Xie Huaiqing woke up from his dream

and found a girl lying at his feet.

Whose kid did this come into his house?

He was about to bring up the child.

My brain suddenly dizzy.

There are more strange memories in the mind.

In this memory.

He has loving grandparents, mom and dad, and a little sister.

But the sky did not go as expected, and the good times did not last long.

As he grew up, his happy childhood gradually faded.

My father went to the army, and he went for a long time without a single message.

Grandparents fell ill in this long meditation.

In this long-term illness, another few years have passed.

Last winter, I couldn't bear it.

The two old men both passed away.

This is my own mother.

Originally, she was a weak woman.

After my husband left, I finally listened to my grandmother's words and supported the family until now.

As a result, because of the death of his grandparents, the family that was still okay decayed.

I just remember the night my grandmother was leaving.

She took her mother's hand and said seriously.

"Wen Xiu, I know you're a good boy."

"Now that I'm running out of energy, you are kind and kind, and you can't support this family, so you take Xiaoqing and Xiao Nuan to meet your mother's house."

"There are still some things at home, you take them, your stepmother Jia Zhangshi will let you in for the sake of these things."

That's right, his cheap mother's stepmother is Jia Zhang.

That is to say, his step-grandmother is Jia Zhang's?

Thinking of this, Xie Huaiqing couldn't help but support his forehead.

I actually have such a grandmother.

And this strange grandmother is not good at all for herself.

Everything she took from her grandparents' house was snatched away by her.

She also forbade her family to eat at the table.

But when the old mother brought herself and her sister into Jia's house.

He brought several bags of grain and a lot of great unity, all of which were given to Jia Zhang.

But the other party felt that all this was as it should be.

I don't feel at all that there is anything wrong with taking someone else's things.

When my mother returned to her mother's house, she was equivalent to a servant.

Serve this and that.

Until I sent my grandfather away.

My mother inherited my grandfather's house and followed the mill.

However, this was also hated by the old demon.

Bully your own family openly or secretly.

The fact that he passed out and his mother was injured was related to Jia Zhang's.


In the middle courtyard, the Jia family.

Jia Zhang fry peanuts on the stove.

The stick terrier was dripping beside him, and saliva was almost dripping into the pot.

She looked left and right and saw that no one around her noticed her.

So he quickly scooped out a little peanut with a shovel and poured it into his grandson's hand.

As soon as the scalding peanuts came into contact, her grandson grinned with hot teeth.

But I didn't dare to shout because there were guests next to me.

He quickly slipped the peanuts into his pocket.

Then ran into the compartment and ate secretly alone.

"Mom, are peanuts okay?"

Jia Dongxu and the eldest master sat on a stool and drank.

I drank half a glass of wine, but the peanut rice under the wine was not good.

He couldn't help but ask.

"Okay, okay."

Jia Zhang brought the plate containing peanuts to the table.

The appetizer is coming.

After a few more drinks, I finally got to the point.

Jia Dongxu looked around.

The first uncle, the second uncle, the third uncle, and the silly pillar and so on have all arrived.

He coughed and cleared his throat.

"Everyone, please come today, there is indeed something to say, everyone knows that my father is gone, but those two houses are left to my sister."

"As the saying goes, the daughter who marries splashes the water, she is a married daughter, why should she inherit my father's house and take my father's place in the rolling mill."

"Huairu has served my father so hard for so long, waiting to take his place in the rolling mill, as soon as my sister comes, good guy, everything is given to her, it doesn't make sense."

"Uncle, did you say that?"

Yi Zhonghai, who was ordered, drank a small wine, and after a few seconds of deep groaning, he spoke.

"What you said, there is some truth in it."

For this matter, he can't easily open his mouth now.

After all, he is in the yard and is a respected representative.

Whoever mentions it does not say a good word about him.

He said vaguely.

Jia Dongxu didn't care either, as long as he didn't open his mouth to object.

"Third Master, I remember, your eldest son is about to become a master, right?"

"Is the house ready? If I take back my dad's house, then let Xie Cheng live for free for a few years. Hearing

this, Yan Bugui smiled.

He quickly agreed.

"Okay, the three great masters will go with you."

"Second Uncle, then the matter of asking for a house will be presided over by you."

The second uncle Liu Haizhong is an official fan.

As soon as I heard this, I immediately agreed.

Playing with power is his favorite thing.

"No problem, you just wait for the second uncle to give you the house and ask for it back."

"Silly Pillar, what about you..."

Next door, in the Xie family's house.

Xie Huaiqing didn't know that there were beasts plotting his own house.

He was scrutinizing his surroundings.

I only feel two words, panic, really panic.

Why in this house, there is not even a decent furniture.

The one lying on his own, crunching.

There is a small bench on one side, but one of the legs is only half left.

It looks like it will fall at any moment.

Scattered bits and pieces next to the stool.

A tin box lay quietly on the ground.

This home is really simple.

It can be described as a family disciple four walls.

But even though it is humble, this home is very clean.

Xie Huaiqing was quite satisfied with this.

If you go into the slacker and get the house, it will collapse.

If you are not afraid of poverty, you are afraid of short-sightedness!

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice full of mechanical texture suddenly appeared in his mind.

【Ding! The host satisfaction value is detected to meet the standard, and the god-level lottery system is activated. "

Is the host bound to the god-level lottery system?"

Hearing this, his heart was excited.

The system is indeed a must for crossers.


【Ding! Congratulations to the host god-level lottery system for successfully binding. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the god-level lottery system newbie gift package endless space, please check it out by yourself. "

If the venue of the host is detected to be in the lottery range, will the host conduct the lottery?"

"Yes, a lottery will be conducted."

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully launching the god-level lottery system. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Great Unity Ten. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a ton of vegetables. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a ton of fruit. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a ton of meat of various colors. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining one ton of rice and one ton of white noodles. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a powerful infinity card, which can be used to have a powerful effect. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a magic hand rejuvenation card, which can restore the patient's health. 】

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