As the night grew deeper, Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue decided to go hiking together tomorrow, return to the place where they used to graze cattle when they were young, and take the children to reminisce about that good time.

Xie Huaiqing looked at the sky and said softly: "Tomorrow we will create more beautiful memories."

Xiaohong added: "Yes, we will always accompany each other and walk through every milestone of life together.

Satsuki held everyone's hands tightly and said firmly: "Our friendship is eternal, no matter what the storm, we will guard this sincere emotion." Under

the stars, Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue's vows echoed in the night, and they knew that they would always be the most important people in each other's lives and have always had this eternal friendship.

The grazing years of the 60s witnessed their youth and friendship. And now, on this night, they continue to write their own legends with good memories and deep emotions. As the years go by, they will continue to walk hand in hand to witness each other's growth and happiness forever.

Early the next morning, Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue took the children together to embark on a journey to the mountains. They walked through verdant woods, climbed rolling hills, and laughed along the way, as if they had returned to the time of grazing cattle.

When they reached the grassland where they used to graze, a beautiful scenery unfolded before them. The children ran excitedly and laughed, and Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue couldn't help but laugh.

Satsuki pointed to a stone in front of him and said, "Do you remember?" That's where we used to sit on it and rest when we were kids.

Xie Huaiqing nodded and recalled: "Yes, we have shared a lot of stories and dreams here. Today, it seems that we are all constantly chasing our dreams.

Xiaohong looked at the distant mountain peaks and said affectionately: "This grassland bears witness to our youth and friendship. We've always worked hard here, and no matter what happens, we support each other and walk together.

The children sat around them and asked curiously, "Dad, mom, aunt, how did you play when you were young?"

Xie Huaiqing said with a smile: "When we were children, we liked to run and chase together, and we would set up a small picnic on this grassland in the summer.

Xiaohong added: "We still sing together, and brother Xie Huaiqing will play the guitar for us."

Satsuki smiled and said to the children: "You see, this grassland is like our big stage, we run freely here, sing together, and create our own happy time." The

children listened with relish, and looked at the light in the eyes of their parents and aunts, and they deeply felt this deep affection and friendship.

Xie Huaiqing encouraged the children: "In the future, you will also have your own glorious moments, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must keep going."

Xiaohong added: "Yes, no matter how much wind and rain lie ahead, we will be behind you, supporting you and encouraging you."

Satsuki smiled and said, "Our friendship is the strongest backing and your most solid dependency. "

In this grassland, together they recall the past and look forward to the future. They know that no matter how the years pass, their hearts will always be connected.

Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue took the children to play on the grassland, leaving behind laughter, as if time had stopped at this moment. At this moment, they became eternal children, who have been grazing their youth.

The grazing years of the 60s witnessed their growth and friendship. And now, in this grassland, with sincere emotions and deep love, they continue to write their own magnificent chapters. In the steppe of the mountains, they will always be the closest people in each other's lives, relying on and backing each other.

In the evening, when Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue were preparing to leave the grassland, the children reluctantly looked at this beautiful land, as if they were still immersed in happy times.

Xiaohong gently patted the children's shoulders and said gently: "Don't be sad, we will come again." This prairie will always be a place of fond memories for us.

Satsuki added with a smile: "Yes, no matter where we go in the future, this will always be our home and our roots.

Xie Huaiqing looked at the group of happy children and said with a smile: "Yes, you have to remember that we are all a family, no matter how far apart, each other's hearts will always be connected." The

children nodded, feeling the love and care of their parents and aunts, and they knew that this family was their strongest backing and harbor.

When the family left the grassland and on the way back, Xie Huaiqing asked, "What do you think of today's experience?"

Satsuki smiled and said, "It's wonderful! It was an unforgettable memory for our family.

Xiaohong added: "Yes, the children are also very happy, it is a valuable experience for them to grow up.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "Yes, we must come back often to let the children feel the beauty and innocence of nature." "

Back home, the family continued to sit together. Xie Huaiqing picked up a photo album, which recorded the bits and pieces of their growth.

Satsuki pointed to the photo and said, "Look, this is a photo of us grazing together when we were children.

Xiaohong turned to another page and said with a smile: "This is the picture of us holding a picnic together."

Xie Huaiqing turned to the last page, looked at the group photo of the family laughing, and said affectionately: "These photos are the most precious memories in our lives.

Xiaohong held Xie Huaiqing and Xiaoyue's hands and said with emotion: "Yes, we have always been together, no matter what we have experienced, we have held hands together."

Satsuki added, "Our friendship is the most precious asset and the most beautiful scenery of our lives. On

this warm evening, Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue's family shared each other's emotions and felt this deep family affection and friendship.

They understand that the grazing years of the 60s were an important chapter in their lives, and now they will continue to write their own stories, with each other and facing the future together.

In the long river of years, they will continue to walk and continue to write this precious friendship with love and strength forever. No matter what challenges and difficulties they encounter, they know that with each other, they will never be alone.

As time passed, Xie Huaiqing, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue's family continued to go through many good times and challenges. Together, they witnessed the growth of the children and the happiness and unity of the family.

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