liu Ma saw this, they couldn't help but smile.

  At this time.

  A melodious voice rang out.

  Li Ge's eyes lit up.

  His eyes fell on the living room.

  on an old record player.

  He suddenly remembered.

  This thing, it seems that in the play, the big leader finally gave it to silly Zhu.

  And this time.

  On the record player, it was a "Symphony of Destiny" that was shown when the later generations were at school.

  Li Ge heard this song when he was in college.

  Listening to it now, it's really a different taste.

  "Take it back if you like it."

  Wang Lao glanced at the chessboard.

  The old guy is still thinking about how to break Li Ge's draw.

  See this guy Li Ge.

  Seems to be interested in that record player.

  He waved his hand directly and said proudly.

  "Is that what you said?"

  Li Ge's expression moved.


  Old Wang laughed angrily and scolded:

  "But I still say that, I have one condition, you kid, come to my house to cook two meals a week."

  "That's fine, don't worry about it."

  Li Ge heard that he was just such a request.

  Not much to say.


  "Old record, you should have a record of Tchaikovsky's Symphony of Fate here."

  "Yo, you even know that this piece is Tchaikovsky's Symphony of Destiny?"

  Wang Lao was really surprised.

  Liu Ma, who was on the side, had also heard of it.

  As for Secretary Feng.

  He was equally astonished.

  Li Ge, why is he so arrogant?

  Damn it, it's insane.

  "Fate is destiny, the destiny of the country, the destiny of individuals, the destiny of everyone, the small is the big, the big is the small."

  "Fate can be small, as small as an ant, or as big as Wang Yang, but even the humblest of fate can weave the most wonderful battle song, and even a single spark can start a prairie fire."

  "The great man of the country, for the country and the people, destiny, too much content, too much."

  "Tchaikovsky wrote this piece to reflect the social situation at the time."

  "At the same time, it is also our country, in this current situation"


  Li Ge said here.

  He didn't go on.

  But just a few words.

  But it has been the case of this era.

  It's very cryptic and very transparent.

  So much so that when Li Ge said the end.

  Secretary Feng and Mama Liu were stunned.

  And Wang Lao's expression changed greatly.

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