The cognition of the crowd goes to create. At the same time, the collaboration between Xie Huaiqing and Lin Yuhan has also attracted the attention of other creators, who hope to join this creative team to explore the combination of entertainment and ideas.

One day, Lin Yuhan excitedly called Xie Huaiqing: "Huaiqing, guess who found me?" It's director Wang Junjie! He has seen our films, is very interested in our creations, and hopes to work with us.

Xie Huaiqing couldn't help but show a surprised expression after hearing this: "Director Wang Junjie? That's a big name in the entertainment industry! Our efforts have finally been recognized. Soon

after, they met with director Wang Junjie to talk about possible collaborative projects. Wang Junjie praised their creativity and hoped to create a masterpiece that subverted traditional concepts together.

In the midst of a tense and exciting collaboration, they set out to create a film called Entertainment Against the Current. The film tells the story of how a young man subverts the existing order in the entertainment industry, triggering the collision of ideas and ideas, and ultimately driving change in the entire society. The film integrates entertainment elements and social issues, challenges traditional concepts, and bravely expresses the thinking and attitude of creators.

The film's production process was not smooth, and the creative team encountered some disagreements in dealing with the balance of ideas and entertainment. However, through in-depth discussions and compromises, they finally found a solution that could meet the expectations of both sides. Xie Huaiqing and Lin Yuhan also continued to learn in this process, improving their creative ability and teamwork awareness.

After the movie was released, it caused a huge sensation. The audience was fascinated by the novel ideas and stunning visuals presented in the film, and a wave of discussion was set off. The film not only achieved success at the box office, but also triggered extensive discussion about entertainment and ideas in society.

With the success of the film, the fame of Xie Huaiqing and Lin Yuhan continued to expand. They have become the best in the entertainment industry and have also been sought after and invited by more creators to collaborate. However, they have always maintained a humble and sincere attitude, insisting on responding to society with their creations and expressing their beliefs and ideas.

"Huaiqing, can we set the story in real life and conduct a field trip to get more creative inspiration?" Lin Yuhan came up with a new idea.

Xie Huaiqing thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think this is a good idea. Through field visits, we can gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the entertainment industry and better reflect the real-world situation. So

they decided to embark on a field trip together. They chose as their destination a famous entertainment city that is home to film companies, entertainment agencies and creative industries. They plan to collect a lot of information and materials through interviews, visits and observations, so as to better construct the plot and characters of the film.

During the field trip, they first visited a large film production company. They met many familiar names and faces, and also learned about the film's production process and the hard work behind it. They listened to the producers' sharing and learned about the changes and future development trends of the film industry.

Next, they went to an entertainment agency. There, they met many young actors who were struggling hard and learned about the hardship and dedication of the actors. They chatted with a young actor and learned about her hardships and dreams in the entertainment industry, and the story deeply touched their hearts.

They also visited some creative studios to learn about the efforts and creative ideas of some independent creators. Through these visits and exchanges, they gradually learned more inspiration and gained a deeper understanding of the entertainment industry inside and outside.

On the last day of the expedition, Xie Huaiqing and Lin Yuhan sat in a café by the sea, bathed in the sun, and recalled this rich experience.

"This visit was really rewarding," Lin Yuhan said with emotion, "We not only learned from creative inspiration, but also gained a deeper understanding of people and things inside and outside the industry."

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think this inspection has made us more grounded and made our creations closer to life." We can convey these real stories and emotions to the audience through the film. "

When they got home, they got back into creating. This field trip added more realism and emotional depth to their film. They set out to build richer characters and weave a more gripping plot, hoping to create a masterpiece that was both entertaining and socially thoughtful.

However, the road to creation is not easy. They encountered many challenges in script building and characterization, and also found a balance between ideas and business. In the continuous exploration and efforts, they believe that only by adhering to the original intention and creating with heart can they finally create a good work in the true sense.


time went by, the production process of the film gradually drew to an end. Xie Huaiqing and Lin Yuhan also participated in the actual shooting of the set in addition to their screenwriting work. They deeply felt the hard work and challenges of film creation, but they also cherished every link and every opportunity to cooperate.

One day, when they were watching the filming on the set, a young assistant director came over and greeted them: "Hello, I heard that you are the core of the creative team, I am the assistant director of this film, my name is Wang Jun."

Xie Huaiqing and Lin Yuhan talked to him amicably and started an unexpected conversation.

"Director Wang, how did you get into this industry?" Xie Huaiqing asked.

Wang Jun smiled and recalled: "Actually, I didn't think about working in the film industry at first, I studied music. But by chance, I participated in the shooting of an independent short film, and that's when I really felt the charm of film. Since then, I have decided to pursue a career in the film industry and use my lens to tell more stories.

Lin Yuhan also joined the conversation: "Director Wang, what kind of impact do you think the film has on the audience?"

Wang Jun thought for a moment and replied: "Film is a powerful art form, it is not only entertainment, but also an emotional resonance and the transmission of ideas." A good movie can resonate emotionally with the audience and can also inspire them to think. I think movies have endless possibilities to influence and change people's lives.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "You are right, film has the power to cross time, space and culture, it can bring the audience into different worlds and experience different emotions and thoughts. "

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