(Scene: A small town's street market, filled with all kinds of stalls, bustling with people. Xie Huaiqing, the only pork vendor here, is shy and kind.

Xie Huaiqing: (Sorting out the fresh pork neatly) Here, fresh pork, fresh pork, who wants a pound?

Passerby A: Brother Huaiqing, this pork looks really good, I'll take a pound.

Xie Huaiqing: Okay, come, weigh you a pound. (Weigh a pound of pork to passerby A)

Passerby A: Thank you! (Pulling out money to pay)

(At this time, another strange middle-aged woman passed by.) Strange

middle-aged woman: Hello, is your pork fresh here?

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, big sister, I buy fresh pork from the nearby countryside every morning.

Strange middle-aged woman: Oh, then you give me half a pound to try.

Xie Huaiqing: Okay, come, half a catty. (weighed half a pound of pork to

the middle-aged woman)

Strange middle-aged woman: Well, it is indeed quite fresh, and the price is reasonable. I'll take it. (Leave after payment)

(As time passes, Xie Huaiqing's pork stall business is getting better and better.) Because of his integrity and high-quality goods, he gradually got many regular customers. Old

customer B: Brother Huai Qing, your pork is really getting better and better, and it is more delicious than the meat in the city before.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for the compliment, everyone likes the pork I sell, I feel very happy.

(A young man came over, his face a little anxious.)

Young man: Brother Huaiqing, come a pound of pork, but can you not ask for money first, and I will pay you next month?

Xie Huaiqing: Well, what's wrong with you? Are there any difficulties?

Young man: That's right, there are some things at home recently, and the hand is a little tight, but the old people in the family love to eat your pork here, and I really can't get the money.

Xie Huaiqing: Oh, don't worry about this little thing. Come, this pound of pork will be given to you first, and you will pay me back next month.

Young Lad: Really? Thank you so much, Brother Huaiqing!

(The young man left gratefully, and Xie Huaiqing had a satisfied smile on his face.)

(In the evening, as the market cleared out, Xie Huaiqing began to tidy up the pork stalls and prepare them to go home.)

Passerby C: Brother Huai Qing, I want to come with two catties.

Xie Huaiqing: Okay, come, weigh you two catties.

Passerby C: Recently, I heard that a large supermarket has opened in the city, and I am afraid that our small stalls will have a hard time in the future.

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, the competition in supermarkets is indeed quite fierce. However, I think as long as I continue to sell fresh and good meat and treat every customer with integrity, I should still be able to keep some of my business.

Passerby C: You're right, I hope you can always be here, we can't bear to let a good vendor like you leave.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for your support, I will work hard.

(In the melodious sunset, Xie's smile gradually blends into the bustling street market of this small town.) With his kindness and hard work, he became a good vendor in everyone's hearts, and this story has also become a memory of the incense of the years.

(The next morning, Xie Huaiqing arrived at his pork stall on time and began to stock fresh pork.)

Xie Huaiqing: Here, fresh pork, fresh pork, who wants a pound?

Old customer A: Brother Huaiqing, yesterday's pork was so delicious, I will come again today.

Xie Huaiqing: No problem, come, weigh you a pound. (Weigh out a pound of pork to the old customer A)

(At this moment, a strange young woman walked up to Xie Huaiqing's stall.)

Young woman: Excuse me, is the pork here the freshest?

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, Miss, I buy the freshest pork from the countryside every day.

Young woman: That's great, I'll try it. (hesitates) Give me half a pound.

Xie Huaiqing: Okay, come, half a catty.

Young woman: Thank you. (After paying, she pulled out a note and handed it to Xie Huaiqing.)

Xie Huaiqing: What is it?

Young woman: This is my business card, I open a restaurant in the city. Your pork is really delicious, I want to use it for cooking, if you want, you can come to my restaurant to serve pork, the price I will pay fairly.

Xie Huaiqing: (somewhat surprised) This... It was a real unexpected opportunity. I'll think about it, thank you.

Young woman: It's okay, come to me if you think about it. I think your pork will be popular. (Smile and leave)

(Xie Huaiqing fell into thought, he never thought that his stall would have such a development opportunity.)

(Just then, a familiar face appeared before him.)

Old customer B: Brother Huai Qing, I ate your pork for my old man yesterday, he is so happy! Two more pounds today.

Xie Huaiqing: Okay, okay, come, weigh you two catties. (Weigh two pounds of pork to old

customer B)

Old customer B: Hey, what's wrong with you? The face was a little hesitant.

Xie Huaiqing: Actually, just now, a young woman came and asked me to supply pork to her restaurant, but I was a little hesitant.

Regular customer B: Why?

Xie Huaiqing: I'm afraid that once I go to the big hotel in the city, I won't be able to set up a stall here anymore, and I can't bear the old customers here.

Old customer B: Brother Huaiqing, don't think too much. Opportunities are rare, you originally wanted to supply to the city for good business, this is an opportunity to move forward. We understand you and support your choices.

Xie Huaiqing: (gratefully looking at the old customer B) You guys are so good, I will think about it.

(Encouraged by his old customer B, Xie Huaiqing gradually decided to accept the young woman's offer to supply his pork to restaurants in the city.) He knew it would be a new endeavor, but he believed his integrity and hard work would lead to a better future. The years dye fragrantly, and the story continues to unfold on the corridor of time.

(On the third day, Xie Huaiqing's pork stall was as lively as ever, chatting with regular customers and laughing.) Old

customer C: Brother Huai Qing, the quality of your pork is getting better and better recently!

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for the compliment, in fact, I have news to tell you recently.

Regular customer A: What's the news?

Xie Huaiqing: I recently received an offer from a restaurant in the city who wanted me to supply them pork.

Customer B: Wow, that's a big opportunity!

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, I think so too, but I have always hesitated. Because I'm afraid that in this way, I will have to leave here, and I can't bear you old customers.

Old customer C: Brother Huaiqing, when your opportunity comes, we all support you. Although we will be reluctant to let you, we hope that you can have better development.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for your understanding and support, I really appreciate it.

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