After the two brothers and sisters entered the courtyard.

None of the people in the yard knew where their two pairs of eyes were looking.

Is it to see the big fat fish in Xie Huainuan's hand, or to see the bicycle pushed by her brother?

Yan Bugui saw the brand new bicycle in his hand.

Suddenly I forgot what I was going to do.

That's a bicycle!

Or a Phoenix bike.

It is forty or fifty dollars more expensive than ordinary brands.

I haven't bought it yet!

How did this little cub buy it first.

Where did he get the money?

Yan Bugui looked at Xie Huaiqing, who was pushing the bicycle over, and stood up.

He held up his glasses and carefully looked at the brand new bike.

He found that the car was still a light women's bike.

This is a rarity!

And women's bikes are a little more expensive than men's bikes.

He asked incredulously.

"Kid, whose bike does this bike belong to?"

That's really not a good question.

If it weren't for your own bicycle.

Who would let a small child push a cart around the street.

Bicycles of this era are precious!

Someone once bought a bicycle later.

When I came back, I tied the car to the bed, and the wheels were dangling.

I almost took a glass cover and covered it.

The bicycle of this era is equivalent to a BMW in later generations.

Who would let a child who is not related to another family drive his own BMW?

Xie Huaiqing said to him angrily.

"I bought it myself, could it be that I still stole it?"

After the words fell, Qi Qi who was watching around gasped.

Make no mistake!

How could the Xie family be so rich?

The other day, their family just bought an electric fan.

Now there is still money to buy bicycles.

"What's going on with this Xie family, where did you get so much money?"

"Have you noticed, since the Xie family broke off relations with the Jia Zhang clan, life has been getting better and better."

"Do you say it will be the money left to them by Old Lady Jia?"

"Impossible! No matter how much Old Lady Jia hurts his daughter, he can't leave them so much money.

"Don't care where people get this money from, it's really enviable anyway."

"I don't know if Jia Wenxiu can remarry, with these things in her hands, it is okay to marry again!"

And Yan Bugui had already stayed in place at this time.

Xie Huaiqing easily had what he wanted!

If it weren't for his eldest son, he would have talked about marriage and married.

He wants to match his eldest son with Jia Wenxiu.

Little beast!

Qin Huairu scolded Xie Huaiqing in his heart with a calm face.

It's really which pot doesn't mention which pot, Jia Zhangshi just entered the bureau because of stealing.

Is this little beast referring to mulberry and scolding locusts?

She glared at the other party disapprovingly.

Then went back to cooking.

But the people in the courtyard gathered around.

Surrounded the car and began to look.

Some children still want to touch it.

was photographed back by his own parents.

Just kidding, what if you touch someone?

That's not paying!

Just stand and see!

At this time, someone noticed the fish in Xiao Nuan's hand.

"Look, there's a lot of fish."

Neighbors began counting the fish in her hands.

"One, two, three, four, there are four fish, and it's really not small."

"It's a lot more expensive than Yanbu."

I heard the people around me talking about this.

Yan Bugui shifted his gaze from the top of the car to Xiao Nuan's hand.

Look at those four fat fish.

At this time, he deeply doubted life.

Xie Huaiqing bought the bicycle before himself.

Why are the fish brought back bigger than your own!

"Which supply and marketing agency bought this fish of yours?"

Xie Huaiqing also saw the fish stripped of its scales in the other party's hand.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"The fish you caught yourself is too big and not very good-looking."

"It's still the three masters, your fish is beautiful, small, quite cute."

What the?

Yan Bu was so angry that he almost didn't break the fish in his hand.

Although the kid was smiling and talking.

But how does he feel that the other party is mocking himself!

"Let's go, I'm going home."

Xie Huaiqing took the fish from his sister and then pushed the bicycle to the door.

Unlocked and moved the bike into the house.

I didn't care about the neighbors who refused to leave outside.

He washed his hands and prepared to make spiced smoked fish for his sister to eat.

First take out a few tomatoes from the space and wash them.

Then he gave one to his sister, and he went into the stove.

First put star anise cinnamon in the pot and bring to a boil.

Add rock sugar, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, five-spice powder to mix well.

Take advantage of the cooking sauce.

The blue fish is cleaned and divided into two pieces with a knife along the main spines.

Then open two slices of fish and remove the soup.

Heat the oil and fry the sliced fish until golden.

Finally, drizzle with sauce-colored sauce and a plate of five-spice smoked fish is ready.

This plate of fish, looking at the people around him, was stunned.

"How to put so much oil, it's really willing."

"The child is not sensible, and when Jia Wenxiu returns, he must not be killed."

"So much fried fish must be delicious."

The stick terrier sitting in the doorway smelled this alluring fragrance.

The hara in his mouth couldn't help but flow out.

"It's so fragrant, why is their food so fragrant."

He endured the pain and got up from the ground.

Standing on tiptoe on one leg, he looked into the stove of the Xie family.

I saw Xie Huaiqing holding a plate of fish in his hand.

I'm heading towards the table!

The stick terrier swallowed hard.

Then he jumped on one foot and headed home.

He exclaimed.

"Mom, mom, Xie Huaiqing's family made fish to eat."

"I'm going to eat fish too."

His mind was full of that plate of fragrant fish.

The threshold under the feet was not noticed.


The stick terrier tripped over the threshold of his own house, and then fell violently to the ground.

"Oops, a

A piercing pain spread throughout his body from the broken leg.

In an instant, he cried and howled.


Qin Huairu, who was cooking in the stove, originally didn't want to pay attention to her son, who was noisily eating fish.

But after hearing my son's cry, my heart trembled.

She put down the spatula in her hand and went out to look.

"Stick terrier!"

Seeing the child who fell to the ground, she panicked in her heart.

After the stick terrier saw his mother come out, he cried even harder.

"Mom, I'm going to eat fish."

Qin Huairu's heart was painful and angry.

It hurt him to fall, angry he only knew how to eat.

"The legs are broken, and you still think about eating?"

She carried her son to the dining table angrily, wiped his hands, washed his face, and

then served the stir-fried cabbage and erhe noodle steamed buns she made on the table.

"Eat, Ming'er's mother will go and get you a fish back."

The stick terrier is still crying.

"No, no, I'm going to eat fish."

"Xie Huaiqing can eat fish, why can't I?"

"Mom, go and ask him!"

Hearing this, Qin Huairu was angry.

"Why don't you follow your grandmother well?"

"I don't study well!"

With that, he stretched out his hand.

Sweep the food off the table.

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