So they began a long and creative experimentation process. They tried a wide variety of spices, sauces and fresh ingredients, constantly adjusting the proportions to find the perfect taste. Sometimes, they work all night long, in pursuit of the perfect exclusive dip.

Finally, after countless attempts and adjustments, they finally created a unique dip that blends spicy, spicy, sweet and sour, and savory for an evocative taste. The process of making this dipping sauce is kept strictly secret, and only Zhang Xiuli and Xie Huaiqing know the proportion of each ingredient.

When they first introduced this exclusive dip in a hot pot restaurant, the response from guests far exceeded their expectations. People asked about this mysterious recipe, but they could only laugh and stick to the secret.

Business at hotpot restaurants is booming again, and people come here not only to taste the delicious ingredients, but also for that mysterious dip. Zhang Xiuli and Xie Huaiqing's hot pot restaurant became a legend in the city, and their exclusive dipping sauce became the city's food icon.

While the hot pot restaurant was a huge success, Zhang Xiuli and Xie Huaiqing also began to explore how to bring their unique cuisine to the lives of more people. Sitting in a corner of the hot pot restaurant, they began to share a new dream.

Zhang Xiuli said eagerly: "Mr. Xie, I have always wondered if our delicious hot pot and exclusive dipping sauce can be spread to more people in a new way?

Xie Huaiqing frowned, thought for a while, and then nodded: "You're right, Ms. Zhang." We could consider opening a branch, but at the same time, I was also thinking about whether we could sell our exclusive dipping sauce in a package so that more people could taste our delicious taste at home.

Zhang Xiuli's eyes flashed with expectation: "This sounds fantastic!" We can develop a plan to beautifully package our exclusive dips and then launch them for sale. In this way, not only can more people taste our delicacy, but also increase brand awareness. So

they began to plan a new adventure. They rented a small workshop to personally supervise the production of exclusive dips. They hired a team of chefs to teach them their unique recipes and ensure that each bottle of dipping was of high quality and unique taste.

Soon after, their exclusive dipping sauce was launched on the market and was immediately popular. People flock to buy this mysterious dip, not only for their own hot pot flavor, but also for gifts and unique cooking experiences.

Zhang Xiuli and Xie Huaiqing's hotpot empire continued to grow, and they opened more branches so that more people could enjoy their food. At the same time, they have also become actively involved in social activities, supporting food education and sustainable agriculture projects, giving back their passion and success to the society.

While Zhang Xiuli and Xie Huaiqing's hotpot empire was booming, they also began to think about how to provide more flexibility and convenience to diners. One day, when they were sitting in the office of the hot pot restaurant, Xie Huaiqing suddenly thought of a new concept: "Ms. Zhang, can we consider launching a self-service model?" In this way, customers can enjoy hot pot according to their taste and rhythm.

Zhang Xiuli looked at him suspiciously: "Self-help mode? That sounds like a good idea, but how do you get there?

Xie Huaiqing smiled: "I already have some preliminary ideas. First of all, we can provide each table guest with a tablet with our menu on it, and guests can order their own food and choose the seasoning. Moreover, we can set up a self-service area with a variety of ingredients for guests to take for themselves.

Zhang began to seriously consider the idea: "It does sound like it can provide more choice and interactivity for guests." However, we also need to train our employees to ensure they can adapt to this new model. So

they started preparing a new self-help model. They hired a group of young and enthusiastic staff to train them on how to operate tablets and interact with guests. At the same time, they also redesigned the layout of the hot pot restaurant, carving out a self-service area with various ingredients and seasonings for guests to pick up for themselves.

When the self-service mode was officially launched, guests were pleasantly surprised. They are free to choose ingredients according to their taste, try different combinations, and no longer have to wait for waiters to order. This new experience makes hot pot restaurants once again a popular spot in the city.

However, the self-service model also presents some challenges. Sometimes, guests accidentally waste ingredients, and the self-service area needs to be constantly maintained and replenished. But Zhang Xiuli and Xie Huaiqing know that innovation always comes with challenges, and they are relentlessly refining this model to provide a better experience.

With the success of the self-service model, the business of the hot pot restaurant is booming, but Xie Huaiqing began to feel a responsibility to pay more attention to sustainability and resource conservation. One day, he found Zhang Xiuli and proposed a new concept: "Ms. Zhang, although the business of our hot pot restaurant is becoming more and more prosperous, we should also consider how to pay more attention to environmental protection and resource conservation. I think we can reduce waste with some improvements.

Zhang Xiuli nodded in agreement: "You are right, Mr. Xie." We should try to reduce waste, which can both save costs and help protect the environment. Together,

they set out to make a series of improvements. First, they modified the menu and introduced a small portion menu option to reduce over-ordering and ingredient waste. Secondly, they introduced recyclable food containers to encourage guests to take home leftover ingredients and reduce food waste.

Xie Huaiqing also recommends using every part of the ingredients to minimize the waste of ingredients. Zhang took the advice and began looking for more creative ways, such as using leftovers for soup bases or seasonings.

These improvements not only make the hotpot restaurant more efficient, but also make their guests feel like they are dining in an environmentally conscious venue. Xie Huaiqing and Zhang Xiuli have also begun to actively participate in community environmental projects, supporting food donation programs and food recycling activities.

Soon, their hotpot restaurant became a model for sustainable dining in the city, attracting more environmentally conscious diners. Xie Huaiqing and Zhang Xiuli's efforts were recognized, and they knew that focusing on resource conservation and environmental protection was just another important aspect of their culinary journey.

After focusing on food sustainability and environmental protection, Xie Huaiqing and Zhang Xiuli decided to expand their focus to the beverage sector. Sitting in a corner of the hot pot restaurant, they began to discuss the upgrade of drinks.

Xie Huaiqing suggested: "Ms. Zhang, our hot pot restaurant has always been known for its food, but can we bring the same passion and innovation to the drink? I think a special drink menu can make the dining experience richer for guests. "

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