"Are you dreaming?"

Xie Huaiqing took a step forward and stopped him and his mother.

Looking at the other party's anxious blush and thick neck, he mocked.

"Didn't Uncle just say? Whoever gets the things on this tree will be counted as his.

"Are you not convinced by Uncle's decision now?"

"Now he's still standing there, you go and ask him, if he agrees with me to give it to you, I'll give it to you."

The crowd of onlookers also looked at Jia Dongxu.

If only he could speak, it would be great.

Although this magpie egg is small, it is not bad to get one.

Who would eat too much!

But how could Jia Dongxu open this mouth.

Even if he asked, how could the eldest master agree.

As long as this matter is mentioned, it is clear that he wants to step on the other party's face.

He didn't want to offend his master.

So he lowered his face and stared at the Xie family deadly.

Xie Huaiqing will still be afraid of this?

He glanced at the other party lightly.

Then he took his mother and sister back to the house.

After such a toss in the morning.

The weather is already hot.

You can't catch a fish.

Let's talk about it in the afternoon.

After he entered the house, the inside of the yard exploded.

"Why do I think this is a bit evil, why are the eggs in this bird's nest waiting for him to pick them up alone?"

"It's not certain, this kid usually climbs up and down, and it's not strange to know where there are eggs."

"Xie Huaiqing, this kid is really lucky, we haven't found one in the hospital for so many years, he is good, and found two litters at once."

"This Jia Dongxu, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice, and he didn't find someone else's house, but lost his own family."

"Speaking of which, will there be trees in the front yard and backyard, after all, there are also bird's nests on it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was moved.

Angry that the talker beat himself up.

What am I doing with this opening!

Is it bad to make a fortune in a muffled voice?

Jia Dongxu also heard it, and ran to the backyard.

He went up to the tree, and there was nothing on the branch but a bird's nest.

He hurried to the front yard again.

The hands of those who came down from the trees in the front yard were also empty.

With a hateful kick, he smashed the flower pot in front of the three grandfathers' house.

He was suffocating in his heart.

Originally, I was going to take the things in the Xie family's bird's nest.

But don't say that the Xie family's things haven't been obtained now.

That is, my family's money and tickets were taken away.

Jia Dongxu now regrets this in his heart!

He already knew that he would not listen to Qin Huairu's prodding and go to discuss this matter with the eldest master.

He was now holding his heart and wanted to vomit blood.

Seeing that the bird's nests in the trees in this yard have been drained.

People still don't find anything.

One by one, they went back to their homes.

Jia Dongxu was still angry.

He went to the house of a grandfather to complain.

"Sir, you have to decide for me!"

"You see that little mongrel of the Xie family doesn't have it, he is really proud!"

"Obviously it was something taken from my tree, why did he take it all."

Yi Zhonghai sat next to him and looked at his apprentice.

I was a little unhappy in my heart.

For this matter today, he almost made the little cub of the Xie family unable to get off the stage.

This product came to entangle itself again, did he think about it for himself.

He said lightly.

"So what do you want?"

"I've already said it, and I'll do what you say."

I heard the master speak like this.

He chuckled in his heart.

He could hear that the other party was a little angry.

A faint resentment arose in his heart.

I'm going to give you a pension, can't you help me more?

He did not dare to show the slightest resentment on his face, but just said.

"Master, I don't want them all, I just want half of them."

After the words fell, Yi Zhonghai frowned.

"Dongxu, it's not that the master won't do it for you."

"It's too difficult, master, my words have just come out."

"You want me to ask for it, you are clearly going to throw my face on the ground and step on it!"

After all the words are said, it stands to reason that ordinary people are no longer good to say something.

However, this Jia Dongxu is not an ordinary person.

He said cheekily.

"Master, you should be a poor poor stick terrier."

"That child is still lying on the fence to raise his body."

"The doctor said that he was slow because of a lack of nutrition."

When it comes to children, Yi Zhonghai compromises.

"Well, you can take some rice noodles from your house and exchange eggs with him."

The other party went back home and scooped up a small half a kilogram of noodles.

Then followed the eldest uncle into the Xie family.

"Xie Huaiqing, you exchanged this bastard of yours with the Jia family."

"Don't worry, don't ask for it in vain, take the grain and exchange it with you."

Yi Zhonghai said straight to the point.

Xie Huaiqing looked at the bag in his apprentice's hand.

Good fellow, it is estimated that there is less than three or two grain.

I want to change the egg in my hand.

What a dream!

He shook his head and said resolutely.

"Don't change!"

Jia Dongxu was anxious.

He smashed the noodle bag on the Xie family's table.


Xiao Nuan was so frightened that she cried.

"Woo-hoo, mom, Xiao Nuan, I'm afraid."

Jia Wenxiu quickly carried her into the compartment to comfort.

Just listen to what the other person says.

"Little cub, don't give a face."

"Take this pound of noodles, I can already look at you."

"Bring me your things if you know them, otherwise you want to stay in this courtyard..."

Look at each other's greedy faces.

Xie Huaiqing's heart was on fire.

Dare to scare his sister.

He jumped up directly, used full force, and slapped the other party.


Jia Dongxu flew directly out of the door of the Xie family.

The face that had already grown was now swollen even more exaggerated than before.

It is red, as if with a light touch, the skin will be broken, and the flesh inside will flow out.

He howled miserably.

Xie Huaiqing sneered and picked up the knife that was placed on the table to cut the watermelon.

"Jia Dongxu, Yi Zhonghai, I advise you to get acquainted with each other."

"I'm seven years old, and even if I kill someone, I won't go to jail."

"So you guys still weigh things up."

He still looks like a child, and he looks cute and beautiful on the outside.

But at this time, Yi Zhonghai felt that the other party was not cute at all.

The other party's eyebrows were full of murderous aura, as if they would really kill people.

He hurriedly said: "Xiaoqing, calm down.

Then he quickly went out and took Jia Dongxu away.

Xie Huaiqing looked at the two of them and smiled coldly.

Jia Wenxiu came out holding her daughter.

She looked at her son in amazement and said.

"Boy, we can't do that kind of thing!"

How come!

He smiled helplessly.

"Mom, I'm all acting."

"How, do I act like that?"

Good villain is also an actor who has played some sick villain and won the best supporting actor.

Isn't it easy to play a murderer?

Hearing this, Jia Wenxiu relaxed his heart.

And Xie Huaiqing looked at the confusion card in the space.

Decided to teach Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu a lesson!

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