Xie Huaiqing: When we leave the stage of science and technology, I hope to leave a solid cornerstone so that the journey of science and technology will never stop.

Partner 1: My wish is that our team can become an unquenchable flame that illuminates the way forward for technology.

Partner 2: Let our efforts be the starting point of the future and contribute our part to the bright future of science and technology.

(The story of Xie Huaiqing and the team



Act 69: Eternal Exploration

(Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to let the exploration of science and technology never stop, and let the torch of science and technology be passed on from generation to generation and burn forever.

Xie Huaiqing: Let us always maintain the spirit of exploration of science and technology, never stop, and constantly break through.

Partner 1: Yes, the road of science and technology is endless, and we want to shine like eternal stars.

Partner 2: Let our efforts become the driving force of scientific and technological progress, and contribute our wisdom and strength to the happiness of human society.

Act 70: Gratitude and Feedback

(Xie Huaiqing and the team decided to give back to the society and thank the people for their support and care for the development of science and technology.

Xie Huaiqing: We must be grateful to the people, it is their support and trust that has brought us to the peak of science and technology today.

Partner 1: We want to give back to the society, benefit more people with the achievements of science and technology, and let them share the fruits of scientific and technological development.

Partner 2: Let us make more contributions to society with practical actions, so that science and technology and people are connected.

Act 71: The Light

of Technology (The light of science and technology of Xie Huaiqing and his team illuminates the world and becomes a leader in the field of science and technology.

Xie Huaiqing: Let our scientific and technological achievements shine on the world stage and become a leader in scientific and technological development.

Partner 1: Our torch of technology will illuminate every corner and spread the power of technology to the world.

Partner 2: Let our scientific and technological light shine on the future of mankind and become a great driving force for human progress.

Act 72: Win-win between

technology and mankind (Xie Huaiqing and his team realized that the win-win

situation between technology and mankind is the ultimate goal, and decided to work harder towards this goal.

Xie Huaiqing: The ultimate goal of science and technology is to bring benefits to human society, so that everyone can benefit from the progress of science and technology.

Partner 1: We must constantly pursue a win-win situation with human society on the road of scientific and technological development.

Partner 2: Let us have our original intention, work hard for the better future of mankind, and let the light of science and technology never go out.

Act 73: Prologue to the Future

(Xie Huaiqing and his team look forward to the prologue

of the future, their scientific and technological journey will never end, and a new chapter is about to begin.

Xie Huaiqing: The prologue of the future has begun, let us write a new chapter in the development of science and technology together.

Partner 1: We will continue to pursue the brilliance of science and technology and constantly create new scientific and technological miracles.

Partner 2: Let's hold each other's hands and join hands to start the journey of the future!

(The story of Xie Huaiqing and his team will continue on the stage of science and technology, and they will never stop fighting for the happiness and prosperity of human society.) Their scientific and technological exploration will burn forever, painting a brilliant picture for future scientific and technological development. Their stories will inspire more people to devote themselves to the research and innovation of science and technology, and jointly promote human society to continue to move forward

74: the integration

of science and technology and humanities (Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to

integrate science and technology with humanities, so that science and technology can become the bright light of human civilization.

Xie Huaiqing: Science and technology should not be isolated from humanities, we must integrate science and technology with humanities to create a more colorful future.

Partner 1: Yes, the development of science and technology cannot ignore human emotions, culture and values, and we must apply science and technology to promote human spiritual civilization.

Partner 2: Let us use the innovative power of science and technology to explore the new boundaries of human civilization and bring more far-reaching impact to human society.

Act 75: The Way

of Technology (Xie Huaiqing and his team deeply understand the way of technology, and they decided to combine the development of science and technology with human needs.

Xie Huaiqing: The way of science and technology lies in giving mankind a better life and future, and let us work hard for the happiness of mankind.

Partner 1: We must find solutions that human society really needs on the road of science and technology, and constantly innovate to meet the needs of the people.

Partner 2: The way of science and technology is full of wisdom, let us listen to the voice of mankind with our hearts, and use the power of science and technology to realize human dreams.

Act 76: Technology and Global Cooperation

(Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to strengthen cooperation with the global scientific and technological community to jointly address global challenges.

Xie Huaiqing: Science and technology have no borders, and we should strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation to jointly face global challenges.

Partner 1: We can carry out cross-border scientific research projects to jointly solve global problems such as climate change and disease prevention and control.

Partner 2: Let our scientific and technological achievements benefit all mankind and contribute our strength to the prosperity and peace of the global society.

Act 77: The Fusion

of Technology and Art (Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to blend technology and art, so that the beauty of science and technology can be displayed on the stage of art.

Xie Huaiqing: Technology and art inspire each other, let us use the innovative beauty of science and technology to give art new inspiration.

Partner 1: We can explore the application of technology in artistic creation to create amazing scientific and technological artworks.

Partner 2: Let us use the power of science and technology to bring the beauty of art to more people, and let art dance with technology.

Act 78: Perception and Revelation

(Xie Huaiqing and his team have a deeper understanding of the past journey and draw inspiration from it.

Xie Huaiqing: The road to technology is not easy, but every challenge makes us stronger.

Partner 1: In each failure, we have learned valuable lessons and a deeper understanding of the nature of technology.

Partner 2: Let us cherish every exploration process, and cast the brilliance of scientific and technological development with wisdom and perseverance.

Act 79: The

Responsibility and Responsibility

of Science and Technology (Xie Huaiqing

and the team have a deeper understanding of the responsibility and responsibility of science and technology, and decide to promote the development of science and technology with a greater mission.

Xie Huaiqing: The development of science and technology has given us great power, but also given us great responsibility.

Partner 1: We are responsible for the application of science and technology, ensuring that it benefits people and does not harm them.

Partner 2: Let us firmly take responsibility and use scientific and technological innovation to bring more positive impact to human society.

Act 80: Technology and Equity

(Xie Huaiqing and his team recognized that technology should promote equity and inclusion, and decided to pay more attention to social equity in the development of science and technology. )

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