In the dark hall, the atmosphere is so tense that it seems to condense. Xie Huaiqing held the blue sword tightly, his eyes were resolute, although his senior brother was already

the prince of the demon race looked at Xie Huaiqing coldly, his eyes flashed with mockery: "Are you the little cultivator who claims to save your senior brother?" Amusing.

Xie Huaiqing ignored his words, and he approached his senior brother step by step, his heart full of mixed emotions. When facing Senior Brother, he felt a familiar breath, but this aura was covered by evil forces.

Senior Brother sat on the throne, a dark aura emanated from him, and his eyes were indifferent, as if he had long forgotten everything in the past. He raised his head and looked at Xie Huaiqing, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "Huaiqing, you are really here."

Xie Huaiqing's voice carried infinite warmth: "Senior brother, no matter what you become, I will try to get you back."

Senior Brother's gaze became cold, and he said contemptuously: "Rescue? Huaiqing, you are really naïve. I'm no longer your senior brother, I've become the prince of the Demon Clan, what else can you do?"

Xie Huaiqing's hands clenched against the blue sword, and he said without flinching: "Even if you have changed, I believe that there is still a trace of righteous fire in your heart, and I will ignite it with my faith."

The senior brother let out a sneer and suddenly stood up, a black aura surging around him. He stretched out his hand, and a black energy grabbed Xie Huaiqing like a devil's claw.

Xie Huaiqing swung his blue sword and unleashed a powerful amount of lightning power, intertwined with his senior brother's attack. His gaze was full of determination, and he was unwilling to give up his bond with his senior brother.

The battle was extremely fierce, with the power of lightning and darkness intertwined in the air, emitting a deafening roar. Li Mochou also threw himself into the battle, and her sharp sword skills firmly suppressed the attack of the Demon Prince.

Although Senior Brother's strength is strong, Xie Huaiqing does not show weakness. He must not only protect himself, but also find the heart of his senior brother and awaken his hidden kindness.

"Huaiqing, it's useless for you to do this!" Senior Brother's voice was full of pain and struggle, and he seemed to be fighting against that dark force.

Xie Huaiqing gripped the hilt of his sword, the power of thunder and lightning surged in his body, and he said unwaveringly: "Senior brother, I know that you are still deep in your heart, don't be shrouded in darkness!" "

The battle between darkness and thunder and lightning became more and more intense, and the scene became chaotic. Li Mochou also did his best to suppress the attack of the Demon Prince, protecting Xie Huaiqing.

The battle became more and more intense, lightning and darkness were intertwined, and sword qi and demon qi competed. Xie Huaiqing threw himself into the battle, trying to find the traces of his senior brother's heart and awaken his conscience that was covered by darkness.

However, Senior Brother's power became stronger and stronger, and the dark power gradually gained the upper hand. In the collision again and again, Xie Huaiqing gradually felt the pressure increase, and his strength was not enough to compete with the assimilated senior brother.

"Huaiqing, why are you persistent?" The senior brother's voice carried a hint of pleading, and his eyes also flashed with pain.

Xie Huaiqing's hands trembled slightly from clenching the hilt of the sword, he was unwilling to give up, but he was also unwilling to let his senior brother suffer more. He forcibly endured the power of thunder and lightning surging in his body, stared into the eyes of his senior brother, and said firmly: "Senior brother, I will never give up on you. No matter how the darkness erodes you, I will bring you back. Senior

Brother's eyes became more and more tangled, and his strength became more ferocious. During an attack, Xie Huaiqing finally couldn't completely dodge, the dark power penetrated his defenses, a deep wound appeared on his body, and blood gushed out.

Li Mochou's gaze was closely watching, and she felt Xie Huaiqing's danger. She decisively raised her sword and joined the battle, trying to share Xie Huaiqing's pressure.

However, the situation has become more unfavorable. Senior Brother's dark power gradually suppressed them, Xie Huaiqing's injuries became more serious, and his body began to falter.

"Huaiqing, your efforts are in vain." Senior Brother's voice was full of helplessness and pain, and his attack became more violent.

Xie Huaiqing gritted his teeth, the power of thunder and lightning surged in his body, he straightened his back, and the momentum of his whole body burst out. His eyes flashed with determination, and he knew that although Senior Brother had been assimilated, he still believed that deep in his heart, there was still a trace of fire against darkness.

He gathered all his strength and delivered a final blow in an attempt to break through Senior Brother's dark defenses. However, Senior Brother's strength had become unstoppable, and his attack was like a violent storm, and Xie Huaiqing could not resist it.

In the end, Xie Huaiqing was hit by a dark attack, his body was thrown violently, and he hit the wall hard, and his consciousness began to become blurred.

Li Mochou let out a roar in despair and used his sword technique with all his strength to try to turn the situation around. However, her strength was gradually restrained by the dark power of her senior brother.

Just when Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou were in a desperate situation, suddenly a bright light shone out, illuminating the dark hall like daylight. In the light, a figure quietly appeared, it was the previous senior.

That senior looked calm, his body exuded a powerful aura, and the dark power seemed to retreat in front of him.

"Are you..." The Demon Prince's voice became solemn, and he seemed to be jealous of this senior.

The senior glanced coldly at the Demon Prince, then turned to Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou, and said with a smile: "Huaiqing, Li Mochou, you are seriously injured, I will help you heal your injuries." Xie

Huaiqing and Li Mochou felt the generous aura of their senior, and they believed that this senior would never be their enemy. They nodded together, and the seniors began to perform healing methods, and gradually, they felt that the injuries in their bodies were rapidly recovering.

Xie Huaiqing's heart was full of gratitude, he looked at his predecessor and asked, "Senior, why are you here?"

The senior smiled faintly and explained, "The balance of the True Cultivation Realm is threatened, and I came here to stop the plan of the Demon Prince. It seems that you have suffered a lot of twists and turns.

Li Mochou also spoke: "Senior, our purpose is to rescue Xie Huaiqing's senior brother, but he has been assimilated by the Demon Race and has become the Prince of the Demon Race.

The senior frowned, and after he pondered for a moment, he said: "The power of the Demon Prince is extremely strong, and I already sensed it when I came. However, his heart has not been completely eroded by darkness, and there is still a glimmer of possibility.

Xie Huaiqing's eyes flashed with hope, and he said: "Senior, I will not give up Senior Brother, I will do everything to save him from the darkness.

The senior nodded and said with a smile: "Very good, Huaiqing, your persistence and belief are very important. We will work together not only to free your senior brother, but also to stop the conspiracy of the Demon Prince. "

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