This guy was a little upset when he saw Li Ge looking at Ding Qiunan.

  Li Ge nodded to everyone, looked at Cui Dake again, and said with a smile:

  "Comrade Cui Dake performed well this time and made a lot of contributions to the construction."

  Cui Da can hear the words.

  He was a little flattered and hurriedly said:

  "Big leader, you are too polite. It is my responsibility to contribute to the construction."

  "It's very good to have this consciousness, Comrade Cui Dake, are you willing to stay in the machine repair factory and become a regular employee?"

  Li Ge nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

  "Boss, can I really become an employee of the machine repair shop?"

  Cui Dake was really dumbfounded.

  He was overjoyed, feeling as if he was dreaming.

  "That's natural, do you want to? If you want, I can call the shots for you."

  Liger Road.

  "Yes, of course I do. I dream of working in our machine shop."

  Cui Dake said excitedly.

  Li Ge sneered in his heart.

  This scene is seen by all the workers of the machine repair factory, all of them are envious.

  As soon as he came to the machine repair shop, he was appreciated by the big leaders.

  Come on, that's okay.

  "The flattering people really don't exist anymore."

  Seeing this, Nan Yi frowned.

  Obviously, for Li Ge, he mentioned that Cui Dake entered the machine repair factory and became a regular employee.

  Feel a little contemptuous.

  "Maybe Director Li has his own ideas? At least his vision is better than yours."

  Ding Qiunan glanced at him.

  Seeing that he actually said that to Li Ge, he couldn't help frowning.

  "Better eyes than me? Doctor Ding, just look at it. When I see this Cui Dake, he is not a good person. Eighty percent of the time, this leader is not a good person."

  His voice was low.

  But Ding Qiunan snorted coldly.

  Simply don't bother to pay attention to him.

  "Director Liu, I think this Cui Dake is an expert in raising pigs. There must be pig raising in your machine repair shop."

  "This kind of talent must not be wasted. If you want to make the best use of it, you can arrange it and let Comrade Cui Dake raise pigs."

  Li Ge looked at Director Liu.

  Originally, Director Liu and others thought that Li Ge would introduce them to Cui Dake's work.

  But after hearing that Li Ge even arranged for Cui Dake to raise pigs directly.

  This time.

  The entire cafeteria fell into a dead silence in an instant.

  Everyone's faces were a little surprised.

  Especially Nan Yi, this guy had an unhappy face.

  At this point, it was very embarrassing.

  Cui Dake had a happy face.

  That smile immediately stiffened.

  Raising pigs?

  This big leader even let him go to raise pigs. 567

  How can this be?

  Must have heard it wrong.

  Yes, it must be so.

  "Leader, can I change jobs? For example, other positions?"

  Cui Dak said angrily.

  He was already cursing in his heart.

  What a broken leader.

  This is simply Nima poisonous.

  Let yourself go to raise pigs.

  This job is too cheap. He would rather go to a machine repair shop to be a welder and learn welder skills.

  It's a shame to raise pigs.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting the rage value x99 from Cui Dake]

  "Why change jobs? Comrade Cui Dake, raising pigs is a craft and a skill, but don't underestimate this craft."

  "This job is very noble. If you are not a pig farmer, how can you fill the stomachs of the people and make them more energetic to contribute to the country's construction?"

  "So, do you still want to change positions now? Actually, you are very suitable for raising pigs!"

  Li Ge is serious and nonsense.

  Cui Dake wants to toss.

  This product is suitable for raising pigs.

  Good steel with good knives.

  Make this guy a worker.

  Totally waste.

  "Well said, there's nothing shameful about raising pigs, it's honorable."

  "Yes, yes, I think so too, Comrade Cui Dake, you are good."

  "We support you, you are good."

  In the cafeteria, Li Ge's advocacy made all the employees admire him.

  I didn't look at the profession of flat pig raising again.

  Cui Dake was also said to be enthusiastic.

  In his eyes, he said respectfully:

  "Thank you for your guidance. I have clearly faced up to my own advantages. I will do my best for the pig raising work in the machine repair factory."

  After he finished speaking, he bowed directly to Li Ge.

  "it is good!"


  Director Liu led the crowd and clapped happily.

  "It's really bad, is that okay?"

  Ding Qiunan chuckled.

  She thought Li Ge was that kind of person, but now, she also saw the problem.

  Is Li Ge clearly trolling Cui Dake?

  But this reason, but people can not justify.

  Really bad.

  Li Ge wanted to tell him.

  It's just a rational use of talent.

  ps: The rating is very low. At first glance, I know that everyone does not like the drama "Man is Iron, Rice is Steel". I quickly finished it and ended it.

[8]: Jia Zhang: The pork lard is really fragrant! 【8/10 ask for custom】

  "You bastards, just bastards, who told you to fire Lou Xiaoe?"

  "Director Li, Xu Damao, you just didn't take me seriously, did you?"

  the other side.

  Rolling mill.

  Inside Director Yang's office.

  When I heard the assistant report that Director Li and Xu Damao had fired Lou Xiaoe.

  Director Yang was extremely angry.

  Without saying a word, he picked up his briefcase.

  Going to the factory director's office.

  "Director Yang, you are so hot, why are you making such a big fire?"

  Xu Damao's voice sounded.

  I haven't waited for Director Yang to leave the office.

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