However, the situation became more tense, and news of infection continued to spread among the people in the palace. One of Li Xiu'er's friends, Fanghua Blooming Mai Ji Hua'er, was unfortunately killed by the plague. This news deeply touched Li Xiuer, and her eyes flashed with worry again.

"Huaiqing," her voice trembled, "we can't go on like this. My friend, she...

Xie Huaiqing understood her worries, and also felt that he could not do anything. He held Li Xiu'er's hand affectionately, "Li Xiuer, I am also worried about your safety. We have to find a way to find a safer place to stay away from this scourge.

Li Xiu'er stared into his eyes, firm and resolute, "Huaiqing, no matter what happens, I will not leave you. We have to face all this together, whether we live or die. Xie

Huaiqing heard that pharmacies in the city had been devastated by the plague, and that supplies of herbs and medical supplies were scarce, and people were flocking in search of cures. He firmly believed that only herbs could help them and protect them from the plague. So, he decided to find these valuable plants himself.

On his long journey, he passed mountains and rivers, through forests and wilderness. He constantly collected various herbs and carefully studied their properties and uses. His efforts were not in vain, and he gradually accumulated some herbs to fight the plague.

When he returned to Li Xiu'er's residence, he held a handful of herbs in his hand and a victorious smile on his face. He put the herbs on the table and said softly, "These herbs are our hope, they can protect us from the plague."

Li Xiu'er was grateful, she knew that this was what Xie Huaiqing was looking for at all costs for their future. She hugged him tightly, "Huaiqing, you are really my savior. I don't know how to thank you, but I know that I will always be by your side, no matter what happens, we will face it together. The

two began to work together to make herbal potions, carefully studying the properties of each plant, experimenting late at night until they found the most effective combination. They hope to be able to create a medicine that can save more people from the plague.

However, their task is not easy. As the plague raged and more and more people became infected, healing became increasingly difficult. Knowing that time does not wait for anyone, the two redoubled their efforts and kept looking for ways to improve in the hope of saving more lives. In this time of crisis, their love is not only the pillar of each other, but also the strongest hope in the city.

In the process of pharmacy, the relationship between Xie Huaiqing and Li Xiuer gradually warmed up. Their cooperation is not limited to herbs, but also includes mutual warmth and encouragement of the heart.

One night, when they sat in the dimly lit room, Xie Huaiqing raised his head, looked at Li Xiu'er gently, and said: "Xiu'er, although this time is full of difficulties, I have never felt so happy. Our love has grown stronger, our hearts have become connected and no matter what happens, we will spend it together.

Li Xiuer's eyes flashed with emotion, and she tightly held Xie Huaiqing's hand and responded: "Huaiqing, this period of time is the most precious time in my life. With you, I feel fearless and willing to move forward bravely for our future.

Their conversation was full of affection and commitment, and the two hearts hugged each other as if they could withstand the storms of the world together. However, the plague still threatens every corner of the city, and they know that their work is far from complete.

A few weeks later, they succeeded in developing a drug that could slow down the symptoms of the plague, and while not completely cured, could help many patients through the dangerous phase. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xiu'er worked tirelessly to personally deliver medicines to those in need to help them recover.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Xiuer's journey led them away from the city and into the wilderness. They carefully studied every leaf, every flower, looking for valuable plants that might help alleviate the plague.

One day, while walking through the mountains, Xie Huaiqing discovered a rare herb that was said to be able to suppress the spread of the plague. He happily picked it down, then turned to Li Xiu'er and said, "This is what we need, this herb may change everything."

Li Xiu'er readily agreed, knowing that this might be the answer they had been looking for. However, they also understand that herbs need to be carefully processed and thoroughly studied to be at their most effective.

After returning to their accommodation, they began to carefully study the properties of this herb. They worked tirelessly to experiment and try a variety of different preparations to find the best combination of drugs. At night, they sat under the lamp and discussed their progress enthusiastically.

Li Xiuer smiled and said, "Huaiqing, this is like our mission, to save more people."

Xie Huaiqing nodded, his eyes full of determination, "Yes, Xiu'er, we have to persevere, no matter how difficult it is. If we can find the right way, we can help more people avoid the plague. "

Their love and mission are intertwined and become an indestructible force. They are convinced that with their unremitting efforts, they will be able to find an antidote to the plague and restore calm and peace to the city. However, the challenges ahead are still numerous, and unknown difficulties await them.

Day after day, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xiu'er worked tirelessly to research herbs and improve preparations. They processed herbs into various forms of elixirs, experimented with their effects, and improved them again and again, striving to find an effective way to alleviate the plague as soon as possible.

However, in the process of herbal research, they have also encountered many difficulties and dangers. Once, when they were gathering herbs in the mountain forest, they encountered a group of mountain thieves. The thief stared at their herbs, threatening to rob everything.

"Hand over your herbs, or you won't want to leave!" The chief threatened.

Xie Huaiqing looked at Li Xiu'er, his eyes full of determination, he refused to give in, and said: "These herbs are what we are trying to collect to save the plague patients, and we can't give them to you.

Li Xiu'er stood beside Xie Huaiqing, her gaze was firm, "Yes, these herbs represent life, and we will not give up easily. Seeing

this, the mountain thieves fell into deep thought. In the end, they retreated and took only their food and some belongings, leaving behind herbs. The courage and determination of Xie Huaiqing and Li Xiu'er made it impossible for the mountain thief to hold on.

When they returned to their residence, they knew that their decision was the right one and that they could not give up because of difficulties. They continued their research on herbs, looking for clues to the antidote, hoping to alleviate the plague's damage. They know it's a long battle, but they won't stop until they find the answer. Their love grows tougher in the face of adversity, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to save the people of the city.

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