Xie Huaiqing followed the voice and looked over.

I saw that it was Director Zhang of the Street Office who walked in.

"I ask you, who is going to jail?"

I saw that his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Jia Zhang did not dare to speak.

Now she is like a quail, honestly on the side.

Xie Huaiqing began to complain.

"She said I stole eggs, but my eggs came from a bird's nest in a tree."

Director Zhang reprimanded her twice.

"Jia Zhang, how can you do such a thing?"

"He still beat my grandson, what about this?"

She muttered quietly.

But the other party ignored her and just let her out.

When Jia Zhangshi left, he said to Xie Huaiqing.

"Xiaoqing, where is your mother?"

"My mom went to work and hasn't come back yet."

He thought for a moment.

"Then tell you, you can tell your mother later."

"Let's go, let's go into your house."

"Okay, Director Zhang."

Xie Huaiqing didn't know how this Director Zhang would suddenly find him at this time.

But judging from his behavior of protecting himself, it doesn't look like he is looking for fault.

He had a harmless smile on his face.

"Director Zhang, please."

After he brought the other party into the house, the people in the yard were like a drop of water in an oil pot.

Immediately, there was a lot of shouting and discussion.

"Why did Director Zhang come to Jia Wenxiu?"

"Who knows, Bacheng is to let her move out of the courtyard, a girl who marries out, what is Lai in the courtyard?"

"What you said is a little wrong, what happened to the girl who got married, if there is no girl who marries out, Lao Jia can go in peace?"

"I don't think Director Zhang is trying to pick people away, isn't Jia Wenxiu's man missing as a soldier? Maybe Director Zhang came to send news of her man to Jia Wenxiu.

"I don't know if her man is dead or alive, her life is really bitter."

The people in the yard guessed only half right.

"Child, let me ask you, do you have a second aunt named Xie Zhiyu."

Listening to Director Zhang's words, Xie Huaiqing lowered his eyes and thought.

I didn't expect that the alien guest card I used would work so quickly.

He adjusted his expression, revealing an innocent look.

"Yes, my mother also said that the uncle and the second aunt are both big heroes."

"My father went to the army because he wanted to become a hero like his uncle and second aunt."

As soon as he said this, Director Zhang became sympathetic to this family.

Around the courtyard, who doesn't know that Jia Wenxiu is miserable.

He lost his mother at a young age, was bullied by his stepmother, married a man, and there was no news of a man joining the army.

Fortunately, it is almost exhausted.

"Xiaoqing, your second aunt has news!"

With that, he took out a letter from his arms.

"What news? What happened to the second aunt?

"Your second aunt is now the chief, this is her letter to you!"

Director Zhang was about to hand him the letter.

He reached out and took it, opened the envelope, and deliberately left his faith missing.

"Everything... Well, for food....

Director Zhang listened, feeling uncomfortable in his heart, forgetting that this child did not recognize a few words.

"Come, child, I'll read it to you."

Xie Huaiqing gave him the letter.

After Director Zhang took the letter, he gasped.

He picked up some important things on the contents of the letter and said it.

"Your second aunt said that he had been fighting abroad for many years and had already started a family, but his husband and son had died in the war."

"With all the effort, I finally found you who are connected to her blood, and she will send you a lot of things in the future."

"Let you not be too frugal, and when her affairs are done, I will take you to the military district to live with her."

Xie Huaiqing nodded when he heard this, and smiled well.

"Uh-huh, I see, the second aunt is really a good person."

Look at him with a childish look.

Director Zhang's heart was indescribable.

With such an old child, I am afraid that he does not know what the head of the military district means.

The fate of this man is really hard to say!

Jia Wenxiu's family, in the next days, will definitely not be too sad!

"Thank you Director Zhang, when my mother comes back, I will definitely tell my mother the news!"

"Mom will definitely be very happy to know that the second aunt is still alive."

Director Zhang put the letter down, and his heart was envious.

"Okay, then wait for your mother to come back and teach this letter to your mother."

"Brother, what is delicious about the second aunt?"

After Director Zhang left, Xiao Nuan, who was afraid of strangers, finally came out of his arms.

"The second aunt is not delicious, the second aunt is an elder, see you in the future, and you want to kiss him."

"Xiao Nuan doesn't want a second aunt, Xiao Nuan wants something delicious."

Xie Huaiqing listened, and almost died of laughter by this childish saying.

"Little cat, what do you want to eat?"

"Xiao Nuan wants to eat popsicles."

"Okay, then let's go."

Xie Huaiqing took his sister, locked the door and left the courtyard.

He had to explain to his sister what the second aunt was.


Jia family in the middle courtyard.

Jia Zhang saw Xie Huaiqing leaving with his sister from the window.

She exclaimed with a look of excitement.

"Stick terrier, come here."

The stick terrier was lying on the ground at this time in distress, where would he take care of her.

She had to bend down and pull her grandson up on the ground.

"My good grandson, don't roll on the ground, your new clothes are dirty."

The stick terrier only shouted.

"I'm going to eat eggs, I'm going to eat eggs."

"Eat, let's eat, Xie Huaiqing has left, let's go to his tree to take out bird eggs!"

As soon as I heard this, the stick terrier came to an end.

He immediately stopped the bitterness and pulled Jia Zhang out the door.

When he arrived under the big poplar tree, he "bah" twice, and the stick stalk spat into his hand twice.

He sneaked up the tree like a monkey.

Jia Zhangshi looked at it, and his heart blossomed, it seems that his grandson really has some talent for climbing trees.

"Hey, Jia Zhangshi, what are you doing?"

The neighbors in the courtyard saw it and asked.

"What do you care about us? Eat your meal and go. "

Oh, I see, you're trying to get the stick terrier to go up and steal people's eggs."

She rolled her eyes angrily.

"What kind of fart did you put down, why is it called stealing?"

"This tree belongs to their Xie family, but this bird belongs to their Xie family?"

"The bird's leg has the name of their Xie family written on it? They can take out bird eggs, we can't? Jia

Zhang's crooked reasoning made the people present in the middle court very uncomfortable.

Well, now there is a shortage of materials, and everyone is quite gluttonous.

But there is no need to grab eggs with two bitter children!

No one is embarrassed to climb that tree, just Jia Zhang's kindness.

"It's shameless!"

"Bully people don't bring such bullying."

"Jia Wenxiu really fell for eight lifetimes, and there is such a stepmother as her."

In the face of everyone's scolding, Jia Zhangshi did not agree.

What's wrong with being scolded for two sentences? If you can't fill your stomach, it's!

She folded her arms and looked at her neighbors with her head held high and her nostrils raised.

She didn't notice that under the feet of her grandson on the tree, a branch was broken.

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