Chapter 68: Neighborhood Committee Verification, The Shocking Secret of the He Family.

The silly pillar on this side was taken away.

It also caused an uproar in the courtyard.

Especially when He Yushui found out, the whole person was about to go crazy.

The key is that what this Yi Zhonghai said to He Yushui is that the reason why Silly Zhu was locked up was because of Li Cheng. Sowing discord here.

Of course, Li Cheng didn’t care about He Yushui, and He Yushui was not his own relative. He thinks whatever he wants, and has nothing to do with himself.

And at this time, Li Cheng, what he wanted was that stupid pillar to be taken in the cell forever, and he couldn’t get out at all. Don’t say that you are particularly ruthless, this kind of thing is to be ruthless.

And he did break the law.

Everything has a law to follow, and you don’t just frame others casually. Inside the courtyard.

At this time, everyone was talking about it.

“Have you heard, it seems that the stupid pillar has been arrested, because he stole the things of the public family, this Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady can’t be saved, and now they are locked up in the cell?”

“Of course we heard about it, this matter is so big, how can I not hear about it, but I can’t figure it out, stupid pillar his salary of more than 30 yuan alone, how can he use it up, why do he go to steal public things?” Isn’t this lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot. ”

“I really can’t understand, now his sister is really quite pitiful here alone, I see he has been crying in the house recently!”

Everyone sat there chatting while eating melon seeds. Anyway, all the topics are focused on the silly pillar. And on this side.

At this time, Li Cheng was not in the courtyard, he helped in the neighborhood committee.

Since he became a clerk in the neighborhood committee, he would come to the neighborhood committee to help when he was fine. Moreover, Director Luo at this time had already arranged a task for him.

That is to check the household registration of everyone in the courtyard, and what is the identity background?

The entire courtyard was handed over to Li Cheng to investigate, and of course Li Cheng accepted this kind of task.

Although the task of the account is to verify how many children are born to each household, they must be registered in the household register.

But the neighborhood committee actually has a lot of information, including all kinds of information they used to have, and it is particularly complete. The function of the neighborhood committee is that of the dispatch unit of the neighborhood office.

They also have a lot of rights, although they are not public officials.

Even in this era, you may not be paid to work in the neighborhood committee, but everyone works with their own enthusiasm. There are also many neighbors in contact.

Li Cheng was sitting in this dilapidated office of the neighborhood committee, and Director Luo next to him looked at him and said with a smile: “The conditions here are a little simple, a little unbearable, but now the work tasks are relatively heavy, I can only wronged you!” ”

Li Cheng didn’t mind at all.

“Nothing to serve the people is our ultimate purpose!”

Hearing this, Director Luo laughed: “It’s still Xiao Li, you really have consciousness!” ”

“Then this kind of information in your courtyard will be handed over to you.”

Li Cheng nodded, saying that he would definitely handle this matter well. He transferred the information of all the residents in the courtyard. Today, he focused on checking the information of the He family.

Because he already knew that the He family’s identity was fake before he crossed over.

Their family may really be a class of hired peasants, and later this He Daqing directly changed to a poor peasant for the convenience of work.

Of course, what method is used to change it, no one knows.

Li Cheng didn’t need to know, just knew that he changed it.

More importantly, in addition to this, he may have other secrets.

That is this He Daqing, and the Tan family cuisine used to be this kind of royal dish of the palace. If there is no identity person, there is no contact with this Tan family dish at all. However, the specific Li Cheng is also very vague.

He checked out the information of the He family and found that it was indeed clearly written.

That is, the He family written above is indeed three generations of poor peasants. But Li Cheng could obviously see that the above thing was tampered with.

Didn’t he know about the people he checked before?

This is the strangest thing about Li Cheng, is someone acquiescing to his existence? Li Cheng didn’t think much about this, but he suddenly called his colleague over,

“Brother Wang, how do I see that this information registration seems to have been tampered with, you take a look.”


This Brother Wang is also a clerk in the neighborhood committee, you yourself came earlier, in this neighborhood committee, there is actually no salary, everyone is voluntary.

Hearing this, he hurriedly picked up this information and looked at it.

“This seems to be really tampered with, is it really someone who changed these materials, now the two of us are not sure, let’s talk to Director Luo!”

Li Cheng nodded.

So the two people also knocked on the door of Director Luo’s office, and saw Li Cheng and the two of them coming, he was very curious.

“Did you come to me about something?”

I saw Li Cheng nodded and handed this information to Director Luo in front of him: “Director, take a look, when I checked this information, I found that it seemed to have been tampered with by others, so I want to confirm with you!” ”

Director Luo suddenly looked a little strange when he heard this.

He took a closer look at the information. It was obviously all the information of the He family in the courtyard.

“Looking at the traces smeared on it, it seems that someone really tampered with it, and when I look at it again, the names written on it seem to be He Daqing, He Yuzhu and He Yushui.”

“How are the names so familiar, is this He Yuzhu the stupid pillar who was arrested just a few days ago!”

At this time, Li Cheng nodded: “He has indeed just been arrested for stealing the food of the public in the steel mill.” ”

“Then it’s no wonder, he seems to be a cook in a rolling mill, I remember his father used to be a cook in the factory, and I don’t know why he left the courtyard.”

“The above information is quite vague, it seems that some places are really altered, but I am quite familiar with the He family, and the cooking technique is indeed very good.”

I saw Director Yang open the talk clip.

Li Cheng also smiled and said: “What should I do if I encounter this kind of tampering with information?” Director Luo! ”

“This kind of thing is very serious, no one is allowed to tamper with it, if you find it, you must deal with it seriously, and you must check the information on it!”

Li Cheng nodded.

“I actually found out, Director Luo, you recall, isn’t their stir-frying technique very good? It seems that the best dish should be Tanjia cuisine, right? ”

Director Luo sat on the stool, recalled with his eyes closed, and then nodded.

“It seems to be, I remember clearly, when this He Daqing still showed a hand in front of me, it was this Tan family dish, I have to say that it was really delicious.”

“But what do you ask this for, does it have anything to do with this!”

Li Cheng then also explained: “It is indeed related, as far as I know from the information, the Tan family cuisine used to be a palace dish, ordinary people can’t contact it at all, if they say the truth of their identity, this information is written on three generations of poor peasants, to be honest, then they can’t contact this Tan family cuisine!” ”

Hear it here.

Director Luo over here also suddenly realized.

“Yes, as far as I know, this Tan family dish is a palace dish, but we didn’t think much about it at the beginning, nor did we think about what his identity was, just cared about the delicious food!”

“But let me tell you, Xiao Li, our atmosphere has been particularly tense recently, if there is really anyone with a bad identity background or fake, we must deal with it seriously!”

“The task given to you this time, this is also part of it, you must do it well!”

Hearing this, Li Chengcai put down his heart.

The task of the neighborhood committee is to find out what is such a fake or bad atmosphere. And what Li Cheng has now found is the He family,

“Director Luo, it is obvious that this information of the He family is falsified, his family should be employed by three generations, not the identity of the three generations of poor peasants, we should be able to understand this!”

Director Luo nodded, but agreed.

“But we don’t have much evidence for this, you can’t take the information and say that people are changed, you can’t come up with evidence, how can you prove that people are not three generations of poor peasants?”

This is the most important issue for Director Taluo, if there is no evidence, everything is nonsense and nonsense. For this.

Li Cheng felt that there was indeed no practical policy to achieve it.

After all, so many years have passed, who will remember this old thing. No one will remember at all.

However, at this time, Li Cheng already has a way, and his breakthrough is of course a stupid pillar.

In the past few days, Silly Zhu feels very uncomfortable in the cell, and the whole person looks like he is 10 years old. The key is that he and Jia Zhang are locked up together.

This Jia Zhang Shi scolded when he saw him, and this mouth did not stop for a moment. In the end, it was the stupid pillar, who really couldn’t bear it, and gave him two slaps, and this Jia Zhang Clan stopped for a while.

At this time, the whole person of the stupid pillar was about to go crazy.

I didn’t expect to take the leftovers of this kind of leadership for so many years in the canteen. As soon as I got some fresh chicken that day, I was caught red-handed.

It’s really unlucky.

I feel like I’m going to ruin my life. I thought that this deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai would jump out to save themselves, but found that these two people were indifferent.

I used to say that I would definitely save myself, but I turned my head and didn’t recognize people. It’s really abominable.

Right at this moment.

Suddenly, the door of the cell opened, and a burst of light came in, piercing the eyes of this stupid pillar a little.

“Silly Pillar is very comfortable in the cell.”

Suddenly, there was a familiar voice.

Let the silly pillar be very angry.

“Li Cheng, you who killed a thousand knives, what are you doing here? Don’t think I don’t know that I was locked up here because of you, you specially designed Director Yang to wait for me at this gate, that’s why you arrested me on the spot, didn’t you! ”

Hearing this, Li Cheng smiled.

“Are you really interesting to tell me this? If you hadn’t been stealing things here and stealing things in our rolling mill, even if the king of heaven Laozi came, he wouldn’t be able to catch you, right! ”

“You still say this when you steal things yourself, it’s really embarrassing!”

This stunned the fool into having nothing to say.

“Then what the hell are you doing here today!”

“We’re all neighbors, can’t I talk to you or something?”

Li Cheng smiled.

“You talk to me, I’m afraid you don’t have any good intentions, I don’t understand why you always want to target me!”

Silly Zhu was gritting his teeth angrily at this time.

Hearing this, Li Cheng was angry: “I targeted you, you really mean to say this, wasn’t our Li family always targeted by you in the past, at that time you didn’t say a word, didn’t put a fart, now it’s kind to say that I will target you!” ”

“You originally broke the law, and you also broke the law when the Heavenly King Laozi came, don’t you have points in your heart?”

“I came today to ask you a question, you have to be honest with yourself!”

“If you explain well, you may be punished lightly, and if you don’t explain well, then you may really have to be shot?” Two words were heard to be shot. ”

Stupid Zhu’s whole person was about to collapse.

“Isn’t it just stealing a piece of chicken? As for being so serious? ”

“Didn’t you steal a piece of chicken?”

Li Cheng sneered: “Don’t you know that the atmosphere is particularly serious now, like this kind of stealing chickens and dogs, it is not too much to be shot 100 times, it is that person who stole an egg, they have already been shot, not to mention stealing a chicken, and you stole the machine in our factory, which is even more guilty!” ”

“Think about it yourself, if you don’t cooperate, you can only wait for the fate of being shot!”

Li Cheng’s three or two sentences directly stunned the stupid pillar.

“What the hell are you trying to say! What the hell are you trying to ask me! ”

Silly Zhu really wanted to cry without tears at this time.

Seeing Silly Zhu’s appearance, Li Cheng said slowly: “When I was sorting out the information in the street office, I found that the identity of your He family seems to be a fake, shouldn’t your family be the identity of three generations of poor peasants!” ”

Even if you are stupid to hear this, you know what it means.

I saw Silly Zhu shaking his head desperately: “Are you mistaken?” My family has been a poor peasant for three generations, and it has always been, how can this identity be fake? ”

It seems that this stupid pillar is still a little brainy.

“You’re going to be shot, aren’t you telling the truth?”

“I was shot, I was telling the truth, to be honest you must be mistaken!”

Seeing that the silly pillar is still gritting his teeth here.

Li Chenggang wanted to take out his truth talisman from his body. This thing is also a system check-in thing.

It’s like a nightmare charm.

The role is to go into the mind of others, and then play a role. Truth Charm, as the name suggests, is that person can tell the truth.

He just wanted to operate.

Suddenly, Jia Zhangshi next to him pushed the wheelchair over.

“If I tell this fact, can I reduce my sentence?”

Seeing Jia Zhang, Li Chengdu almost forgot that there was such a person.

“Oh, what do you know?”

“Tell me, if I tell these things, will your sentence be reduced!”

Jia Zhang still asked here.

I saw Li Cheng shook his head: “I also know that this is all a matter for the police, and it has nothing to do with me, but if you say it, I can let you live better in prison, not as sad as now!” ”

Hearing this, Jia Zhangshi was also very indifferent: “The identity of the Silly Zhu family is also the He family, which was originally fake, I can be sure of this, because I was on the scene when they made the fraud!” ”

“Their family was originally a third-generation farmer, and in order to want to work in a rolling mill, they tampered with the identity of a third-generation poor farmer, I see it clearly, and I remember it clearly!”

“And this thing is not only I know, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady stupid pillar they all know!”

When Silly Zhu heard this, he really wanted to cry without tears.

“Why doesn’t this person talk about credit at all, didn’t he say that everyone wouldn’t say it? Why did you suddenly say it again”

I saw Jia Zhangshi laughing: “I all lived like this in prison, you still let me keep my promise here, you really mean it, it was originally your family’s identity fake, don’t you admit it now!” ”

“Anyone who thinks about it with a little brain knows that all of your family are cooks, and they used to be royal cooks in the court, how can it be three generations of poor peasants!”

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