Heard Xie Huaiqing's voice.

Jia Zhang's is a dodger.

Bad, how did this little rabbit come back so quickly!

She hurried out.

At this time, the people in the yard also came out.

When Jia Zhang smashed the lock, they all heard movement, but no one wanted to care.

Don't make trouble with Jia Zhang for other people's affairs.

When they saw Xie Huaiqing come back, they all came out to see the liveliness.

People slowly gathered around the door of Xie's house.

Jia Zhangshi ran out with a duck egg in his right hand and a melon in his left hand.

As soon as she came out and saw such people, she was dumbfounded.

Now I just can't run if I want to.

Xie Huaiqing stood in front of his house and blocked the other party's way.

He had come back to get the money he had forgotten.

Who knew that as soon as they came back, they saw this scene.

He looked at the melon in the other party's hand and smiled coldly.

"Jia Zhang, I remember that the door of my house was locked."

"How did you get into my house?"

"And where are you going with my melon, what are you holding in your right hand?"

Under his repeated questions, a little cold sweat broke out on Jia Zhang's forehead.

She swallowed her spit, calmed down and said.

"I'm your grandmother, what's wrong, can't grandma come into your house and get something to eat?"

"Is it? Now you're my grandmother again?

"When the relationship was severed, Director Zhang was present."

"Why do you still want Director Zhang to come once now?"

His gaze fell on the door lock.

"Oh, you forcibly broke the lock on our house, didn't you?"

"Big guys, come and see, there is a thief in our yard."

"Jia Zhang broke the lock of my house and went into my house to steal something."

He shouted a few words loudly.

In the courtyard, there were more people around.

Even the deaf old lady, who has always pretended to be deaf and dumb, came out.

After Jia Zhang saw it, he hurriedly called for help.

"Old lady, you are the most respected person in our courtyard."

"Tell me, can't I go into my daughter's house and get something? Is it excessive?

After her words fell, the other party frowned slightly.

I just came out to watch a play, and this mean ghost asked himself what he was doing?

This is not a matter of stupid pillars, what do you care about him?

The deaf old lady pretended not to hear clearly, turned her head, and swallowed slowly.

"Huh? What did you say? Louder.

"Old lady, I can't hear!"

When Jia Zhang heard this, his face turned white in an instant.

This dead old lady, Bai has been a neighbor with her for so many years.

I don't even help myself.

A stiff smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, and she said to Xie Huaiqing.

"Xiaoqing, don't call the police station, can't I put this thing back for you?"

"What about this lock in my house? Just smashed by you?

"I compensate you."

"Five pieces!"

After Xie Huaiqing's voice fell, Jia Zhang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

What a broken lock, it costs five dollars!

She tried to get a price.

"Do you see a dollar?"

"Then call the people from the police station!"

"Don't don't, I'll give it to you."

Jia Zhangshi said this in his mouth, but said in his heart.

Hey! This little rabbit cub doesn't want to face it.

A lock has to collect five pieces for yourself, why not grab it!

This melon and duck egg, you don't want it.

As soon as she deliberately loosened her hand, the melon duck egg fell to the ground.

When the people around saw it, they all started talking.

"What a crime! So many eggs, all broken!

"Jia Zhang's this is intentional, just now his hand was so stable, and now his hand is loose."

"What a bastard, don't spill grain when you are angry!"

Jia Zhangshi didn't care what the people around him said.

She just feels comfortable in her heart.

"Ouch, sorry, I accidentally broke the egg."


Xie Huaiqing sneered.

He didn't pay attention to her right away, but his parents and sister took them aside.

"Xiao Nuan, you stand farther away."

After letting my sister stand by the side.

He jumped up from the ground and stretched out his palm and slapped it on Jia Zhang's face.

The body that has been transformed by the system has infinite strength.

Just listen after a snap.

Jia Zhangshi flew out directly, flying two meters away.

People who were standing and watching the excitement watched her flying figure and hurriedly dodged.

If this were to smash her fat body, it would hurt her bones.


Jia Zhang fell to the ground, and before he could catch his breath, he sat down alone.

It's Xie Huaiqing's little rabbit cub.

She reached out to lift the other party off her body, but found that she couldn't push the other party.

And Xie Huaiqing's slap fell on her face quickly like a rainstorm.

He fanned left and right, and the fat flesh on the other party's face trembled.

The crackling sound echoed in the courtyard, louder than the sound of firecrackers being set off during the New Year.

He just suppressed Jia Zhangshi like this and gave the other party more than a hundred slaps.

The people of the courtyard looked at it like this, after all, this is not their own family's business.

There is no need to offend Xie Huaiqing for the sake of the Jia family.

Moreover, the child is so small, it hurts to hit someone.

Jia Zhangshi, who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, wanted to cry.

Her face was now painful and hot.

Slap after slap falls.

She felt like a piece of pork was falling on her face now.

The pork can be blanched directly.

"Help, come on, save me!"

Jia Zhang wailed in the courtyard.

The people around just watched.

Qin Huairu, who came back from outside, heard the movement and hurried over.

As soon as I entered the middle courtyard, I saw my mother-in-law being pressed and beaten by the kid of the Xie family.

She secretly said in her heart that she had a good fight!

Then he pretended to walk over quickly.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, don't fight!"

"Don't fight, don't hit me to lose you money!"

Jia Zhang cried again.

After hearing this, Xie Huaiqing stopped his hand.

"Say, how much do you pay me?"

"Five pieces?"


He raised his hand again.

"No, ten, fifteen!"


"Good, good, twenty, just twenty!"

After Jia Zhangshi agreed, he stood up.

"Tonight, if you don't give it to me, I'll call the police station."

After the words fell, he took his sister's hand and walked home.

Xiao Nuan glanced at her brother, and then said.

"Brother, you are so good! Hit the stick terrier grandma!

Xie Huaiqing just smiled.

"Xiao Nuan also wants, fight!"


Accidentally taught a violent loli?

"No, you don't."

The people in the yard saw him walking towards the house and made way for him.

This Xie Huaiqing looked young, but his heart was really ruthless!

The eldest aunt watched from the side, and couldn't help sighing in her heart.

How can such a wolf cub not belong to his own family?

After that, many of the children in the yard received warnings from their parents.

It's okay, don't mess with Xie Huaiqing!

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