Chapter 85: Director Yang: Yi Zhonghai, you are a dog who eats inside and outside.

After destroying this den, Li Cheng did not immediately return to the courtyard.

Because he must first give an explanation to Director Yang.

This enemy explosion caused a very big repercussion, and the current director Yang is still waiting for news in his office. He soon rode his bike back to the rolling mill.

Because the news spread very quickly, Director Yang was waiting for him at the door of the rolling mill at this time. As soon as he saw Li Cheng coming, Director Yang immediately greeted him happily.

“How is Director Li? How is it! ”

He asked very eagerly.

I saw Li Cheng nodded: “Don’t worry, director, the enemy’s den has now been destroyed, and all 100 or so people have been arrested?” ”

Hearing this, Director Yang was very shocked.

“There are so many people, how can so many traitors suddenly appear here?”

Li Cheng also replied with emotion: “Most people are still for money, and these people can betray the country and the people for money, alas!” ”

However, at this time, Li Cheng took out a piece of information from his hand and handed it to Director Yang.

“Director Yang, we also have enemies inside, you should take a good look inside the factory, this is a piece of information I took out of their den, and it is clearly written that Yi Zhonghai actually committed this kind of traitorous behavior!”

Hearing this, Director Yang’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe that this was the truth.

After all, although Yi Zhonghai has been powerless recently, to be honest, in the past, Yi Zhonghai, everyone respected him very much, how could he act like this.

With a very puzzled mood, he opened this information, and when he saw the name Yi Zhonghai in the information, the whole person was very angry.

“I didn’t expect this thing to do this kind of thing, this is a traitorous thing, the state pays him 99 yuan 9 a month, isn’t he satisfied!”

This made Director Yang angry that his words began to come out.

He looked up at Li Cheng and asked, “Where is Yi Zhonghai now, is he still staying in the courtyard?” Did you arrest him? ”

Li Cheng shook his head: “We agree that Yi Zhonghai needs Director Yang, you personally go and arrest him, after all, he leaked the secrets in your rolling mill, and he leaked all the core technical information and the layout of the factory, which will lead them to carry out this explosive activity smoothly this time!” ”

“So, the reason is that Yi Zhonghai made a ghost!”

The more Director Yang heard this, the more angry the whole person became. Because for him.

At one time, they trusted these senior technicians in their entire factory.

And the treatment for them is honestly very good, and their salary may not reach 100 yuan.

But for Yi Zhonghai’s salary to 99 yuan 9, to be honest, they used to be really benevolent to him. But I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it. Yi Zhonghai actually did such a dirty thing.

Eating what was in the bowl and looking at what was in the pot, but also became a traitor and betrayed the Motherland. This is not allowed by anyone.

At this time, Yang grew very angry and went to the broadcasting room. And a message was broadcast on the radio.

The idea is to let all the people gather and rush to the courtyard.

They want to interrogate this Yi Zhonghai, and let all the people in the rolling mill know that today’s reason is caused by this Yi Zhonghai.

As a result of this explosion, everyone in the factory was idle and did not work. And some people are already afraid, because it will affect their salary. After all, if you can’t produce something in the factory, it will definitely be affected.

But it is possible to feel like you are about to be fired.

Everyone was panicked, and suddenly heard Director Yang’s words. All the people are talking about it.

“Did you hear that? It seems that the director asked us to go to the dean of the sihe to find this Yi Zhonghai, the tone is so serious, is something wrong! ”

“But isn’t it, I also heard it, could it be that this explosion is related to this Yi Zhonghai, but I heard that Yi Zhonghai was paralyzed a few days ago, and the whole person is also disabled in the courtyard, it should not be him?”

“Who knows about this thing, let’s go and take a look, after all, there is no work in hand now, and we must obey Yang Factory’s orders.”

That’s it. Thousands of people in the entire rolling mill rushed to the courtyard. And on the side of the courtyard.

Everyone didn’t know that Yi Zhonghai did this, but because they heard the explosion in this rolling mill, everyone was also talking about it here.

“It is said that the machinery and equipment in the rolling mill were blown up by these enemies, and the losses were very large, and the higher-level leaders also attached great importance to it, as if Director Li took the police to find these people!”

“I also heard that such an explosion occurred at the foot of the Son of Heaven, it is simply unimaginable, these people are really too lawless, if you do not argue with them, then how will the days go after that, and to be honest, these machinery and equipment in the rolling mill are the most advanced in the country, and now the blow-up is really a very big loss.”

“Isn’t it? The people who worked in the factory these days have stopped, because there is no work left in their hands, it is because of this person who exploded! ”

These people are chatting here.

And this Yi Zhonghai seems to have heard the news. His whole person is very apprehensive, although he said that he is now disabled, and he is often beaten by this aunt.

But for now, life is passable, after all, I am disabled and need someone to take care of, and it is impossible to leave here.

However, when he heard that all the machinery and equipment in the rolling mill were occupied, the whole person was also stunned.

He felt that this matter must have something to do with him, because after all, he had sold the technical data and key information of Rolling Steel One Mile.

For this incident, he has no remorse or regret.

He felt that these people could not find out how to find out about him, so he did it here with peace of mind. Just when he was wondering, the eldest aunt slapped him again.

“What are you thinking! Hurry up and move me, I need to clean? ”

The current aunt is not the same as before, and now the whole family is dominated by the eldest aunt, because Yi Zhonghai is already disabled and can’t do anything.

Usually, Aunt will also take special care of him, of course, she is hands-on. Although Yi Zhonghai felt that his face was very painful, he did not dare to say a word.

Because if this aunt hadn’t taken care of herself here, she might really have died on the street. So he had to leave here honestly.

At this time, Director Yang and Li Cheng brought more than 1,000 people to the gate of the courtyard. This Yan Fugui, who was brushing his shoes at the gate, suddenly saw so many people, and the whole person was confused.

“Director Yang, what are you doing here? How to bring so many people. ”

He walked up and asked curiously.

But Director Yang’s face was very serious at this time, and he did not take care of this Yan Fugui in front of him, but asked coldly: “This Yi Zhonghai should be in the house!” ”

In fact, the bangs heard it, and the motive here also ran out quickly.

How could he not show this kind of opportunity, and he as a light must always seize it.

“Yes, Director Yang, Yi Zhonghai has not gone out, he has been staying in the house, and he can only sit in a wheelchair and can’t go to him now!”

Director Yang nodded.

At this time, he and Li Cheng walked side by side to the door of Yi Zhonghai’s house. And all the people in the courtyard here also ran out one after another.

The entire courtyard was crowded with people, already crowded, and people couldn’t move at all.

“You go knock on the door.”

The director looked at this bangs and said.

The bangs also ran up with a fart.

“Yi Zhonghai, in the house, hurry up and come out!”

His tone at this time was not as respectful as before.

Rather, it is a tone with a command.

After all, no matter what, the eldest master is now doing it, and this Yi Zhonghai is just an ordinary old man. The eldest aunt in the house, hearing this voice, immediately opened the door.

Opening the door startled him, and a crowd gathered around his door.

“Is there something going on with you?”

Aunt asked suspiciously, still a little nervous in her heart.

“We are here to find Yi Zhonghai, you push Yi Zhonghai out!”

At this time, Director Yang spoke very calmly. But everyone knows that this calm bottle is the calm before the storm.

The eldest aunt did not hesitate, and directly pushed Yi Zhonghai out, regardless of whether Yi Zhonghai wanted to come out or not. At this time, there is no such room for him to choose.

When Yi Zhonghai came out, he didn’t dare to look at the confidence in front of him, because he had already heard Director Yang in the room, and their voices were obviously asking Xingshi about guilt.

“Why don’t you raise your head, are you weak in your heart?”

Director Yang walked over and patted Yi Zhonghai on the shoulder. At this time, Yi Zhonghai raised his head and looked at this dark crowd, he felt that the big thing was not good.

“Director, did you come here to find me for something, you see that I am disabled now, and I can’t stand up and talk to you?”

He began to use this long-term thing again to gain the attention and pity of others. This is a technique he is used to.

But now that he has committed such a great sin, who do you think will pay attention and pity him? It is simply impossible.

I saw Director Yang asking very flatly: “Did you do something contrary to our factory?” ”

At this time, Director Yang also wanted to give him a chance to explain it himself.

But Yi Zhonghai here firmly believed that they could not find any evidence at all.

I saw him shook his head desperately: “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I have been working in our factory for so many years, and I have been working there desperately, and I have never said anything against any wishes in our factory!” ”


Seeing him like this, Director Yang and everyone felt a little ridiculous. In fact, almost everyone knows this result of Yi Zhonghai.

Yang Chang gritted his teeth angrily and directly slapped Yi Zhonghai’s face.

“Don’t you admit it by this time!”

Some people in the courtyard did not understand the truth of this matter, and they were a little confused.

In the next scene, everyone understood why Director Yang was very angry. I saw that Director Yang took out this information and threw it on this Yi Zhonghai’s face.

“See for yourself.”

Yi Zhonghai trembled and picked up this information, and when he opened this information and saw his name inside, the whole person was desperate.

Unexpectedly, these enemies actually left a hand in front of them, and wrote their names on this kind of information.

At the beginning, these enemies promised themselves that as long as they sold these materials to them, then no one would know about this matter, but they did not expect that they would have such a hand behind their backs.

“Do you have anything else to say? You dog stuff that eats inside and out? ”

Director Yang, who has always been kind, even burst into foul language.

It startled everyone next to him.

“What’s wrong with this Yi Zhonghai, why is Director Yang so angry? What the hell did you write about this information! ”

“It seems that you don’t know now, this Yi Zhonghai is a traitor, he is a traitor, and the information is this kind of information that he traded with these enemies, and it is clearly written.”

When they heard this, everyone was stunned. It’s hard to believe.

He said that this Yi Zhonghai is usually not a good person, and everyone can still believe it if he is sanctimonious.


But as a traitor, all people are simply unimaginable. And what reason does he have to be a traitor?

With a salary close to 100 yuan a month, how can he not spend it? How could it be possible to betray the country for these things.

It’s unimaginable.

But the fact is that what is written in the data is the name of Yi Zhonghai and the information of Yi Zhonghai’s transaction. At this time, the entire courtyard fell silent, and no one made a sound.

Everyone was stunned to look at Yi Zhonghai in front of them, and Yi Zhonghai could certainly notice this look. But for him, he knew that the charge must have been convicted today.

The evidence is conclusive, and it is useless to say anything more.

“Do you have anything else to say.”

Director Yang looked at him and asked coldly. This Yi Zhonghai is unusually calm.

“I have nothing to say, I confess!”

When these words came out, the whole hospital was in an uproar.

At this time, thousands of people in the entire courtyard were talking about it.

“I thought of it, I didn’t expect that such a traitor appeared in our courtyard, and this traitor is still a grandfather from our past, it’s unimaginable!”

“Isn’t it? I can’t believe that Yi Zhonghai is a traitor, but he is specially cared for in our factory, he is a level 8 fitter, a senior technician in our country, how can it be like this! ”

Even the common people knew a knowledge and became traitors with the money of the state. It is simply a great sin, and the sin cannot be forgiven.

You know, there are still many people in this country who are starving. And you received so many benefits, but became a traitor.

This is really a crime to add to the degree.

At this time, Li Cheng looked at Yi Zhonghai like this, and he felt that something had to be said. Yi Zhonghai himself has been tortured into a bad state for such a long time.

And in this last moment, he must accept the punishment he deserves. Whether it was shooting or life imprisonment, he had to accept it.

Just when he admitted that he had become a traitor.

Li Cheng also stood up at this time, and all the people in the courtyard and the rolling mill said: “Maybe many of us know some secrets of Yi Zhonghai, I hope that today this opportunity you must stand up and tell all these secrets, and tell all the dirty things that Yi Zhonghai has done!” ”

“And I also have something to say, then I will start first and give everyone a sample!”

After Li Cheng said this, he walked to Yi Zhonghai’s side, and he patted Yi Zhonghai’s shoulder slowly. Then whispered in his ear: “How did you sleep for so many years?” ”

Yi Zhonghai was stunned when he heard this.

“I don’t understand what you mean by that!”

“Your skin is really thick, your heart is really black!”

Li Cheng raised his head and looked at everyone around,

“The older people in the yard, or the older workers in our factory, know that my father was also a fitter before, and his skills are better than this Yi Zhonghai, and he is even likely to be an engineer, but at this critical time, there was a sudden accident?”

“And after my investigation, I found that the accident that happened was not simple, all of this is related to Yi Zhonghai, that is to say, my father’s death is inseparable from Yi Zhonghai, and I still have evidence!”

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