Then connect the plug.

  Soon, a melodious and exciting tune sounded.

  This is the Symphony of Destiny.

  Just a moment of effort.

  Ran Qiuye and Lou Xiaoe were both fascinated.

  Unconsciously, his eyes turned red.

  "Do you know what this tune is? It's destiny."

  Liger Road.

  This time, Lou Xiao'e was surprised.

  She looked at Li Ge in disbelief, "Do you still know fate?"

  Ran Qiuye was also a little interested.

  She looked at Li Ge without interrupting.

  I really want to see this man in her impression.

  Except for cooking.

  What else won't.

  Li Ge poured himself a cup of tea.

  While drinking tea.

  He opened his mouth and said:

  "Fate, Symphony of Fate, Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony, also known as Symphony in E minor."

  "The first paragraph is called Andante, do you know what the second paragraph is called?"

  Speaking of it.

  He came to the record player.


  The light fell on him.

  That sunny smile carried the sunshine and vigor of a young boy.

  Ran Qiuye and Lou Xiaoe looked at each other.


  "What's it called?"

  ps: anyone?The data is very bleak, and I can't subscribe to the custom order. There is a problem with my account.

[89]: Changes in the aura space! 【9/10 ask for custom】

  "The second paragraph is called Ruge Allegro."

  "The third paragraph enters the allegro of the mean."

  "The fourth stanza is the finale."

  Speaking of it.

  Lou Xiao'e couldn't help but admire and said, "Li Ge, I'm impressed by you, you are awesome."

  "Yeah, most people rarely know this symphony of destiny. How did you know?"

  Ran Qiuye was also very surprised.

  In this era, reading is generally difficult, and as for this kind of learning music, it is also in high school.

  The teacher will mention it.

  In most cases, it is about some practical teaching materials.

  Therefore, when they heard that Li Ge understood so well, they couldn't help but admire Li Ge in their hearts.

  "Let me tell you a story."

  Li Ge did not answer.

  Instead, he looked out the window.

  Lou Xiao'e and Ran Qiuye were also rarely quiet.

  At this time, Li Ge spoke:

  "There was a couple in a foreign country. One day they drove their car to the forest. Halfway through the car, the car stopped. At this time, a lion appeared and was going to eat the couple. The husband ran back to the cab. They thought, here we are. Wait, let's see who spends who.

  As a result, the husband miscalculated, and the lion's endurance far exceeded them.

  After the first day, they went from hope to panic, and the husband wanted to get out of the car to fight the lions.

  Retained by his wife affectionately.

  The next day passed, and they went from panic to anxiety and fear.

  The husband was angry and felt that waiting was death.

  They all know that if this goes on like this, their fate is death.

  will end in this forest. "

  Li Ge was talking.


  But Lou Xiaoe was stunned.

  She has heard the story.

  Between thoughts.

  One night on a rainy autumn night.

  In the study, she had studied "Symphony of Destiny" in high school, and at that time, his mother had told her this story. 550

  She almost forgot.

  After many years.

  Hear Lig tell the story again.

  Unconsciously, her eyes turned red, and she couldn't help the tears rolling in her eyes.

  There is some sadness in my heart.

  Ran Qiuye's heart also seemed to follow Li Ge's vivid description.

  Big ups and downs.

  When I heard that foreign couples met lions.

  is nervous.

  When she heard that they had gone from hope to panic, she followed with concern.

  From panic to anxiety and fear, she wondered what would happen to the couple.

  "And then, and then, what happened to them?"

  Ran Qiuye couldn't help but hurriedly asked.

  "At this time, my wife suddenly made an astonishing decision. She hugged her husband and said affectionately, "You drive the car back and get out of the car resolutely."

  "Out of instinct, the lion followed his wife."

  Speaking of it.

  Lou Xiao'e didn't say any more.

  "What happened after that?"

  Ran Qiuye wanted to know what happened next.

  "The story is here, and there is no more. I actually heard this story from my mother when I was in high school, but I didn't expect you to know this story, Li Ge."

  Lou Xiaoe retracted her thoughts.

  Her mood could not be calm for a long time.

  Li Ge said solemnly, "This is what I heard from the leader."

  Anyway, what to say.

  It's all heard from the big leaders.

  Lou Xiao'e and Ran Qiuye couldn't find the big leader.

  "The content of the first three pieces of music is about failure and sadness. Both parties give love, and love is great."

  "As for the last paragraph, it is the central theme, which is about how to overcome sorrow, find hope and be reborn in desperation."

  "The woman is gone, what about the man?"

  Ran Qiuye said.

  "The woman naturally fed the lion, and the man survived."

  "But speaking of it, this man is also a scumbag, which is in line with the aesthetic attitude of Westerners."

  Li Ge sneered.

  Westerners, although pay attention to equality between men and women.

  But sometimes.

  It is selfish, what kind of thing is a man who can leave his wife and live alone?

  "Then it's you, what should you do?"

  Lou Xiao'e's eyes fell on Li Ge.

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