Just too poisonous.

  This can turn into anger and anger.

  How can this be tolerated.


  The deaf old lady was taken aback, and there was a ghost in her heart.

  This will be heard.

  For a while, she didn't know how to reply.

  Almost in neutral here.

  He Yuyu and the silly Zhu brothers and sisters have been controlled by others in the yard.

  "No, Xu Damao seems to have lost too much blood and passed out."


  The second aunt said anxiously.

  Sure enough, look in the direction of Xu Damao again.

  Xu Damao was in pain.


  "I'll take Xu Damao to the hospital."

  "As for the silly pillar, second uncle, watch it for yourself and transfer it directly to the law enforcement station."

  Silly column stinks.

  Ran Xuhui directly blocked his mouth with socks.

  "Brother-in-law, let me go to the hospital with you."

  Ran Xuhui wants to go to the hospital with Li Ge.

  Li Ge shook his head, "I'll go with this."

  "Third Master, you can deal with other matters in the yard."

  Liger Road.

  "Okay, little brother Li, don't worry."

  He rainwater has been controlled.

  Yan Fugui heard that Li Ge was going to take Xu Damao to the hospital.

  They are also naturally calculating.

  I am very happy.

  Li Ge immediately agreed.

  ps: anyone?

[72]: The magic of both hands, heal Xu Damao's wounds! 【2/10 ask for custom】

  "Xu Damao, ah Xu Damao, this time you have met a buddy, otherwise your finger will be gone."

  Liu Haizhong and the others moved the silly column to the law enforcement station.

  After Li Ge walked out of the courtyard.

  Just found a place with no one.

  Enter the world of Sumeru.

  Looking at Xu Damao lying on the bed, Li Ge had a smile on his face.

  Xu Damao has passed out.

  He didn't talk nonsense either, and directly pulled the bandage off Xu Da Mao's hand.

  Then, start to use both hands.

  I saw a dense red light appearing on Li Ge's hands.

  Li Ge took Xu Damao's finger that was chopped off by the silly pillar.

  Connect directly to Xu Damao's wound.

  A strange scene happened.

  As the red light on Li Ge's hand continued to wrap Xu Damao's wound.

  Xu Damao's severed finger.

  It started at a speed visible to the naked eye.


  Finally, his fingers actually started to grow together.

  Until Li Ge consumed a lot of the screw in his body

  The wound is nearly [*]% healed.

  Li Ge then bandaged Xu Damao's wound again.

  "I know you have spirituality and can understand what I say. Starting today, for the next two days, you should stay in the room and don't run around."

  Lig from system space.

  Take out the little tiger.

  Named Little Gold.

  This little gold, because it is a cub.

  It looks like a kitten in appearance.


  It ran to Li Ge a little obediently.

  He rubbed Li Ge's thigh.

  Seeing this, Li Ge couldn't help but smile.

  "Okay, don't run around."

  Let Xiao Jin be optimistic about Xu Damao, and Li Ge walked out of the room in Xumi's world.

  Then came to the yard.

  I ran to the honeycomb and looked at the honey.

  Good guy.

  I haven't seen it for two days.

  In this honeycomb, there is already a large piece of honey.

  Li Ge is no nonsense.

  He reached directly into the honeycomb and took out the large piece of bee candy.

  Seeing that it was Li Ge, those bees turned out to be very obedient.

  Nor did Li Ge.

  Excited buzzing sound.

  Flying around Li Ge.

  Lig took out a jar.

  Pack these candies into glass jars.

  Then he got a piece and ate it directly.

  while eating.

  Come to the farm.


  As soon as Li Ge came to the farm, he heard the clucking of angry chickens.

  The old angry chicken took the little angry chicken.

  Fluttering wings.

  He rushed directly to Li Ge.

  His eyes fell on the candy bee in Li Ge's hand.

  In those twinkling eyes.

  with longing.

  "Okay, I'll give you something to eat, everything."

  Li Ge glared at the old angry chicken and the little angry chicken.

  Kicked the ass of two chickens.

  He directly gave the candy in his hand to the past.

  Seeing this, the two chickens fluttered their wings excitedly.

  He directly took the candy that Li Ge threw in his mouth.

  Then ate.



  Li Ge will.

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