Xie Huaiqing nodded, he could understand Li Xuan's choice. His gaze cast to the fields outside the window, and the breeze blew through, making the ears of rice sway gently, as if to accompany their conversation.

"Young people, farming is not only a technology, but also an attitude to life. You have to learn to respect the land, listen to nature, and protect the ecological balance. Xie Huaiqing said, his expression was deep, and his eyes revealed deep feelings for the land.

Li Xuan nodded silently, and he felt the sincerity and wisdom in Xie Huaiqing's words. From Xie Huaiqing's stories and words, he seemed to see a vast field, waiting for him to cultivate and care.

With the passage of time, under the guidance of Xie Huaiqing, Li Xuan gradually mastered the skills of farming and the spirit of agriculture. He and Xie Huaiqing were busy in the field together, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Their cooperation is not only the inheritance of technology, but also the inheritance of farmland culture and respect for natural ecology.

One autumn evening, a harvest celebration was held in the village. The villagers gathered together to share the fruits of the year's labor. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan stood in front of a golden rice field, praying in unison, thanking the earth for its gifts.

"Li Xuan, you have become a qualified farmer, and the future farmland will require your wisdom and hard work. Xie Huaiqing encouraged.

Li Xuan looked at Xie Huaiqing deeply, and he understood that he had not only obtained the technology of farming, but also obtained an attitude towards life. He said gratefully: "Brother Xie, you made me understand the true meaning of farmland, and I will remember it in my heart and pass it on with actions." Xie

Huaiqing and Li Xuan continue their farmland life, spreading the concept of respecting nature and protecting ecology further. This story is not only about farming, but also about people

and after a long period of hard work, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan decided to conduct an experiment on farmland ecology to explore a more sustainable agricultural development model. They chose an uncultivated piece of land and experimented to find a way to increase crop yields while protecting the ecology.

"Li Xuan, where are we going to start? Xie Huaiqing stood on this uncultivated land and pointed to the surrounding grass and asked.

Li Xuan thought for a moment, and then came up with an idea: "We can first conduct soil testing to understand the situation of this land so that we can fertilize and grow crops reasonably. At the same time, we can also consider introducing some natural ecological balance mechanisms to control the occurrence of pests and diseases.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement, and the two began to prepare. They first found professional soil testing instruments and deeply analyzed the nutrient content and pH of the soil. Then, they learned about ecological balance, selected some natural plants and insects, and introduced them into experimental fields, hoping to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases through the establishment of ecological chains.

In the process of experimentation, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan made great efforts. They are busy in the fields every day, carefully observing every detail of change. They take care of each crop and lay out the natural habitat of insects with their own hands.

After months of experimentation, the results began to appear. The crops in the experimental fields grew stronger, and the plump fruits hung all over the branches. Moreover, the incidence of pests and diseases has been significantly reduced, and the ecological balance in the experimental field has been initially established.

One day, children from the village came to visit the experimental field. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan introduced their experimental results to them and explained the importance of ecological protection. The children listened with wide eyes wide open, as if they saw a whole new world of farmland.

"Uncle, I also want to learn to farm, can I help? A little boy asked excitedly.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan looked at each other and smiled, and they encouraged these children to participate and contribute to the future protection of farmland. Since then, the experimental field has become a playground and learning base for the children in the village, where they learn the principles of respecting the land and protecting nature.

The success of the experiment made Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan feel extremely gratified. Their efforts have not only found a more sustainable development model for farmland, but also cultivated generations of awareness of ecological conservation. Their stories spread throughout the village and became part of the farming culture, influencing the wider region.

Early one morning after the rain, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan stood by the field, feeling the fresh air and moist soil. The rain moisturizes the crops and gives the fields a new lease of life. The people of the village are preparing for the upcoming farmland culture festival, hoping to pass on the experience of Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan to more people through this event.

"Tomorrow is the Farmland Culture Festival, are you ready? Xie Huaiqing looked at Li Xuan with concern.

Li Xuan nodded with a smile, his eyes full of confidence and expectation: "Yes, I'm ready." I hope that through this cultural festival, more people can be encouraged to pay attention to ecological protection and inherit ours. "

Good, you did a great job. This is our common goal and what we are working towards. Xie Huaiqing encouraged.

As the sun rises, the village is bustling with people dressed in festive costumes and gathering around the fields. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan led different groups to explain and experience ecological farmland.

"Hello everyone, welcome to our Farmland Culture Festival. In this field, we not only see a good harvest of crops, but also see a concept of living in harmony with nature. Xie Huaiqing stood on the podium and introduced people in a sonorous and powerful voice.

Li Xuan also stepped onto another podium, where he passionately shared the story of the experimental field and demonstrated the results of the ecological farmland. People listened intently, their eyes full of curiosity and appreciation.

During the festival, there are also various farmland-related events. People can experience farming with their own hands and learn about the hard work of the land. They can also participate in conservation games and interactions, gaining insight into the relationship between nature and humans.

At the end of the cultural festival, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan appeared on the main stage together. They jointly announced that they would establish a farmland college, which is committed to cultivating more farmland talents and inheriting the concept of ecological farmland. The people responded with warm applause and applause, and their decision was supported and encouraged by everyone.

Over time, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan's farmland college gradually grew. More and more people are joining the family, hoping to learn from their experiences and ideas. In a new season,

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