Chapter 97: Thorough investigation of the deaf old lady, shocking secret.

When Li Huaide heard the news, the whole person was stunned.

He never thought that the position of the director of the factory he had arrived at had disappeared. The key is that he was robbed by Li Cheng, who was so much younger than himself.

He was very angry in his heart, but the leader did not dare to say anything here. Li Cheng sent the leader and Qian San back to the car.

As soon as he turned around and wanted to go back to the rolling mill, he saw a person come out and take Li Cheng’s hand. This person is Xu Damao, and Xu Damao at this time is also pale, because after he was castrated by this Lou Xiao’e, the whole person was no longer energetic. And everyone saw that he was a mocking attitude, and his heart was also very humiliated and uncomfortable.

“That Director Li, I have something I want to tell you!”

“What’s going on?”

Li Cheng frowned.

I saw Xu Damao pull Li Cheng into a corner, and then whispered to Li Cheng: “I found out a few days ago that the deaf old lady came to our factory!” ”

Hearing this, Li Cheng was also very shocked.

Because during this time, Yi Zhonghai had an accident, and Little Pig also had an accident, and this deaf old lady basically rarely showed up. What kind of quadrangle assembly, also said that he was not feeling well and did not want to go out of the house.

I thought that this deaf old lady knew how to keep a low profile, but I didn’t expect him to come to the rolling mill.

“What is he doing here?”

“He came here to find this Li Huaide?”

Hearing this, Li Cheng was even more puzzled.

After all, this Li Huaide and this deaf old lady can’t fight together.

“I saw it with my own eyes here, do you know what he is looking for Li Huaide for?”

I saw Xu Damao laughing and continued: “I really know this, after I saw this deaf old lady come out of Li Huaide’s office, I specially went to investigate, and found that these two people have indeed had contact in private for so many years, and others may not think much about it, but I may think more!” ”

“My guess is that there is a blood relationship between this deaf old lady and this Li Huaide.”

Hearing this, Li Cheng was also very shocked.

He never thought that the two of them would have such a blood relationship. It’s unimaginable.

“Can you be sure of this?”

Only 05 saw Xu Damao nodded firmly: “Can I really be sure of this matter?” ”

Li Cheng said that he knew, and he knew that the reason why this Xu Da Hat would tell him this was because Li Huaide had lost his momentum. After all, he will be the director of the factory in the future, and this Xu Damao is too, looking at himself.

If he loses in this struggle, this Xu Damao will definitely say bad things about himself in front of Li Huaide, which is beyond doubt.

But as the so-called king succeeds or loses, this is also a matter of no way.

“Okay, I know!”

After saying this, Li Cheng and they walked back to the rolling mill.

At this time, Li Huaide was sitting in his office, and his whole person was confused to think about it, and he couldn’t believe it. I have been thinking about it here, and I have not been able to compare to a hairy boy for so many years.

The key thing is that he never thought that this hairy boy could develop this kind of mechanical equipment. You must know that the engineers have fallen here, how can he develop it.

After a thousand calculations, it really did not calculate this.

If he knew this in advance, how could he possibly obey this deaf old lady’s arrangement. At this time, his heart was 10,000 regrets, but regret was too late.

At this moment, Li Cheng pushed open his office door, walked in, and looked at him with a smile: “Don’t be so unhappy, no matter what, the two of us are still colleagues, we must support each other and encourage each other, and make this factory better and better?” ”

But Li Huaide didn’t eat this set at all: “Don’t be sanctimonious in front of me, I tell you, the matter is not over yet, you may not be able to be the director of this factory!” ”

He was angry and gritted his teeth.

However, Li Cheng did smile slightly: “By the way, I have a question for you, I don’t know if you can answer it!” ”

Li Huaide frowned and did not speak.

“It seems that you have been very close to the deaf old lady in our yard recently, do you have anything to do with him and him?”

Hearing this, Li Huaide immediately said no.

“I don’t know any deaf old lady.”

Li Cheng was not angry either.

“Someone saw a deaf old lady enter your office the other day, you shouldn’t be wrong about that.”

“How can it not be wrong, they may really be wrong.”

“I told you, I have nothing to do with this deaf old lady, you don’t want to pull around here, you are not welcome here!”

After saying this, Li Huaide also moved to push Li Cheng. But Li Cheng slapped it and directly pumped it.

“Don’t think that I dare not hit you, I tell you, I see you have made so many contributions in our factory, so I am very benevolent to you, the relationship between you and the deaf old lady, don’t think that others don’t know, no matter what secrets you have, I tell you, I can find out in the street office!”

“Do you honestly explain some things or do you want me to find out, you should have a little count in your own heart!”

“This slap is a lesson for you, give me honesty here in the future, otherwise I will be unkind to you!”

After saying this, Li Cheng directly slammed the door and left.

There was no face to this Li Huaide at all. At this time, there is no need to give any face.

But the main thing now is to find out what the relationship between the two of them is. After getting out of the rolling mill, Li Cheng rode his bicycle to the street.

Although he has served as the deputy director of the rolling mill, he still has not lost his position in the street office. He served on both sides.

Once back to the street office.

So he gathered all the people.

“Let’s thoroughly investigate today what is the relationship between this Li Huaide and the deaf lady in our yard.”

Since it was the order of the leader, of course, everyone tried their best to do this well.

It didn’t take long for everyone to move. All the information of the deaf old lady has been investigated.

But I don’t know if I don’t check this, and I was really shocked when I checked it.

After some careful identification, all the talents were discovered.

This deaf old lady and Li Huaide’s two people are actually related, that is, Li Huaide is the biological son of this deaf old lady. Hearing this news, Li Cheng’s whole person was also very shocked, which was unexpected, and he did not explain this matter in the original play.

I didn’t expect that there was such a secret in it.

If this deaf old lady really has a relationship with his biological mother and son, it means that his Wubao household itself is fake. After all, the prerequisite for the Wubao household is that he has no father or mother in the family.

But now he has a son, which shows that the original information of this Wubao household is fake. However, this fraud is really hidden, and it was not found out at all in the first inspection. Now it is because of Li Huaide’s reason, so it has been found out.

Come to think of it.

Li Cheng had an idea in his heart.

And at this time, it’s time to send the deaf old lady in. After all these years.

This Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady both wear the same pair of pants, and their own home has become like this, which is related to the two of them.

Yi Zhonghai had already accepted his retribution, and now it was this deaf old woman’s turn. However, Li Cheng is also like Yi Zhonghai, there is no need to shoot him all at once. Torture him slowly, this is the best choice.

When I thought of the original memory, this deaf old lady inside pointed at her mother and cursed. said that his biological mother was the life of a kefu, and also gave the luck in the courtyard to gram. Even pointed at him and scolded with his sister?

Say that the two of them are uncultured.

More importantly, in front of all the people in the courtyard, point around here. It means that the people of the Li family are all waste, all broom stars.

This is what the deaf old lady said to them.

Don’t think that this Yi Zhonghai is the final boss in this courtyard. In fact, this deaf old lady is.

I didn’t expect that he had a son who was hidden so deeply, I really didn’t expect it. The other side.

Li Huaide’s heart was also very angry, he had never dared to hit him in the face since he became the deputy field director. This Li Cheng, who killed a thousand knives, actually slapped himself.

His heart was very unconvinced.

But there is no way to do it at this time.

He thought about it and decided to find his old leader.

This leader was an old factory director who had promoted him.

The phone was dialed, and there was a mute voice over there.

“Xiao Li, are you looking for me for something?”

I saw that Li Huaide suddenly became very respectful: “There is one thing I want to ask the leader for your help!” ”

“I’m retired now, what do you want me to help, I don’t have this right for a long time, please do these things yourself!”

But Li Huaide insisted: “Old leader, you should look at the friendship between the two of us for so many years, you can help me this time!” ”

The other side of the phone sighed.

“What the hell is going on??”

So Li Huaide told him what happened. And also told this old leader what Li Cheng did.

After listening.

He had thought that the other side would be furious.

But I didn’t expect the opposite side to say very flatly: “I can’t help you in this matter, the person you said should be Li Cheng, as far as I know, now he has become the most important person in the chief, and his technology is very strong, the Academy of Sciences also wants to hire him as the chief expert, do you think I can move this kind of person!” ”

“And he is the talent of our country, even in terms of technology, he is the leader, you can’t compare with him, so you don’t lose unjustly!”

“Now you should think about how to have a good relationship with him, not fight him, you should understand what I mean when I say this, you are very smart, you have been smart for so many years!”

“Don’t be confused at this most critical time!”

After saying this, the other end of the phone hung up.

Li Huaide was even more confused after hearing these words.

I never expected that there was such a hard backstage behind a small Li Cheng. Even his own old leader couldn’t move him.

And even more so yourself.

However, his heart was very angry and angry.

Although he said that he couldn’t move this Li Cheng directly, he felt that he could move his family. Just like Yi Zhonghai’s idea at the beginning, but Yi Zhonghai was already dead at this time. But this Li Huaide’s is more vicious than Yi Zhonghai.

Gritting his teeth and scolding.

When I get the chance, I’ll have to kill you. But what he didn’t know was.

At this time, Li Cheng had already seized the opportunity. Let the storm come more violently.

On the deaf old lady’s side, for so many days, because Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu both left. As a result, no one served him.

Even to buy grain, he had to go out and buy it himself, and no one in the courtyard was willing to help him. These people who have been cursing and cursing in their mouths are a pack of white-eyed wolves.

At the beginning, he took care of him very much, but everyone with a discerning eye knew that this deaf old lady was also a sanctimonious person.

Also take care of others, let others take care of him, not bad. In addition, because their own five insurance accounts have been canceled, there is no additional money issued every month.

He himself did not dare or want to go to his precious son to ask for money. So the money on him is spent less and less, and the less he spends.

The key is that I don’t have rice for this day. But for so many years.

He also knows some of the ways to buy rice. That is, sell food stamps to exchange rice. Every year, the festival is celebrated.

This deaf old lady would go to a side alley in Chaoyang District and exchange her food stamps for rice. After so many years, to be honest, there has not been a single mistake.

But this time there was no New Year, there was no rice in his rice jar, and if he didn’t buy rice, he would starve to death. So he decided to risk reselling food stamps today.

That’s for that.

Li Cheng has been watching from the side.

After learning that this deaf old lady’s identity was falsified, and this deaf old lady actually had a biological son 430 son Li Huaide, this Li Huaide did not deal with himself.

Li Cheng decided to treat the two of them well. This is the opportunity he wants to seize.

If only one five-guarantee household falsified, it means that the crime he was convicted of was not very serious. If you add this thing of reselling food stamps.

That’s something to be shot straight to. To be honest, be ruthless.

Just like Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai, they were sent to the West Sky by themselves. This deaf old lady will definitely not be able to escape this ending.

Only after cleaning up these beasts in the courtyard, Li Cheng felt that his life here could be better. Only then can I put such a thing as marriage on the table.

In order to be able to live in this era full of sense of age.

Originally, in this era, everyone was very simple and innocent.

But he didn’t expect that the people in this courtyard were selfish, and he didn’t feel the charm of this era at all. On the contrary, he has been intriguing with these people, which is very boring.

And the point is that these beasts have bullied their families. People who have bullied their own family, I want him to pay in blood.

Only by packing up these people can life be very harmonious and stable in the future. At this time, Li Cheng had already led a large number of people from the street office to an alley. Here he is waiting.

What is waiting is the deaf old lady who comes here to take the bait. This is the place where they trade every time.

So if the deaf old lady at this time wants to sell food stamps in exchange for rice, he will definitely come here. Sure enough, it took about half an hour.

I saw the deaf old lady limping here with that crutch.

After coming to the mouth of the alley, he walked to the right and looked at it, and he was relieved to find that there was no one. I sat down at the mouth of the alley, as if waiting for something.

This deaf old lady is much older these days, and there may be no one to take care of him carefully.

In the past, when I put down the crutches, I could still walk like a fly, but now it seems that it is not possible, I don’t know if it is installed. At this time, Li Cheng was secretly carefully observing the deaf old lady in front of him.

It didn’t take long again.

Another middle-aged woman quietly walked to the mouth of this alley.

Two people walked to the right and saw that there was no one. The two began to communicate.

But what they didn’t know was that at this time, Li Cheng had already targeted him.

“I said, let’s not trade this thing at this time, and it’s not a New Year’s holiday, and you don’t lack food or clothing, what do you want this thing for?”

Looking at the deaf old lady, the middle-aged woman, she said very speechlessly.

Because he knew that it was very dangerous to go and sell food stamps on a regular basis. If someone else finds out, both of them have to be locked up.

Especially not during the New Year’s holiday, there are often people walking around here.

“Oh, you don’t know something, I’ve really been short of food recently, you know that Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu have been shot, and there is no one to take care of me, I have to come by myself now!”

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