It looks like a kitten in appearance.


  It ran to Li Ge a little obediently.

  He rubbed Li Ge's thigh.

  Seeing this, Li Ge couldn't help but smile.

  "Okay, don't run around."

  Let Xiao Jin be optimistic about Xu Damao, and Li Ge walked out of the room in Xumi's world.

  Then came to the yard.

  I ran to the honeycomb and looked at the honey.

  Good guy.

  I haven't seen it for two days.

  In this honeycomb, there is already a large piece of honey.

  Li Ge is no nonsense.

  He reached directly into the honeycomb and took out the large piece of bee candy.

  Seeing that it was Li Ge, those bees turned out to be very obedient.

  Nor did Li Ge.

  Excited buzzing sound.

  Flying around Li Ge.

  Lig took out a jar.

  Pack these candies into glass jars.

  Then he got a piece and ate it directly.

  while eating.

  Come to the farm.


  As soon as Li Ge came to the farm, he heard the clucking of angry chickens.

  The old angry chicken took the little angry chicken.

  Fluttering wings.

  He rushed directly to Li Ge.

  His eyes fell on the candy bee in Li Ge's hand.

  In those twinkling eyes.

  with longing.

  "Okay, I'll give you something to eat, everything."

  Li Ge glared at the old angry chicken and the little angry chicken.

  Kicked the ass of two chickens.

  He directly gave the candy in his hand to the past.

  Seeing this, the two chickens fluttered their wings excitedly.

  He directly took the candy that Li Ge threw in his mouth.

  Then ate.



  Li Ge will.

  Going out of the farm.

  The sound of cows and sheep attracted Li Ge, and Li Ge heard the sound and looked.

  Good guy.

  He was suddenly dumbfounded.

  What did he see?

  A silver light shone through the herds of cattle and sheep.

  Under the induction of spiritual power.

  Li Ge obviously felt that the three little oxen and four little sheep were very annoyed.

  If they want to eat grass, they want to eat the rhizomes of spirit grass.

  But what about the facts?

  every time they want to eat.

  The spirit grass disappeared.

  It was actually the guy Yinyin Lingtan.

  are teasing cattle and sheep.

  "Little Bank, it's alright, don't fool around."

  Li Ge saw this scene.

  Immediately, he cursed angrily.


  Hear Li Ge's voice.

  Yinyin Lingyi was obviously very happy.

  It turned into a silver light.

  Appeared directly in front of Li Ge.

  Good guy.

  When seeing the size of this guy.

  Li Ge was also taken aback.

  Three days passed.

  This guy's body has grown to the size of a child's wrist.

  And in terms of length, it was actually one meter long.

  On top of the head, the bright red flesh crown.

  Exudes scarlet blood.

  The silver-white scales on the whole body are also much thicker.

  I don't know what this guy looks like.

  Without stealing the elixir, he could still grow like this.

  Wouldn't it be even more exaggerated if it took a year or two?

  Li Ge was secretly surprised.

  He threw a bottle of Coke directly to Yinyin Lingling.

  Will this guy drink?

  Li Ge didn't care about it at all.

  Anyway, just deal with it.

  When Li Ge came to Lingtian.

  I saw a mysterious little tree.

  At this time, it has grown to about seventeen meters, and two days ago, it was fifteen meters.

  Grow as the days go by.

  The height of the mysterious tree did not increase by leaps and bounds.

  Instead, the entire tree body became thicker.

  The dark-brown tree body seemed to be about the width of a washbasin.

  Tender green leaves.

  in the sunshine.

  Reflect the divine brilliance.

  On the water of Linghu Lake, the leaves of Helicobacter are green.

  Sparkling room.

  More than a dozen colorful butterflies play among the leaves.

  Occasionally seen.

  The lake water was surging, and several huge carp came out of the water.

  The Mantis Shrimp jumped up 2.8 and plunged straight into the Spirit Lake.

  This is a very miraculous sight.

  whole small world.

  Therefore, it is vibrant.

  Li Ge looked at Lingtian again.

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