"I'm not mistaken, he bought another bike!"

"Is this kid here to buy from us?"

"The electric fan last time was fifty yuan, how come the bicycle this time has more than one hundred and sixty yuan, and people spent my year's salary in less than a week!"

Xie Huaiqing didn't know what was happening inside the building.

"Thank you, sister."

After thanking the salesman, he carried his sister to the back seat.

Then pedal the bicycle and go to the bicycle management department of the traffic police.

In this era, when you buy a bicycle, you have to apply for a bicycle driving license.

In addition to this, it is necessary to hang up the license plate, smash the steel seal on the frame, and the last step is to pay taxes.

After paying the tax, the bicycle completely belongs to his own home.

Xiao Nuan is still riding a bicycle for the first time.

On the back seat of the bicycle, she hugged her brother's waist with joy and fear.

"Brother, Douyun, Feifei."

"Xiao Nuan, I'm afraid."

He understood his sister's words that did not match the preamble.

This girl, listening to him talk about Journey to the West every day, now thinks that she has flown by herself.

He snorted.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Nuan hugs her brother, let's go to the place immediately."

Xiao Nuan obediently put her body on his back.

The mouth nibbled on the clothes on his back and said vaguely.

"Don't be afraid, brother is powerful, protect Xiao Nuan."

"Xiao Nuan, clothes are not allowed to eat!"

While riding his bicycle, he also coped with the problems his sister gave him.

"Why can't my brother's clothes be eaten?"


Xie Huaiqing began to explain to his sister.

On the road, people saw both of them with surprised looks on their faces.

After all, in this era, the bicycle was a luxury, just like the luxury cars of later generations.

In addition to the function of driving, it also plays the role of a status symbol.

Anyone who can buy a bicycle, there is a door!

Bike tickets are not so easy to come by.

Many people want to have a bicycle, they don't have a ticket, they can't afford it, they all save up their own parts!

A bicycle like Xie Huaiqing rode from such a big factory.

That's a real rush!

Many people just save money for three years and can't afford one!

"Whose family does this kid belong to?" Then the new bike adult let him ride out.

"Don't say it, people ride really steadily, I'm so old, I can't ride."

"It seems that there is not only one bicycle in people's houses!"

"So isn't it a waste to ride a new bike for a child? What a loser!

"This kid is richer than me, how much more can I buy a bike?"

Everywhere Xie Huaiqing passed, the voices of discussion sounded one after another.

Many people stopped to see his bicycle.

His eyes couldn't help but show envy.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

He took his sister through the streets and ended up in the bicycle administration.

The staff were surprised to see that it was such a child who came to play the cards.

"Child, where are your parents?"

"My mother is not here, you can tell me about anything."

"This car has to pay taxes, you know? Two pieces of four a year, you have to pay taxes to give you a steel stamp. "

So that's what happened.

Xie Huaiqing waved his hand and said.

"Uncle, you give it to me, I'll pay the tax."

"Do you have money?"

The staff asked with a smile.

As soon as his words fell, he saw the child take out two pieces of five from his pocket.

He was speechless at this time, and took the hammer and smashed steel stamps on the handlebars and tripods of the bicycle.

After Xie Huaiqing left, the staff looked at his back and said.

"The kids are terrible."

"At a young age, I have so much money in my pocket."

"Look at the way people look riding a bicycle, how energetic!"

The time was still early, and Xie Huaiqing was in no hurry to go back.

He took Xiao Nuan and walked around the street.

When passing a small river, Xiao Nuan's girl almost fell off the car.

It almost scared him to death.

He stopped the car and grabbed his sister, who was moving around in the back seat.

"Xiao Nuan, what's going on?"

"Sit down obediently and be careful of falling out of the car."

Xiao Nuan grabbed his hand and leaned his neck towards the river.

"Brother, fish, delicious."

Xie Huaiqing listened and stretched out his hand to support his forehead.

This silly sister, do you want to eat or die?

He said to his sister with a serious expression.

"Tell my brother what you want to eat, and my brother will find a way to get it for you."

"But you can't move around in the car, you know? How painful it is to fall!

Xiao Nuan was frightened by his expression and said timidly.

"Got it, brother is not angry, Xiao Nuan is not eating."

He touched his sister's little face and said softly.

"Brother is not angry."

"Xiao Nuan wants to eat fish? Let's go, brother take you fishing. With

that, he pushed the cart to the river.

The upper reaches of this small river is Shichahai Park.

Fishing is forbidden inside, so many people come here to fish.

There were fishing rods and bait sold next to it, so Xie Huaiqing bought two fishing rods and a box of bait.

I took my sister to the river and found a clearing to squat.

The bait is casually hung on the hook, and two fishing rods are thrown into the river at will.

One is given to Xiao Nuan, and the other is held by himself.

He casually held the flagpole indifferently and told his sister about Journey to the West.

He looks confident that he will soon be able to wait for the fish to be hooked.

Anyway, I just came to have fun, and I didn't expect to actually catch a fish.

There are so many fish in my own space.

At that time, any one can solve this girl's gluttony.

His appearance attracted the attention of others.

A small child, riding a brand new bicycle, is as big as two fishing rods.

The fishing technique is a layman at first glance, but he seems to be very sure.

Best of all, his Journey to the West sounds so interesting.

It's more witty and funny than the commentary on the radio.

The children will definitely like it.

Sure enough, the little girl who followed him was amused.

"Brother, Bajie is such a fool!"

"If you were Bajie, what would you do?"

"Tell Brother Monkey that the master was captured, let Brother Monkey, help."

The person next to him listened and kept nodding.

This is to say, the section where Bajie entered Huaguo Mountain to move the rescuers.

The more he listened to the two children, the more he liked it, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Child, what books do you usually read? I know a lot.

When Xie Huaiqing heard the voice, he turned his head to look.

Oh yes!

Isn't this person who talks to himself a great leader?

It is the backstage of the silly pillar in the TV series, with thick thighs.

How did I let myself meet today.

He blinked, after making sure he was not mistaken.

He replied with a smile.

"I read villain books."

"Can you understand so much by reading villain books? What grade are you in?

"I'm not seven years old, and I haven't gone to school yet!"

"How do you know this without going to school? You're pretty good. Faced

with the praise of the great leader, Xie Huaiqing said immodestly.

"I also think I'm awesome."

When the big leader listened, he wanted to tease this child even more.

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