Xiao Yue came over and said to Xie Huaiqing shyly: "Hello, I'm Xiao Yue." I heard that you are a very good herdsman.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and replied, "Hello, Xiaoyue." I'm just diligent, and you can do well.

Xiao Yue looked at Xie Huaiqing's cattle and sheep and said enviously: "Your cattle and sheep all listen to you, it seems that you are really experienced."

Xie Huaiqing smiled modestly: "Experience is accumulated little by little, and I didn't understand it at first." Otherwise, you will come to graze tomorrow and I will teach you some.

Satsuki nodded happily: "Okay, thank you." Since

that day, Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue have become a tacit partner. He patiently taught Satsuki how to get along with cattle and sheep and how to find good grazing spots. Satsuki is also smart and quickly masters some skills.

One evening, Xie Huaiqing and Xiao Yue sat on the hillside to rest. Xiao Yue said with emotion: "Brother Xie Huaiqing, thank you for teaching me so much, otherwise I really don't know how to graze."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and patted Xiao Yue's shoulder: "Xiao Yue, you are great!" You'll soon be able to graze on your own.

Xiao Yue's face flushed shyly: "Brother Xie Huaiqing, I... Actually, I've always liked you.

Xie Huaiqing was a little surprised, but he smiled gently and said, "Thank you, Xiaoyue." I've always liked a brave and cute girl like you. From

that day on, the relationship between Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue became even closer. They graze together, laugh together, and grow together.

Gradually, the people in the village also noticed the change between Xie Huaiqing and Xiao Yue. Uncle Li saw that the two of them always took care of the cattle and sheep in tacit understanding, and he already had an idea in his heart.

One day, Uncle Li found Xie Huaiqing and said seriously: "Huaiqing, are you and Xiaoyue interesting to each other?"

Xie Huaiqing nodded a little embarrassed: "Yes, I like Xiaoyue, and she also likes me."

Uncle Li smiled and said, "Then it's easy to do, I think you two are quite compatible." When the grazing season is over, I'll help you talk about your family.

After hearing this, Xie Huaiqing happily thanked him: "Thank you, uncle, I will treat Xiao Yue well." After

the grazing season, Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue's marriage was warmly congratulated by the villagers. They became a happy couple, composing their own romantic story in the mountains and wilderness.

The grazing years in the 60s were not only Xie Huaiqing's love and care for nature, but also a witness of his growth with Xiaohong, Xiaoyue and the entire village. This warm memory, with the passage of time, has become a precious memory that they will never forget.

A few years later, Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue have become the pillars of the family, and their lives are very happy. They have a lovely son and a lively daughter, and the laughter at home fills the whole village with happiness.

One day, a grand grazing festival was held in the village, in which all the herders participated. Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue also took the children with them, hoping to let them experience the good times they had spent.

At the grazing festival, Xiaohong and her family also came to participate. Xiaohong has grown up a lot and become more beautiful and generous. She has always been grateful to Xie Huaiqing, because Xie Huaiqing has given her a lot of encouragement and help, making her more confident.

Xiaohong walked to Xie Huaiqing's family and said with a smile: "Brother Huaiqing, sister Xiaoyue, hello!" You kids are so cute.

Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue also responded kindly: "Xiaohong, you have grown up and become more and more beautiful.

Xiaohong smiled shyly, and then looked at Xie Huaiqing's children: "Would you like to listen to me tell you a story about your father?"

The children nodded excitedly and sat around Xiaohong. Xiaohong began to tell how hard and kind Xie Huaiqing was a hardworking and kind herdsman during the herding years in the 60s, he was a beloved young man in the village, and he once rescued a lost little sheep.

Xie Huaiqing's children listened with relish, and they adored their father even more. Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue felt extremely proud, and they watched their children playing happily with Xiaohong, and their hearts were full of emotion.

After the grazing festival, Xie Huaiqing's children became more interested in grazing and nature. They often go out into the mountains with their parents to learn and explore. Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue are willing to pass on the lifestyle they once loved to the next generation.

Over time, Xie Huaiqing's family and Xiaohong's family became closer friends. They help each other and face the joys and sorrows of life together, which makes this small mountain village full of harmony and warmth.

In this grazing story of the 60s, Xie Huaiqing not only learned to treat life with heart, but also understood the importance of love and giving. And in the company of his family and friends, his story will continue to be written, becoming a beautiful legend that will never be forgotten.

A few years later, Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue's children grew up and began to learn to herd and care for livestock. They inherited the hard work and kindness of their parents and became the new generation of excellent herders in the village.

One day, Xie Huaiqing and Xiaohong were walking in the mountains and wilderness, recalling the bits and pieces of their youth.

Xiaohong smiled and said, "Brother Huaiqing, do you remember the days when we were grazing animals together when we were children? Those times were wonderful.

Xie Huaiqing nodded and smiled: "Of course, remember, it is our precious memory together." Now I am so proud to see that you have also become an excellent herdsman.

Xiaohong said softly: "Brother Huaiqing, I have always been grateful to you, you made me full of love for the job of herding." I still remember that when I was a child, you taught me a lot of techniques that made me more confident and no longer afraid to face difficulties.

Xie Huaiqing looked at Xiaohong and said warmly: "You are great, Xiaohong." I always believe that you have a different talent and that you can do better. The

two continued their walk through the mountains to a familiar pasture. They saw Xie Huaiqing's children grazing cattle and sheep with Xiao Yue.

Satsuki smiled and beckoned to them: "You guys are finally here!" The children are learning to herd with me. Xie

Huaiqing and Xiaohong approached and saw the children seriously imitating their young movements, and their hearts were full of emotion.

Xiaohong smiled and said to Satsuki: "Seeing them, I seem to see what we used to be."

Xiao Yue nodded and smiled: "Yes, time flies, and the years are like a shuttle." Now that we also have our own children, I really feel very happy to watch them grow day by day.

Xie Huaiqing said with emotion: "Yes, family is the warmest harbor, and with the company of family and friends, we can bravely face the challenges of life." "

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