One night, he re-enters the dream and finds himself in an ancient library. The shelves are dusty books, each filled with mysterious symbols and unknown languages. He began looking through each book, trying to find out more about the owner of the face and the curse.

Suddenly, an ancient caretaker appeared in front of him. The caretaker's skin was pale as paper, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, and his voice was low and hoarse.

"You're here to find out, Xie Huaiqing. The caretaker said.

"Yes," Xie Huaiqing replied, "I will find the owner of the face and destroy the source of the curse."

The caretaker nodded, and then handed an ancient book to Xie Huaiqing. The cover of the book has a face similar to the owner of the face, but more ancient and evil.

"This is the biography of the owner of the face," explains the caretaker, "in which you will find everything about him, including his weaknesses and the source of his curse. But be careful, the owner of the face knows your plan and he will do everything in his power to stop you.

Xie Huaiqing took the book, his heart full of determination. He turned the pages of the book and began to read the contents of the biography. He learns that the owner of the face was once an ancient wizard who used dark magic in order to gain immortality, but was bound by his own curse in a nightmare. The source of the curse is a gemstone called the "Heart of Dreams", and only by destroying it can the curse be lifted.

As he learned more about the dream, Xie Huaiqing also gradually mastered his own power. He learned to manipulate dreams, turning them into his own weapons and tools. Each dream trip made him more determined.

In a dream, he came to an abandoned castle. The walls of the castle are covered with cobwebs that flicker in the dim light. Xie Huaiqing knew that this was a critical moment, and he had to find the source of the curse, the Dream Heart.

Just as he was looking for clues in the corridors of the castle, the owner of the face appeared again, but this time his expression was more sly.

"Do you think you can defeat me, Xie Huaiqing? The owner of the face said with a mocking smile.

Xie Huaiqing stood straight, no longer afraid. "I have learned everything about you," he replied firmly, "that your curse will be broken, no matter how strong you are." A

hint of displeasure flashed across the face of the owner of the face, and then he suddenly became transparent and disappeared into the walls of the castle. Xie Huaiqing knew that his opponent was becoming smarter and less elusive.

He continued his search for the castle and eventually came to an old crypt. There, he found a gemstone shimmering with a faint blue light, the heart of dreams.

But just as he tried to touch the gem, a powerful energy fluctuation surged out, knocking him back. The owner of the face reappeared, and his power seemed stronger than before.

"You can't defeat me," the owner of the face roared, his voice echoing like thunder, "I am the master of this dream, and you will never escape my control!"

Xie Huaiqing stood up, his eyes firm. "I've found the heart of dreams," he said, his voice full of determination, "it's the only way I can break the curse." In

that decisive battle, the power confrontation between Xie Huaiqing and the owner of the face became more and more intense. Sparks exploded in the air, the Heart of Dreams emitted a violent light, and the entire basement trembled violently.

"You can't stop me," the owner of the face roared, trying to suppress Xie Huaiqing with his dark power.

Xie Huaiqing was resolute and unyielding, he recalled his nightmare, and every fear turned into his persistence. "This curse must end," he cried out, "and I will not give up no matter what!"

Suddenly, his consciousness began to blur and his dreams began to fall apart. He felt himself being pulled out of his dream by a powerful force.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in his own bed, drenched in cold sweat. His dream seemed to be over, but the battle in the dream still echoed in his memory.

Soon after, he returned to the ancient library in search of more information about the owner of the curse and face. In an ancient book, he finds clues that reveal the secrets of the Dream Heart. It is described as a bridge between dreams and reality, and Xie Huaiqing himself is part of this bridge.

"The dream heart can only be found in your consciousness," the text in the book explains, "Your nightmare is its manifestation, it is constantly trying to turn your fear into power, but you also have the ability to control it and put an end to this curse."

Xie Huaiqing understood that there was a connection between him and the Heart of Dreams, and his dreams were a test, an opportunity, a chance to unlock the curse. He must continue to explore his nightmares, turn fear into power, and eventually find the heart of the dream and destroy the source of the curse.

As time passed, Xie Huaiqing gradually mastered the power of his dreams. Each nightmare made him stronger and better able to control the power of dreams.

In a dream, he comes to a dark labyrinth whose walls are covered with strange symbols. He felt the power of dreams surging through him, and he tried to use it to decipher the symbols.

Just as he approached a seemingly important symbol, the owner of the face appeared again, but this time, his attitude seemed to be a little different.

"Do you really think you can break the curse? The owner of the face asked, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"I will do my best," Xie Huaiqing replied firmly, "I have learned to control my dreams, and this curse will eventually be broken." The

owner of the face was silent for a moment, and then suddenly laughed, but this time the smile seemed to carry a hint of sadness.

"Maybe you really have a chance," he said, his voice softening, "but you also have to understand that lifting the curse could come at a higher cost."

Xie Huaiqing looked at the owner of the face suspiciously. "At what cost? He asked.

"You will lose a part of yourself," explains the owner of the face, "and your fears will leave you forever, but you will also lose a part of your strength." It's a balancing trade-off.

Xie Huaiqing took a deep breath, he understood that he could not turn back. He must keep going, no matter what the cost.

He finally solves the mystery in the labyrinth and finds another dream heart. But this time, he felt his power gradually weaken under the attraction of the dream heart, and the power of fear also left him, leaving a sense of emptiness.

Each dream became more and more real, and Xie Huaiqing could hardly distinguish the boundary between dream and reality. Each nightmare is like an adventure, taking him into various mysterious scenes.

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