Jia Wenxiu turned around and was about to go out.

But the director stopped her at this time.

"Wait a minute, you're just leaving?"

She turned her head immediately in fright.

"Director, is there anything else?"

The other party looked at her appearance and shook his head helplessly.

This General Xie's relatives are really honest.

But honestly, you won't be a demon.

Lift her to some position.

As long as you watch it yourself, you won't make a big mistake.

"I know you're moving materials in the warehouse, and the work inside is still too hard for you as a woman."

"In this way, from today you don't have to go to work there, you go to discipline."

"I'll go through the procedure later and get a formal document."

The director thought for a while.

"If anyone doesn't do a good job, you write it down."

"At the end of the month, the money will be deducted according to the deducted points."

"As for how to buckle it, let my secretary tell you."

"By the way, remember to call Yi Zhonghai to me."

After he finished explaining, Jia Wenxiu left the house.

After the explanation of the secretary of the factory director, she finally knew how to deduct this money.

There are ten points a month.

If only she caught it once.

Deduct one-tenth of the monthly salary.

If only she was caught more than ten times this month.

Then the next month's salary will also deduct the corresponding part.

When she found out, she was happy.

And that's a good thing!

Jia Wenxu, that guy, but he is sneaky and slippery every day.

If it weren't for his master taking care of him.

Don't think about receiving his monthly salary.

Others will look at Yi Zhonghai's face and let him go.

But not myself.

She went back to the fitter workshop.

Found Yi Zhonghai, who was working.

"Eh, the director called you!"

I saw that the other party glanced at her coldly, and then left.

Jia Dongxu next to him gloated.

"What did the director tell you to do?"

"Do you know that you are wasting the factory's finances, so you are let go."

Jia Wenxiu knew that he was deliberately humiliating himself.

Now workers, as long as they do not make a big mistake, will not be fired.

Iron rice bowls are not called for nothing.

She didn't look at each other squarely, but just said with a sneer.

"What for? You'll find out later!

At this time, Director Qian came over with a small book with a smile on his face.

"Wen Xiu, no, Sister Wen Xiu."

"I brought you your things."

His appearance made Jia Dongxu look surprised.

As we all know, Director Qian is a person who cannot afford to be early.

He usually looks like no one is in sight.

Only in front of Yi Zhonghai and a few other eighth-level fitters, a little good face.

The rest of the people, he usually ignored it.

How could he smile like a flower at Jia Wenxiu at this time?

Besides, didn't he just join forces with his master to bully her?

And Director Qian scolded Yi Zhonghai in his heart at this time.

This old thing, why didn't I tell myself.

That woman has a backstage!

The secretary next to Deputy Director Yang personally told himself.

The woman is now the deputy director of the fitter workshop.

And the person in charge is still the supervision of labor discipline!

He had just deducted her salary on his front foot.

The hind foot was promoted to deputy director.

It's not that there's something backstage!

He now regretted it very much.

I already knew that I would not follow Yi Zhonghai to harm people together.

Jia Wenxiu looked at Director Qian with a lewd look on his face.

Secretly pouted.

This face really becomes faster than the weather in June.

She took the attendance book and nodded.

Jia Dongxu reacted.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Before she could speak, she listened to Director Qian reprimand.

"What nonsense, do your job!"

He smiled at her again.

"If Sister Wen Xiu has nothing to do, I will leave first."

"Why, don't deduct my salary?"

"Yo, how dare you! Sister Wen Xiu, aren't you laughing? "

Look at each other's flattering looks.

Jia Dongxu froze for a while.

The other party's face also changed too quickly.

In the next second, a soft and sweet voice sounded.

The entire fitter workshop was quiet.

I only listened to Yu Haitang say on the radio.

"Leaders, as well as the vast number of staff friends, good morning, now announce a news of employee appointment."

"Jia Wenxiu, a female worker in the fitter workshop, has been promoted to deputy director of the workshop because of her good performance and discipline during her tenure, and after the unanimous decision of the leaders."

"In charge of the discipline assessment of the workers in the fitter workshop, if you have any questions, please go to the office before five o'clock this afternoon to find Director Yang for a response."

After the broadcast is over.

The inside of the fitter's workshop exploded.

"Jia Wenxiu, isn't she just here? How can I be promoted to Deputy Director?

"She can do this backstage, just now Director Qian smiled at her."

"I can't say that, after she came to the factory, she was indeed very hard-working."

"But this may be a good thing for us, we don't have to worry about being deducted points."

"Who knows, I only hope that Jia Wenxiu is a little stronger than Director Qian."

For a time, the workers in the workshop had a big discussion about Jia Wenxiu's promotion.

And after Jia Dongxu listened to this broadcast.

There was almost fire in my eyes.

By what!

The same is the descendant of the Jia family.

Why can Jia Wenxiu press himself everywhere?

In the courtyard.

She eats well and uses well.

Why can you still crush yourself in the factory.

And Jia Wenxiu faced the people in the workshop.

Bold and confident spoke.

"Comrades, Lu Yao knows that horsepower has seen people's hearts for a long time."

"I, Jia Wenxiu, am a person who has one thing to say and two things to say."

"As long as everyone works hard, I will definitely not deduct points for everyone."

"But if someone doesn't work well during work, then don't blame my men for being ruthless."

After the words fell, some workers secretly applauded her in their hearts.

Investigation discipline fell into her hands, maybe it was a good thing?

"Okay, let's get to work, I won't bother everyone."

"Sister Wen Xiu, shall we enter the office?"

Director Qian said with a fawning look.

This woman can reach the heavens to listen, if she doesn't shoot this.

I'm afraid that the other party will play some tricks on himself!

"Don't call me sister, call me Deputy Director Jia."

"Yes, yes, deputy director."

Jia Dongxu looked at the scene in front of him.

A deep jealousy surged in my heart.

"Jia Wenxiu, do you have any unsavory deal with Director Yang?"

"Otherwise, how could you rise so high so quickly?"

As soon as these words came out, Jia Wenxiu was furious.

She raised her hand and subtracted the other party's three points on the timebook.

"Jia Dongxu, if you don't work at work to slander the leader, deduct three points!"

"You! Slut! The

other party shouted angrily.

Looking at Jia Dongxu who jumped on his feet.

Instead, her mood calmed down.

It turns out that bullying people is so cheerful!

"Jia Dongxu, if you don't work at work and insult the leader, deduct three points!"

Listen to the three-point deduction.

A fishy sweetness welled up in Jia Dongxu's throat.

A mouthful of blood came out with a pop.

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