In an instant, he gained a wave of goodwill.

  "Speaking of which, Director Li, he is not only excellent in technique, but also in cooking."

  This guy Liu Feng seems to be interested.

  In a hurry, Li Ge was cooking at the big leader's house.

  That delicious meal.

  In that conversation, vivid descriptions.

  Leng is to let the employees of the machine repair shop on the site.

  Also caught in that imagination.

  Then, they discovered that they and others were actually hungry.

  "Don't mention it, mention it, I'm hungry now too."

  Director Liu finished.

  He smiled awkwardly.

  Seeing this, Li Ge smiled and said:

  "Director Liu is a bit exaggerated. I am only slightly proficient in cooking. How can it be as good as you say?"

  Liu Feng shook his head, and he suddenly said with a serious expression:

  "Director Li, don't be humble yourself. If all the Sichuan dishes you cook are exaggerated, then there is no one else in this world who can compare to you."

  "Director Liu, isn't this a bit exaggerated? Is this leader's cooking skills really that great?"

  I heard that Director Liu Li Ge's cooking skills are amazing.

  How arrogant.

  Nan Yi, who was originally standing aside, just wanted to watch the play quietly.

  He felt a little dissatisfied for a moment.

  His master has a great background.

  The ancestors were the imperial chefs of the former Qing Dynasty, cooking dishes.

  For him, it is a delicacy in the world.

  I also think my cooking skills are not bad.

  But Li Ge came like this.

  In an instant, he felt that his face had nowhere to go.


  I feel my status as a cook.

  may be affected.

  Everyone saw that it was Nan Yi, the cook.

  Everyone knows that his cooking is delicious, and this time, everyone is interested.


  "Director, you said that the leader's cooking is so delicious, is it true?"

  "Then who is more powerful than Master Nan Yi's cooking skills?"

  "Yes, factory manager, please tell everyone quickly."

  In this day and age, everyone wants to compare themselves with each other, so gossip is a must to say a few words.

  Hear this.

  Ding Qiunan and Liang Ladi were all interested.

  Also curious.

  Li Ge, who is more powerful than Nan Yi?

  "It must be Master Nan, you are amazing, needless to say?"

  Yang Xiaodong smiled.

  Liu Minggan agreed, "Yes, Master Nan's cooking skills are so good, and the factory manager was full of praise before. He will definitely say that Master Nan is yours."


  The next moment the two of them were beaten in the face.

  However, Director Liu shook his head and glanced at Nan Yi:

  "Compared with Director Li, your cooking skills are worlds apart!"

  ps: I saw that a brother in the comment area asked me to write "Man is Iron Rice or Steel", so I wrote it, I hope everyone likes it, of course, I probably wrote about a dozen or so, and it's enough, it's equivalent to a cameo, no I wrote too much. If there is anything bad, you can give your opinion in the comment area. I will change it later. Thank you.

[5]: Widow Liang Ladi, don't worry about the meal coupons! 【5/10 ask for custom】

  "Director Liu, are you exaggerating a bit?"

  Nan Yi listened to this guy.

  He was immediately dissatisfied.

  I am angry.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting the rage value x99 from Nanyi]

  "Master Nan, don't talk nonsense. Director Li is really better at cooking than you. This is undeniable."

  Director Liu saw that Nan Yi was out to make trouble.

  He frowned slightly.

  Somewhat displeased.

  To South Yidao.

  "I haven't seen it with my own eyes. How can I know exactly what it is."

  "Maybe you said that to give face to the big leaders."

  Nan Yi hummed.


  "Nan Yi, what are you talking about? Director Li is here, you are breaking discipline."

  Director Ma and the others saw Nan Yi like this.

  He immediately scolded.

  "Director Liu, it's okay, let him continue. I want to hear what this comrade has to say."

  "After all, as a leader, I came this time to listen to the voices of the majority of workers at the lower level."

  Li Ge waved his hand.

  His eyes fell on Nan Yi.

  Pretend to be generous.

  Hearing his attitude, all the employees of the machine repair factory have increased their goodwill towards Li Ge again.

  He was obviously a little unhappy with Nan Yi's style.

  It's really too small.

  Not being human at all.

  Ding Qiunan glanced at Nan Yi.

  She frowned.

  Suddenly there was some sigh in my heart.

  Before, she almost changed her attitude towards Nan Yi.

  Now it seems that the people know the face but not the heart.

  "Since Director Li has said so, then Nan Yi will also let go."

  "I heard that the Nantai Commune today, in order to thank our machine repair shop, specially sent a big fat pig to our machine repair shop to improve our meals."

  "Director Li, what's the matter? Let's make a bet. Let's take the big fat pig as a bet and make a whole pig feast to see who's craftsmanship is better."

  "As a big leader, what do you think?"

  This guy obviously just wanted to see Li Ge's jokes.

  He didn't believe how good Li Ge was at cooking.

  Directly and blatantly said to Li Ge.

  "Nan Yi, you are making a fool of yourself, you are just making a fool of yourself."

  this time.

  Director Liu couldn't sit still.

  His face changed.

  Pointing at Nan Yi and scolding.

  Li Ge came to their machine repair shop to do inspection work.

  It was too late for him to entertain.

  How can I think of Nan Yi being so rambunctious.

  No discipline at all.

  This is bullshit.

  Director Ma and other leaders of the mechanic workshops are also gloomy.

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