Chapter 79: Everyone in the courtyard was angry and squirted Yi Zhonghai, and the people were numb.

At this time, almost all the people in the courtyard had their doors closed.

And Yi Zhonghai’s house was actually locked by others outside, which is to prevent him from coming out from the inside to infect others. In this world, almost all people are selfish.

They can even sacrifice others for their own safety and interests. Li Cheng has a deep understanding of this.

At this time, in the room, Yi Zhonghai’s whole person was about to collapse.

Because he suddenly swept the floor and fell to the ground a few days ago, he was already unconscious, and when he came, he was alone, and there was no one in the house to take care of himself.

These so-called neighbors even shut themselves inside.

Fortunately, there was still something to eat in the house, otherwise I would have starved to death inside. And at this time, his wife has just returned to her mother’s house, because of something.

So in this courtyard, there is only one person in the house. Just when he was desperate, there was a sudden knock outside the door. As if the sound of unlocking the lock, he hurriedly got up from the bed with great difficulty. Then he stumbled to the door.

And on this side.

Li Cheng told Liu Haizhong to open the lock. Because he didn’t want Yi Zhonghai to die like this.

In this case, as the deputy director of the neighborhood committee, he must also be responsible.

In this area under his jurisdiction, someone died in his own house, and then spread his reputation? So Li Cheng must open this door lock, which is his responsibility.

Although Yi Zhonghai has a very big contradiction with himself, if it is usual, there is no need to open this lock. But his identity as a neighborhood committee.

If you don’t, it’s a bit bad for others to see that it really is. Liu Hai called a few people to open the door from this time.

As soon as the door opened, they suddenly saw Yi Zhonghai turning towards them. It turned out that this Yi Zhonghai had long been leaning behind this door.

When it is opened, it is dragged forward due to inertia. It just pounced on the body in the bangs.

The two fell to the ground.

Liu Haizhong got up from the ground with difficulty and pushed Yi Zhonghai away. And said very disgustedly: “It’s really obscure! ”

At this time, Yi Zhonghai was already hungry and skinny, seeing him like this, Li Cheng couldn’t help but believe that evil is rewarded with evil, good is rewarded with good, and it is not that the time has not yet come.

“Quickly lift him up.”

Liu Haizhong very reluctantly helped him up. At this time, the people in the courtyard came out one after another, and they saw that Li Cheng released this Yi 310 Zhonghai, and they were all very angry.

“Director Li, he is now infected with the plague, if you release it and infect us, what should you do? Are you in charge?”

“That is, why did you release Yi Zhonghai, don’t you just let him fend for himself in the house!”

“But isn’t it, now that this plague is particularly serious and the transmission rate is so strong, we must protect ourselves.”

One by one, these people jumped out.

Looking at these people in front of him, Li Cheng already understood what they meant. In this case, they no longer regard Yi Zhonghai as a person.

I saw Li Cheng said loudly: “I just want to confirm that he died in it, you also know, if he died inside, this virus spreads faster, if he dies inside, we must deal with this corpse as soon as possible?” ”

“Now that we’re still alive, let’s just keep it locked up!”

“Don’t worry, don’t be impatient!”

After saying this, Li Cheng asked Liu Haizhong to push Yi Zhonghai in again.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai knelt directly on the ground, lying motionless on the ground, no matter how others pushed him, he didn’t move.

I saw him raise his head, and suddenly a hoarse voice appeared: “You beasts, I was so good to you when I was a grandfather, and now you look at me like a plague, I didn’t get this disease because I cleaned the rats in our yard!” ”

“Are you so kind to me, you even shut my door, almost I died there, if I die, you are all responsible!”

At this time, Yi Zhonghai’s hair was already very messy, and his eyes were also full of blood. The whole person is like crazy.

But at this time, Yan Fugui also stood up.

“Yi Zhonghai, you have this disease now, you should stay at home by yourself, don’t hang around here, we are responsible for the country and everyone by locking you up, after all, if you come out, you will infect all of us, so what can you do?”

Everyone echoed Yan Fugui’s words, after all, all people had to consider their own safety.

At this time, no one will stand in Yi Zhonghai’s perspective, because the people in the courtyard will not stand in Yi Zhonghai’s perspective.

The reason why Yi Zhonghai mixed well in the first place was because he had power in his hands. Everyone will listen to him, so they mix well, but now, 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi.

Yi Zhonghai is nothing now, just an ordinary old man, and people will not bird him at all. And these people will also exude their own nature and give full play to the characteristics of their beasts.

“Yi Zhonghai, this is not what I asked, all the people in our yard are collectively going to lock you up, I think this is also a thing, good things isolate you, this virus will not infect us!”

After saying this, Li Cheng led a few people to push Yi Zhonghai in. Yi Zhonghai struggled desperately, but it was of no use at all when it happened.

“Li Cheng, you who killed a thousand cuts, why are you doing this to me!”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and asked loudly. I saw Li Cheng turn his head and look at him coldly: “Why am I treating you like this?” Don’t you have points in your heart? ”

This look was like he was going to kill Yi Zhonghai.

There is also a word that cannot be said. Yi Zhonghai was thus locked up in his room at everyone’s suggestion.

At this time, Yan Fugui was playing his own little calculation. Because he felt that being poor was more terrible than contracting the virus. Their family has been affected by poverty and disease all their lives.

He also knew that Yi Zhonghai still had a lot of money on him at this time. He had to take advantage of that time.

So after everyone left, Yan Fugui walked to Yi Zhonghai’s door, opened the door and walked in. Yi Zhonghai was also stunned when he saw Yan Bugui.

“What are you doing with me?”

“What am I here for you? I came to you here to help you, and now there is no one to take care of you, you can’t cook at all like this, I give you a suggestion, I don’t know if you want to listen to it! ”

Yi Zhonghai was very puzzled: “What is your suggestion?” ”

“I mean I can bring you food every day, and then you can just give me 5 bucks a day!”

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai was furious: “Are you blackmailing me?” 5 yuan a day, why don’t you grab it! ”

But Liu Haizhong really said very plainly: “You can’t cook like this, if I don’t help you, no one will help you, when you starve to death here, you won’t get a penny, it’s better to give me some reward, I can serve you well!” ”

“You also know that what I am most afraid of is poverty, and if I have money, I am not afraid of this virus!”

“Think clearly for yourself, I’ll go first!”

After saying this, Yan Fugui wanted to turn around and leave, but in the next second, he was stopped by Yi Zhonghai.

Because he knew that if Yan Fugui left like this and left him without anyone to take care of, he would have to starve to death here. Can he expect other people to come here to take care of himself?

It is simply impossible.

Didn’t he still know the people in this courtyard? To be honest here, almost all of them are selfish. Everyone will only think from their own point of view.

Of course, Yi Zhonghai certainly does not reflect on himself, and he puts all the responsibility on others.

“Okay, I promise you this condition, but the food you bring me must be delicious, must be stars?”

Yan Fugui patted his chest and assured: “You can rest assured at this point, as long as the money you give is good enough and enough, then I will prove that these meals are very fresh!” ”

In this way, the two secretly made a deal here.

Although Yi Zhonghai’s heart is very unhappy, he can only look like this in this situation. And at this time in Li Cheng’s house.

Yu Cuihua was also very worried: “When will this plague end?” Yi Zhonghai is so healthy, a good person suddenly fell to the ground, if he let the old man get it, then he must not be killed directly! ”

“As a result, I heard that many people in rural areas have died, because of this virus, alas, it is very difficult for people to live, how can they still suffer from this pain?”

Yu Cuihua looked at her son and daughter sitting on the stool and sighed. Li Feng’er next to him was also very sad.

“Yes, mother, one of my classmates heard that he had recently passed away because of this thing, but he was one of my best classmates and said, Li Feng’er cried sadly, looking at her mother and sister are so sad.”

Li Cheng patted them on the shoulder, and then said hopefully: “Don’t worry, this virus will definitely pass, but it will take a certain amount of time, and we must all protect ourselves during this time?” ”

“After all, viruses are relentless, and disasters are merciless!”

At this time, Li Cheng’s hand was already holding the formula of the Black Death special medicine.

What he wants now is to give the formula to the country’s specialists. Told the truth.

If he went straight to these experts, these experts would affirm that the birds are not birds themselves. This country is a relational society.

He has to be matched somehow. And the director of the street office is his target.

As far as he knew, one of the relatives of the director of the neighborhood office was an expert in drug development. So he has to start with that.

After comforting the emotions of his own family.

Li Cheng did not stay here for long, but returned to the neighborhood committee.

But as soon as he arrived at the neighborhood committee, he saw Director Luo lying dying on the ground, and several other people seemed to be infected. Everyone is dying in this miserable situation.

And not a single person found out.

Li Cheng was immediately shocked when he saw them like this. Because Director Luo was speechless.

See this scene.

Li Chengma took out a few special effect drugs from his body, and when the system signed in to reward, he not only rewarded the formula of this special effect drug, but also rewarded himself with a few special effect drugs.

So he immediately stuffed the special medicine into the mouths of this Director Luo and several colleagues. As for why it is not put in Yi Zhonghai’s mouth, everyone should be able to understand it in their hearts. The enemy still has to be saved, then he is really too virgin, he Li Cheng is not such a person. The effect of this special drug is very good.

As soon as they ate it, the mental state of several people immediately improved, and their pale faces immediately became rosy. Director Luo was the first to wake up, and he looked at the situation in front of him a little confused.

“Am I not dying? What’s going on? ”

He looked at Li Cheng in front of him and asked suspiciously.

I saw Li Cheng smile: “Director Luo, you have to live well in this world, don’t talk nonsense here?” ”

His whole person felt very incredible.

I saw Director Luo pinching his thigh hard, and he cried out with a bang. Knowing this Director Luo, he realized that he was still alive in this world.

“What’s going on. I remember that you gave me something to eat, and I vaguely remember, is it because of this thing? ”

I saw Li Cheng looking at him, and did not hide it, but nodded straightforwardly.

“Director Luo, yes, I gave you a cold pill, and I didn’t expect the effect to be so good!”

At this time, the other colleagues gradually eased up, and everyone stood up.

As if you have not been infected.

Everyone was shocked and asked the same question.

Because everyone knows that they themselves are dying before they faint. And by this time they have come to life.

“Is this medicine so amazing? Do you still have this medicine on your body? ”

“It shows that this medicine has a very good effect on this plague.”

At this time, Director Luo’s whole person was very excited.

Because he himself loves medicine, and his uncle, Director Chen of the Chaoyang District Street Office, one of his classmates is an expert in Union Hospital.

They have more contact and ear exposure, so they are also particularly sensitive to this drug. Li Cheng deliberately pretended to be confused.

“This is just a special cold medicine made at home, there is cephalosporin when eating, headache and brain fever will take this medicine, the effect is still very good!”

But at this time, Director Luo desperately held Li Cheng’s hand, and said very excitedly: “Your medicine is really a lucky star, it shows that your medicine will have a very good effect on our craft, do you still have it on your body!” ”

Li Cheng nodded, and then took out a few more pills.

On this side, Director Luo took these medicines, and immediately rode his bicycle to the street office. By the way, he also pulled Li Cheng up.

Li Cheng was a little confused, and Director Luo explained: “At present, due to this death intention, there are too many people who have died here, and no drugs have been developed at present, and this medicine of yours can save me, and it will definitely save all people.” ”

“Now let’s go to my uncle first, he is Director Chen, the director of the street office!”

Li Cheng did not refuse, and not long after, the two people came to the door of the street office. Because this Director Luo is very familiar with the people who handle the street.

He went straight to his uncle’s office.

It’s just that Director Chen of the Street Office is also frowning.

Because there are too many people whose father has died in the recent period, he will have to bear the responsibility if he dies again.

But he didn’t have any way, this is the way to deal with the infection of the virus, only fire, and isolation. But fundamentally there is no drug to treat it.

Just then, there was a sudden and urgent knock on the door.

As soon as he wanted to get angry, he saw his eldest nephew walk in with a young man.

“Uncle, I have brought you great news!”

Director Chen was stunned when he heard this: “Nephew, don’t make a mess for me now, it’s not that I don’t know, the situation is very serious now, I don’t know what to do!” ”

Director Luo laughed at this time: “Is it here to solve your problem?” ”

He took out the special medicine given to him by Li Cheng from his hand, and then said with a smile: “Uncle, this medicine can treat the plague disease!” ”

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