The weather is getting cooler.

Crossing to the courtyard, it was also more than a month.

After so many days of feeding.

He finally fed Xiao Nuan, the girl, white and fat.

These days, he changed his way of making food for his family.

Now Xiao Nuan's mouth has become very picky.

Not something produced in the system.

She also hated the bad taste.

My mother's work in the factory also became more and more comfortable.

However, the Jia family has not been going well.

There was a curse sound coming from the Jia family's house.

He faintly heard it.

Jia Dongxu's salary last month was deducted by his mother.

In addition to the things inside the factory, in the courtyard.

In this month, the Jia family was indeed unlucky enough.

Every now and then, magpies spray at his doors and windows.

Jia Dongxu went out to work.

The magpie pecked him all the way on the head.

After he came back.

The flocks of magpies seem to be boiling even more.

Puff la flew down and chirped at him.

He was hiding in the house.

The magpie is also barking and squirting at his doorstep.

These birds call quite intensely.

Xie Huaiqing estimated that what he scolded was not a good word.

This was seen by the people in the courtyard.

Let Jia Dongxu catch a magpie and fold a plum branch and hang it on the east wall.

Magpie make a fuss, first "make a fuss" with the green hat.

Then put a copper rooster against the east wall.

Peck hard with the rooster, cut the green hat and remove the roots.

Jia Dongxu beat Qin Huairu a few more times for this.

Jia Zhangshi was even more dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Toss her harder.

"Xiaoqing, come and see, do you like this bag?"

His mother said to him carrying a green imitation military shoulder bag.

No wonder my mother worked in front of the sewing machine these nights.

It turned out to be to make a school bag for himself.

Xie Huaiqing naturally would not brush off his mother's kindness.

A smile hung on his face.

"Like, mom, you do so good-looking."

In fact, he didn't tell a lie.

In this day and age, children don't have any school bags to buy.

The bags supplied by the supply and marketing agency are all neat military shoulder bags.

All of them are written in 5 big red painted characters "Serve the people".

But buying this kind of bag requires a ticket, and the price is not low.

And it's also big and heavy, and it's not appropriate to carry it for children.

So some people began to use their brains and imitate military bag backs themselves.

The military shoulder bag his mother made for him is a copy of it.

Don't look at a counterfeit bag.

In the eyes of today's children, it is a super fashionable thing!

It is comparable to the arrogance of a child who has five dollars a day in pocket money.

"Just like it, let's go on your back."

Jia Wenxiu picked up her daughter and urged her son.

It's just a sign-up, don't be so formal!

He complained in his heart, but obediently put on his school bag.

The courtyard courtyard in Hongxing Road Primary School is very close.

No need to ride a bike, it's a five-minute walk.

There are already people lining up at the scene.

Xie Huaiqing counted the people at the scene.

I found that there are quite a few of these people.

The children of the nearby compound basically gathered here.

In this era, they all went to school nearby, and there was no concept of school district housing.

Anyway, the school is quite close to home, and parents are happy to send their children here to study.

Children do not need to be picked up, they can go home to eat, saving parents a lot of worry.

When Xie Huaiqing counted people, he found that the stick terrier and Qin Huairu were also listed.

It's three steps ahead of them.

Yes, the stick terrier should also go to school.

He and the other party are cousins.

But they were all born in the same year, and the difference in months is not much.

He was born a month early.

Therefore, the other party is also of school age.

Quickly got to the place of registration.

The registered teacher first asked the child how many years he was born and how old he was.

If you are less than seven years old, the teacher will dissuade you.

"Come back when you're seven years old."

If you turn seven, the teacher will ask questions.

The topic is also very simple, all common sense.

It's not difficult for the little ones at all.

So as long as you are basically of normal intelligence, you can pass the teacher's test.

It's already the turn of the stick terrier.

The teacher asked.

"What's your name?"

"Stick terrier."

"Oh, it's the first time I've heard someone with the surname Bang."

Qin Huairu was stupid after hearing this.

"Teacher, our children are not surnamed Bang."

"If the surname is not Bang, then you tell me that it is a Stick Terrier."

The teacher's tone was not very good.

There are so many people waiting for this registration!

This is tantamount to wasting the teacher's time and increasing the workload of others.

She had to say with a shy face.

"Teacher, our child's surname is Jia, and his name is Jia Terrier."

"Eh, isn't my name a stick terrier?"

Her son stood aside and snorted.

"Teacher, my name is Stick Terrier, I'm not called Jia Terrier."

Looking at this bear child, the teacher wrote the word Jia Terrier on the registration form without anger.

Then show it to each other.

"Are those two words?"

Qin Huairu's face showed an embarrassed look.

"Teacher, I can't read."

"So be it."

The teacher put the registration form away.

Then come up with a serious style in class.

"Jia terrier!"

"Come, the teacher asked you."

"What is one plus one?"


the stick terrier tilted his head and asked with a look of ignorance.

The teacher showed a helpless expression.

Qin Huairu saw it.

Quickly reached out and poked him twice in the back.

"You kid, you don't know how much one plus one equals?"

He felt itchy on his back and twisted his body and said.

"Mom, don't poke me, I'm itchy."

The teacher was a little annoyed by their small movements.

He endured impatience and extended the index finger of his left hand, and then extended the index finger of his right hand.

Release one after the other, and then put together.

"Little friend, you look at the teacher's finger and tell the teacher."

"What is one plus one?"

The stick terrier laughed, such a simple question the teacher still asked.

"Equal to fingers!"

He replied confidently and loudly.

After the words fell.

Qin Huairu couldn't help but sigh and stretched out his hand to cover his face.

The people around them also burst out laughing.

Who's this kid.

If you don't know how to count, forget it.

It's all about the ocean.

She hated that iron could not be made of steel and hammered her son twice.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"That's two!"

Then she smiled.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, this kid is used to being wild at home."

"Neither my grandmother nor I have any education, and we really can't teach some children."

It turned out to be no father!

The teacher immediately felt that he really deserved to die.

His little impatience all became guilt.

"It's okay, it's normal for a child to have no father and a lack of education."

"Don't worry, after entering the school, we will definitely teach your son to become a talent."

When the words fell, Qin Huairu's head was full of question marks.

"Teacher, my man is not dead..." The

other party felt that he was being teased, and immediately became furious.

"Then why don't you say he has a father."

"You have no education with your mother-in-law and can't teach children."

"Can't his dad teach?"

Qin Huairu did not dare to speak.

At this time, a female teacher next to him spoke.

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